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I have a feel-good story

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I apologize ahead of time for the length of my story - bear with me please. I'm taking Chantix to quit smoking. The craving is gone but the habit aspect is still here so I'm either yapping or typing. So take pity on one who has smoked for 30+ years. This is gonna be loooooong.

    Okay -
    I was fostering Newt and Hugo. They went home to a lady in Mass 2 weeks ago this coming Saturday. This lady works as an inhome nurses aid. She is from Haiti and can't quite handle driving on our interstates (don't blame her there). Her brother was going to bring her up to NH but he backed out at the last minute. She called me the morning of meeting and told me her boss was going to meet me to get Newt and Hugo. I was hoping to meet the adopter but wasn't to be. She also told me the lady meeting me is named Mary (easy for me to remember) and this woman has 3 siamese cats.
    I meet the woman we talke siamese cats for a bit and I find out she has 2 bluepoints, 1 lilac point and she would love to add another male.
    That night I call the adopter and she told me Mary thought I was very nice (ahhhhh) and this woman is a multi-millionaire! You wouldn't have knwon it very down to earth, no airs, nothing fancy - my kinda person.
    Her husband is "sir" something and used to teach Greek somethinga at Oxford and was knighted. This woman (I googled her) has degrees I can't even begin to understand and she writes books. I was very impressed and want her to adopt ME, but I have brown eyes.
    Anyway.....(should write a book) I knew Rescue was waiting for foster space for a 7 year old male lilac point (see where I'm going with this). So I emailed the adopter to ask this woman if she'd be interested. The cat was in a shelter in Mass about an hour from them and she wouldn't have to go through Rescue's strict application process adn psosibly lose out on him.
    This cat was SUPPOSED TO BE WITH HER. Lilac point, not young, male, AND her husband is elderly AND this cat had an elderly male owner who had to go into a nursing home and his life revolved around this cat.
    Sinbad has been living with the woman a week.....for privacy purposed I won't post the picture of Sinbad sound asleep on her husband's lap (he isn't well)
    but this is only after being there a week
    he is closest to the arm of the chair. And he loves his new Daddy!!!!
    I don't have to do anything nice for the rest of the year
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Mary_NH. That is great news, but which cat is it? They both look close to the arm of the chair. Also, congratulations on quitting smoking. :eek: :y_the_best: It is a very tough thing to do. Especially if you have been smoking for so long. It's always good to no longer be a slave to your addiction. Hang in there. You can beat this!
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    What a great story! :D I love happy endings :mrgreen:
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Sinbad is on the left
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    That was a nice story.

    Best of luck on quitting smoking. You are going to feel so much better and will be healthier.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Great story Mary! :eek: Best of luck quitting smoking. I believe in you. You can do it! :eek:
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    <sniff> Nice story.
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    How is the smoking going, Mary_NH? I know for a fact that cold turkey has the highest success rate.

    A funny quote by Mark Twain: "It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it dozens of times!." LOL :wink:
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    it hasn't been too bad, thanks for asking. Chantix takes care of the cravings but the habit aspect is a bit tougher. At work there are 2 other smokers who call out "smoking" when they head outside. It's been so automatic to get up and go with them that my first instinct is to get up. But that's getting easier to shut out with every day that goes by.
    I have had a couple due to an incident last night with a foster cat and the end of results involving some STRESS!!! But she's leaving us next week. My doctor had told me to not even think about starting Chantix is there was any little stress going on so I waited until we got the house selling thing over with, finances back where they usually are - then started. And last night foster Sarina attacked DH - again...he nearly tossed her out. That'll be another post

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