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Question about litterbox problem

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Nano, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. Nano

    Nano New Member

    The other night,my husband shut the door to the Florida room when the wind was so bad.The Florida room is off of the kitchen,and you walk through the sliding glass door to go out there.On the other side of the Florida room is another set of sliding glass doors that go directly outside. Greg said he checked to make sure none of our cats were out there before he shut the door. The next day he had opened the door, and awhile later when I walked out there to feed the fish, I found poop on the floor by door that leads ouside. So I'm thinking one of the cats was out there,probably on the floor behind one of the chairs looking out the sliding glass door. Since then, I cleaned up more poop, and this morning, I caught Prissy after she had peed on the floor, so I am sure that it has been her all along. It is always on the same spot by the door.Prissy was the 2 1/2 year old cat we rescued after she had been attacked by the possum outside. How can I get her to use the litterbox again? I have 5 litterboxes and they have always been in the basment in different locations. And from time to time, I would have to cleanup accidents in the basement,too. I thought it was Boo (our 16 yr. old blind cat) that was having the accidents, but now I am sure it is Prissy. Now that I think about it, the accidents had started after we brought Prissy in. What should I do? :? :cry:
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    when you clean up the mess do you use something to entirely eliminate the smell? You might not be able to smell it but I bet she can.
    A product like Nature's Miracle helps with that (I sound like a commercial).
    I use a blacklight to see if I have gotten everything up. The blacklight illuminates enzymes in the pee so you can see if there is any lingering odors.
    I'd treat the areas with Nature's Miracle (can take more than one application) first to see if the problem continues and I'd also consider a vet exam. Sometimes when our cats start peeing and pooping outside the box it's the only way they have to let us know something is wrong
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Nano. I agree with what Mary_NH said. If cleaning it up really well doesn't help, then a vet check would be a good idea. Keep us posted.
  4. Nano

    Nano New Member

    I have tried a couple of different things to clean the smell up.One was pinesol, and the other was Simple Solution made for that purpose. Suposedly it will keep them from using that spot again. I picked up the rug that was in front of the door, and threw it out. Lets hope for the best! I will call the vet Monday and ask their opinion. I just can't imagine anything being physically wrong,but you never know.She had complete blood workup within the last 3-4 mo. Everything came back fine. I had them run more blood work before I let her loose with the rest of the "clan", to check again for feline aids and lukemia. She was quarantined after the run in with the possum. I just don't know. :(
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    you could also try Cat Attract litter to see if that may entice.
    I find it suspicious that she pees/poops right by the door. Perhaps she's never had a litterbox to use before coming to your house and is sitting by the door waiting to be let out to do her thing. Perhaps put the litterbox there.
    Are the other cats keeping her from the litterbox?
  6. Nano

    Nano New Member

    She has been pooping in other places besides in front of the door. This morning I found a pile on the living room carpet. And noone bothers her when she uses the litterboxes. I don't understand. I have another box in the garage filled with the same litter that I use in the house,and she had used the litterbox in the garage from time to time.She was originally a barn cat that we nursed back to health after an injury due to a possum attack. I even use the"Cat Attract" stuff that you srinkle on the cat litter, made by the same people that make the cat litter. She is always meowing and trying to get out of the door. Sometimes I wonder if she doesn't like being inside?Tigger goes in and out as he pleases. Boo,Smokey,and Riley are strictly inside only.I just don't know. :? :(

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