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yet another new foster along with new Zeus & Dixie battl

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    first the foster...Coco VA5357 (http://www.siameserescue.org) what a handsome fellow.
    But terrified. I got him Saturday morning and he hasn't eaten ANYTHING. Baked chicken, good wet food/bad wet food, snacks, tuna juice - none of them so tonight I start syringe feeding. At an underweight 11 pounds this'll be a fun NOT but he's sweet so I'm not too worried. Last night he lashed out at me when I was petting him. But I saw the warning signs and didn't pay attention to what he was telling me. I deserved it I guess and he didn't get me too badly. I may be getting older but the reflexes still kick in when they need to.
    He's the toughest foster I've had in some time. I think he'll be enjoying the holidays with us.
    My mother gave me her treadmill. She can't use it, I need it so she let me have it.
    Dixie and Zeus are fighting over the right to sit on it :roll:
    Zeus will lay on it, Dixie wants it.
    Dixie will lay on it, Zeus wants it.
    Of course until one or the other are laying on it neither of them pay any attention to it.
    There's no winning
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    You always have your hands full, don't you?

    Artemis is the same way - wants whatever Moe has/is lying on.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Coco is a very handsome fella! I'm sure he'll turn around soon under your TLC.

    Lol about Dixie and Zeus and Artemis and Moe. They are just like little kids. :mrgreen:
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Coco is now eating. I wasn't informed that he will ONLY eat Purina One Chicken and Rice. When the evaluator finally let me know that I ran out and bought some and he's eating now, and much more social.
    The funny thing is my cats eat Purina One tuna and chicken (I think that's the one) and I was offering that to him. Nope not his food he didn't eat from Saturday until Monday when I was finally informed. Now he's eating.
    The little stinker
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    What a finicky little eater, lol. We are all glad that he's finally eating. :eek:
  6. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. Hope Coco feels better soon and finds a wonderful forever home. LOL about the treadmill. I wonder how long you will use the treadmill before you too want to get rid of it? :wink:
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I HAVE to use the dreadmll. When I stopped smoking I put on a few pounds and I HATE IT.
    We walked all summer and fall but now it's dark too early to do that.
    When Dixie lets me of course LOL

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