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somebody please help me

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Kimberly, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. Kimberly

    Kimberly New Member

    My cat just had kittens 5 kittens about 4 weeks ago. Missy the mother cat my kids let her outside last night. And sad to say we found her dead in an ally behind our house. I went to the vet and got some Pro-Biolac for kittens and some bottles. We have been bottle feeding them all day today, I have been wiping their privates with a warm rag and they pee but none of them have pooped yet today is that normal or when should they have a bowl movement? Also they cry alot I am just afraid something is wrong or I am not doing something right. They all eat about 10 to 15 mm every 4 to 6 hours. Are they crying because They miss mommy or am I doing something wrong. I also put some soft stuffed animals in their box and soft blankets. Will this help them? please if anyone can talk to me about this I would be so thankful, I have never done this before so it's all new to me. Thank You Kimberly
  2. vene

    vene New Member

  3. Kimberly

    Kimberly New Member

    Thanks for the help

    Thank you for the help. I am new to this and I just want to make sure I am doing everything right so nothing happens to them. I just want to thank you so much.
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Sorry about mommy-cat. I have no advice, but I wanted to wish you good luck. Those poor babies! :cry:
  5. Juubei

    Juubei New Member

    About the crying kittens

    The same thing happened to me too. I am not quite sure what the problem is but after 1 month,the kittens were okay so just wait.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    hope the kittens are doing well - I've fostered kittens that young who have done fine w/out their mommas.
    Perhaps they aren't getting enough to eat. I'd start making a slurry out of canned kitten food and KMR to see if they'd lick that up. Supplement w/it. At 4 weeks they should be able to start licking up a slurry mixutre on their own.
  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. How are the kittens doing? I'm so sorry about the mama cat. That is so sad. :(

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