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my parakeets should I worry

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Deborah, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. Deborah

    Deborah New Member

    About three months ago I got a set of parakeets, one male who is over a year old and the other bird is almost a yr old. we just found out that it was a female. I acually am happy and excited in hopes that she will lay some eggs. They have been housed together since the other owner had gotten her when she was abit younger. {not knowing at time she was a female} ok my ?s....I did by some advice get a nest box . , for some time now they have fed one another , chased eached other round the room and cuddled and have done all the things they do when they "court"
    {she will be 1 in Dec} so far she has not layed eggs. ..they eat good healthy food and have fly time out of cage. ...are they not interseted in one another that way or she still too young ...I love them and enjoy them , love hearing them sing and chirp, so I am fine if she doesnt lay eggs.., but just would be kinda nice to see what happens. any advice
  2. Hai

    Hai New Member

    Hi Deborah. Parakeet is a common name for a few species of small parrot. Are you referring to budgerigars exactly? For your bird to lay egg of course you have to be sure about the gender first. It's good that you already have a nesting box. Are you feeding the female cuttlefish bone? The bone provides calcium for formation of egg shell. Nothing to worry about. Breeding is a natural thing and it usually happens with surprise. Just be prepared anytime to dedicate more time to take care of them in case they breed.
  3. Deborah

    Deborah New Member

    yes my birds are male and female

    yes, Like I mentioned , we have found out that our bird{the female} was for certain a female. Yes , the parakeets are of the bungie breed. The male is the typical green body with yellow head area and blue across his nose. and the female is a pretty pale blue with some white feathers . and she does not have any color across her nose. , he is , what I was told , over a yr old and she will be a yr. in Dec. , and yes , each set of birds have plenty of vuddle bone in cage , and are eatting veggies and nut bread. ...Just a little update which could be iencouraging ...I looked up from the sofa where I was reading and saw the male by the bird feeder , thrusting back and forth. He did this two differant times today. Does this mean he wants to mate and she is not ready ? or could they already be mating maybe at night? why would he be doing this to the feeder and not her.? thank you for any and all advice and help.
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I would take the nest box out (if it is already in their cage). If she's almost a year old she is too young and immature to be raising chicks and you could run into some serious problems like eating eggs, abandoning their eggs and attacking their young, it's better to wait until they are atleast 18 months old.

    How much research have you done on breeding? Sometimes it can all go well and you'll have a healthy clutch of chicks but what if the parents abandon them? Do you have the time and are you willing to handfeed chicks every couple of hours if the parents won't take care of them?
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi she is way to young to be breeding, The nest box needs to come out and she needs putting in a cage on her own.
    She should be atleast 18months old before she is allowed to breed.
    Young birds like old birds are prone to egg binding which is fatal if not noticed and veterinary attention sought staright away.

    Younger birds are also known for killing there chicks so my advice would be to seperate them and remove the nest.

    I have never bred any of my birds until 18months or older and they were never put together until then.


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