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diahrea in male cat

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by mamma kitty, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. mamma kitty

    mamma kitty New Member

    I have an adult male cat. He adopted us. Loves hunting and likes to poo in our tub, always in the same spot of the tub.


    His problem is that he seems to have diahrea, don't know why. I was told that it's probably because he likes to hunt and has gotten too much bad bacteria. Is this possible? How can I help him to have better stools?

    He's such a sweetie. By the way, he is a long fur cat.
  2. yogi

    yogi New Member

    this is not uncommon

    it is best to get a stool sample to the vet to have them check for parasites such as girardia. These are common in outdoor cats and can in some cases cause death.
  3. mamma kitty

    mamma kitty New Member

    thanks, I can do that

    Can they do anything if I don't have the sample?
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    no - you will need a sample. There are so many intestinal parasites a hunting cat can have that they need to know which one in order to treat. There are a plethora of deworming meds out there and they are geared toward specific parasites. And don't go getting any of the OTC ones - they are worthless and a waste of $$.
    Also if this cat just adopted you it could be food related - if he hasn't had a good diet in some time it could be just him getting used to eating cat food and once he's on a regular diet that could straighten him out.
    But - I wouldn't go by that alone. Since you don't know his history do the fecal and go from there. He should be vetted - shots, etc.
    I would take him (alone with some pooh) for a vet check shots, and do bloodwork on him. A full exam. Again that goes to your not knowing his history. Distemper also comes along with runny stools....personally I wouldn't risk not doing the full vet exam on a stray.
    You are doing a kind thing offering him a home
  5. mamma kitty

    mamma kitty New Member

    I agree, it's a nice thing to do for him. I really like him, too. But I'm pregnant and concerned about anything getting passed on to me and the baby. I'm going to call the vet today and see if I can get an appointment for him. The cat adopted us last April (2006).

    here's a pic of him
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    He's a cutie! Keep us updated.
  7. mamma kitty

    mamma kitty New Member

    I just made an appointment for him to see the vet tommarrow morning. I'm also planning on taking a sample of his poo with us. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate. It's been nasty weather here today.
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi and welcome to Auspet. :D He's a beautiful cat. I love those all grey cats. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope you are doing well. The only thing with cats and pregnant Moms is to not touch any of his poops with bare hands. It's ideal if someone else can clean up for you. If not, just make sure to wear gloves and wash your hands. It's basically just a precaution. You just don't want to get fecal material into even the tiniest cut that you may have in your skin.

    Let us know what the vet says. It really is nice that you are taking care of him. Have you posted any fliers outside incase he may belong to someone?
  9. mamma kitty

    mamma kitty New Member

    no, we live out in the country. and he's been aloud to go in and out. I think someone dumped him off or something. I didn't let him come in very well as first. It had a sore on his back hip and was very hungry, so I fed him. His wound healed well and he chose to stay, so I let him.

    A few years ago, a cat that looked like him showed up at our house. I took the cat to a vet's to get him neutered and this looks like the same cat. But then I took that cat to someone to find a home for him. and then this cat shows up last April. It looks like the same cat. same temperment as well. isn't that strange?
  10. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Wow. That would be pretty incredible if this was the same cat.
  11. mamma kitty

    mamma kitty New Member

    I took him to the vet today, the vet gave me some stuff for him. He looked at Smokey's poo. The vet is treating him for bacteria. So now Smokey has to take loperimide (it's a liquid) 2 x a day for 3 days and an antibiotic 1 x a day for 10 days. The one is to treat the diahrea and the other it to treat bacteria.

    Now the trick is to keep him inside so he gets all this medicine. How does one do that? We only have one door, that goes outside.
  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    you just don't let him out. I know with 2 young boys that's a hard thing to do (having had 2 sons myself - well I still do but they aren't young any more). Perhaps a sign on the door "PLEASE DON'T LET SMOKEY OUT" all that is needed is a quick look around to make sure he's not near the door.
    Cats adjust to an inside life easily (sometimes).
    I have a logic in regards to that - people (most anyway) wouldn't dream of letting their dogs simply run out the door and be outside to do whatever, so I never quite understood why people do that with their cats.
    I can't even have a garden anymore cause of the neighboring cats using it for a litterbox. Nothing like digging up potatoes and getting 3 cat turds per potato!
    And they are terrorizing the birds at my feeder. And yup - I get ready for a water gun to soak them down. I would never hurt them but I also get annoyed with them killing birds I'm feeding.
    Anyway....give Smokey lots of toys to play with and lots of attention and he might decide he doesn't mind being in the house
  13. mamma kitty

    mamma kitty New Member

    lol, I was also thinking of putting up a sign on my front door saying "don't let Smokey out" I have two cats, so maybe I should write "please don't let my cats outside" We have an older dog too, we do let her outside to do her business, then in the cold weather, she wants right back in. I would prefer to keep my cats indoors.

    Smokey seems to want to lay around and sleep, quiet a lot. I'm thinking it's because he doesn't feel well. My other cat, which is a younger female, likes to try to get him to play. But Smokey gets irritated at her. They don't fight though.

    I really appreciate yours and everyone's support during this. :D
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I'm glad you got him to the vet. That's very kind of you. Good luck on keeping him inside. It's tough keeping those outdoor cats in. Keep us posted on how everything is going. I also like the note on the door idea.
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    Smokey is one cute kitty! Congrats on your pregnancy and I hope Smokey will be happy to stay indoors.
  16. mamma kitty

    mamma kitty New Member

    I put a sign on the front door to not let the cats outside. So far, he's gotten out, one time, but then my son ran after him and brought him back.

    But I've been giving him the medicine. and it seems his diahrea is worse. I'm getting frustrated. :(
  17. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    if it's parasite related (did the vet tell you which one? if not you could call and ask them) the "dire-rear" could get worse for a little while. Usually it does as the dewormer is helping to flush out the nasties.
    you could also try canned pumpkin for awhile. Plain canned pumpkin without any spices in it. If you can get him to eat it. I always try mixing about a tsp. with a can of wet food. A couple of my cats will eat it, while the others are too smart to even go there LOL
    but once he's clear of parasites the stool should firm up. Probably really really stinky too I'm sure
    Also what do you feed him? Check the package of food and if corn is the first ingredient you might want to switch to something else. Could also be food allergies and since cats are carnivores many of them can't eat the dry foods that are all grains
  18. mamma kitty

    mamma kitty New Member

    I just got off the phone with the vets office. they want me to bring him back in today.

    I believe the vet told me earlier this week, that it didn't look like any worms. but believed it to be from a bacteria.

    I usually stick to Dad's brand cat food. Is it possible for cats to develop an allergicness (lol, is that a word?) to something?

    I could try a little canned pumpkin. Thanks for that suggestion. =D

    His poo, surprisingly isn't very stinky. :?

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