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hamster problem, please help!

Discussion in 'All other pets' started by feather friend, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. feather friend

    feather friend New Member

    My sister has a teddy bear/golden hamster who is very sweet, and we were using aspen bedding, but we changed because he was coughing. We swichted to care fresh (not colored) because that is what they were using for him in the pet store. Is this the right bedding? And he climbs the bars of the cage then falls back down. Is this normal, for we have a two floored cage, would a one floored cage be better? 8-[ My sister got her first hamster the other day, but it died the next. Was it because we used aspen bedding, for that is what we used for him? Was it because he was handled to much? But we got her a new one (his name is TEDDY) and were using care fresh now. All replys are helpful. :D
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Aspen isn't known cause respiratory problems like pine and cedar do. Aspen is a hardwood and doesn't contain the phenols (aromatic oils) that softwoods like pine and cedar contain which contribute to respiratory problems in small animals.

    In my experience CareFresh is a good bedding alternative to the traditional beddings. I've used it for my rabbit and hamsters but it became too pricey to be used on a regular basis (I was using about one 50 liter bag a week and was costing me about $30-35 per week). I use Aspen now myself and have also used hemp in the past.

    As far as climbing, most hamsters do it. A two story cage should be fine as long as they're not climbing too high where they could fall enough of a distance to get seriously injured. The only thing I tend to watch out for with the larger breeds of hamsters is if the cage has tubes. Manufacturers tend to put in tubes that are fine for dwarf hamsters but tend to be too small for the larger ones once they are full grown.

    With regards to your hamster dieing the next day we can only speculate. It could have been anything from a prolonged illness to an injury. I've never seen a hamster die from being handled too much unless they were handled incorrectly.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    For my hamsters and gerbils i only ever use plain unscented woodshavings as i have found with aspen and other woodshavings that are scented cause respiritory (sp) problems.

    I would have it checked out by a vet and change the shavings and see how he goes.

    As for climbing the bars and falling back down this is normal, I put old kitchen paper tubes or toilet paper tubes in to chew on and play in.
    Also i have a habitat home for a couple of my hamsters as they love running round all the tubes.

  4. feather friend

    feather friend New Member

    The bedding he had was infact aspen pine from kaytee inc. Thanks for the help :D
  5. Juubei

    Juubei New Member

    About The Cage Problem

    For me I think it would be better to use a one floored cage. I once used a two floored cage but my hamster climbed out of the cage (she is very strong) :eek: :eek: then she fell down :( I was ashamed of myself because I insisted on using a two floored cage :oops: I always used a one floored cage after that.
  6. Juubei

    Juubei New Member

    About The Cage Problem

    For me I think it would be better to use a one floored cage. I once used a two floored cage but my hamster climbed out of the cage (she is very strong) :eek: :eek: then she fell down :( I was ashamed of myself because I insisted on using a two floored cage :oops: I always used a one floored cage after that.

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