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Law Enforcement At My House

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by True_Pits, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Well I'm still a little simmering, but what can I do. John was outside doing some yard work and working on his Scout. I'm inside doing some registration stuff and see that its about 5:00 so I need to go scoop the yard. I finish up what I'm doing and look up at the monitor and see in the front drive their is a Sheriff patrol car parked. I'm pretty calm but of course as I approach the door I get a little panicked! What are they going to do. Whats going to happen to my dogs. After all this stuff thats being going on with their everyone is a dog fighter deal and after the story I read last night I'm still a little unnerved. I read where they falsely took a families dogs and after returning the them the dogs were in horrible condition! I was so worried. They say for the "humane treatment" but there is nothing humane about starving and neglecting an innocent dog. I didn't want my dogs getting kennel cough, mistreated, and looking like skeletons.

    Well thank goodness this guy actually had some sense. They were over talking near Twister and the guy was sorry he had to come out but said he didn't have a choice. I was so pissed some dumbass called and said the dogs weren't being taken care of. As if anyone would know, we live out in the country, 15+ minutes from town and all around our land is farm land with crops. Who the hell would call? Thats how it is when you have Pit Bulls, no one even comes out here unless its a friend, but some people still know where we live.

    He said he saw nothing wrong here, they all had shelter, water and were well fed and didn't have any type of wounds or noticeable scars. Then the talk turned to much lighter talk. He isn't against the breed which is great, the last guy who was out here was such a dimwit about Pit Bulls. This officer said they get some complaints, some turn out to be nothing and others have been aggressive. The drug houses they raid have Pit Bulls, but he said its not the dogs its the owners who get them for bad intentions. The most problems he's had with any breed is Chow and Chow mixes. So that was at least nice to hear. I don't think chows are bad dogs and he wasn't saying that either, but they tend to be a one person dominant dog, not something to many people know how to deal with. Well he took all his notes and asked all his questions and made it very clear there is no problem. So hopefully all that was for real, I know something they try to surprise and you play like they won't be back. But since it was a call in no one should be out unless someone else calls. The only other time there was a call was when the loser owner up the road wouldn't keep his heelers in their own yard and they were starting stuff down here so he was pissed.

    It was funny when that guy was telling one of our Pit Bull friends how much he hated Pit Bulls and lived near some that were just vicious fighting dogs, that were always running loose (which is quite the opposite when my husband has to shoot near them on our property and clean their pee off his tires) and that there was like mean 100 Pit Bulls...lol Such exaggeration. He admitted to him what was already known though.
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I wondered if that was what you meant in your email! JEEEEESH!

    Truly someone would have to come on your property and walk around to take a look at your dogs...to even see how many or if they were well fed or any of that and if they did get that close they'd know the dogs were healthy and in good condition with food, shelter, water etc... What idiots. Some people, seriously.

  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah that is totally it. It is probably just someone being a butt and calling on stuff they know nothing about.

    The officer said that they get a lot of people calling in about the cattle, people come from out of state and call and say the cattle have no shelter. Which isn't required by law and they don't need. They have tough thick hide. They are warmer in the winter then we are with coats.

    You can't see anything and the neighbors sure aren't close with all the crop land. The only way they could know anything is by coming on the property. If they came on the property they are trespassing. If they are trespassing they are breaking the law. I'm not too nice to trespassers. I don't think this is what happened, I don't check the cameras unless somethings amiss so who knows.

    If I find a snooper they will be shot at. I can't wait to get the steel fence completely finished and my dog grown!!!!! The laws here are pretty much for the property owner when it comes to things like this. You don't want to mess with me, but you sure as hell don't want to mess with my dogs, I'll get fired up a lot quicker.

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