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now my feel not so good story

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have a foster right now named Sarina. She was adopted from Siamese Rescue when she was a year old and kept until this year and she's now 6-1/2 years old. Supposedly she was adopted for the teen daughter, whom we hear loved her very much. Daughter went off to college, parents divorced and no one wanted the cat - so back to rescue. I'm also told when she was adopted she was a very nice cat.
    I have no idea what these people did to her but she' no nice cat now!!!
    She's been with us a month this Saturday and so far has attacked DH twice and last night she got him good/bad. Sarina was laying on the floor, relaxing, and DH was petting her. She suddenly grabbed his arm with her front claws and teeth then started kicking his arm with her back paws. She really god him.
    The other times weren't quite as bad cause he was quick enough but this time, after working outside in this heat all day laying tiles around a pool, he was tired enough his reflexes are shot.
    So I got order to "get this cat out of my house"....and yes she's attacked me but I see the signs so can get away from her. She goes after legs. I cannot let her have run of the house cause she and Zeus have had a couple of nasty fights leading to wounds. She chases my other cats.
    So I emailed rescue and said she has to go. So next weekend she heads to VA. Normally rescue doesn't take mean cats due to the liability (if Sarina was a dog she wouldn't be alive right now) but she was a return.
    So Paul getting attacked set off a barrage from him, my son now 18 told him we got it, Paul got after Geoff, Geoff left and spent the night in his car in the parking lot of the restaurant where he works.
    Not fun....
  2. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Wow. I'm sorry you're going through all of that. It sounds like a sad and frustrating situation.

    I hope things work out in the end.
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Sorry for all you're going through, Mary. When Moe attacked me, my first reaction was to send her back to the humane society. Thankfully DH convinced me to give her another chance and I'm so gald I did. Sarina sounds like she's not going to "get better" though. Poor girl!
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    with Sarina not being my cat I can't subject my family to the tortures of a "non-pet" cat. My husband, being a mason, needs his hands for work. I can't risk him getting torn up, getting infected and not being able to work. And he doesn't have health insurance. So if he did get an infection from the bite and/or scratch we are left w/the medical bills :cry: and for a foster cat!! So he'd be out of work, we'd be stuck with medical bills so a foster cat can be safe....I can't go that far.
    I like Sarina....I think with tons of patience someone can do something for her. I just can't risk injuries like this to my family
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Mary, you did the right thing. Sarina can be rehabilitated but it will take a lot of time and patience given the right household with the right circumstances. Big hugs! I hope some of your love rubbed off on her.

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