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How soon will my kittie die?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by catchika, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. catchika

    catchika New Member

    My cat is at least 13 years old, and I found her in the house I moved into 7 years ago. She has always had a drooling problem and was always itching. But i noticed a change in her a few days ago. She hasn't had flees in a while and she is still crawling in her skin. She is nearly deaf and she is beginning to refuse to drink water. Although she was dehydrated yesterday, today her drooling is so excessive. When she breathes, it sounds like there is fluid in her lungs.
    She bit herself the other day and made herself bleed, and she is occasionally squirming on the floor and tightening up and you can see how much pain she is in. I cannot afford to take her to the vet, and I don't know what to do. :cry:
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I hope this is a joke...if it is it's sick. But in case it's real
    perhaps you can find a shelter that will put this cat to sleep humanely for you at a minimal cost.
    Sounds like wet FIP and the cat is suffering.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Most vets will take payment plans.
  4. catchika

    catchika New Member

    Thank you so much

    Thank you! I will research that and I really hope that it helps me figure out what is wrong.
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi and welcome to Auspet. I hope you can find a way to help her. She sounds like she is really suffering. Let us know what you decided to do. I wish her all the best. :(
  6. catchika

    catchika New Member

    I still am not sure what it is

    I do not think that she has FIP because she isnt showing all of those signs. She seems to be okay one minute, but the next she just isnt doing well. I do not know what I can do for her but to comfort her... Thank you.
  7. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Diagnostic testing could run up a vet bill of a few hundred dollars, not to mention fluid treatment for dehydration, hospitalization, IV, etc. From what you describe, your cat is going through a great deal of pain and suffering. At 13 yrs old on top of it, it is not likely that your cat will just suddenly be OK if you are just trying to comfort her by petting her.

    At this point you have only 3 options:
    1. You can sit at home with her petting her and watching her die a slow painful death.

    2. You can find a vet in your area that will offer you Care Credit or a payment plan with the most honest practical treatment or

    3. You can make the difficult decision to say goodbye and allow your vet to give her a quick painless injection that will end her life peacefully and stop her pain.

    It's hard to know what to do when money is tight and your long-time friend is sick, but for her sake and yours, please make your decision quickly because, make no mistake, she is suffering.

    I wish you both the best of luck whatever happens. :(
  8. catchika

    catchika New Member

    That is really good advice, thank you. Although I have researched the virus and I do not believe she has that specific one. My other cat is in perfect health and she is only breathing like that once in a while now. She is losing weight and is doing a lot of sitting and staring at the floor and not moving much.
  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. Have you taken her to a vet yet? Or a shelter? How is she doing?
  10. catchika

    catchika New Member

    she is slowing down every day. getting skinnier. and she is really lethargic. i cannot afford to take her anywhere, and the only thing that i can do for her is comfort her. its really sad. and i cant diagnose her with anything. my guess is that she is just slowing down and it is going to be soon.
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    AS I mentioned before....many shelters will humanely put a pet to sleep if the owner hasn't got the funds to do this.
    This cat might very well be suffering as cats will not show their discomfort. It's not fair to her to simply let her "wait it out"
    She's given you many good loving years - now it's your turn to show her the respect she deserves.
    Let her go HUMANELY rather than let her linger
  12. catchika

    catchika New Member

    alright. that is a good idea. i will look into places to take her, but i am going to wait to bring her anywhere until she is obviously not in her body anymore. when i cant any spirit left in her. thank you.
  13. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Why are you worried about diagnosing her if you don't plan to do a darn thing for her suffering anyway? What difference does it make WHY she's in pain if you have no intentions to ease her suffering?

    If it were you doubled over on the floor dying slowly in pain and agony and your caretaker had little money, wouldn't you at the very least want them to get you pain meds??

    Sorry if i'm being rather harsh, but your lack of action shows lack of caring. Have pity and be more resourceful.
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    If you decide in the future to get any pets, please consider getting pet insurance. It's so affordable. Many lower than $20 a month. It covers the cost for so many things. The vet of your choice will let you know which pet insurance they take.
  15. catchika

    catchika New Member

    honestly, i am so humane it is not funny. i wouldnt be able to live if i could sit there and watch an animal suffer without caring. I AM comforting her! I AM kissing and loving her! i have NO money and I AM doing what i can! i was simply asking for advice, not to be criticized. forgive me for doing so.
    i cannot afford to buy her a flea collar. i cant afford to buy her pain pills. all i know to do is wait to take her life away until her spirit is clearly gone! and i will have to do it myself, you should have the compassion and the understanding of how hard this will be for me! thank you for the advice about the pet insurance, when i can afford it i will do that the next time i get a pet. unfortunately, i am not very well off financially and i am doing the best that i can...
  16. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear your cat is sick. I really think you should call a shelter if you haven't already done so. Like Mary said: They can put her to sleep if you don't have the funds to do it yourself.
  17. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    I totally agree with Mary here..Take her to a shelter, they will humanely put her asleep instead of watching her suffer..Its just not right, money or no money. isn't there any friends or family that may assist you??? :cry:
  18. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Kissing her and still watching her die isn't humane. Letting her go with respect and dignity - and without pain - is.
    No one would condemn you for letting her go....but ignoring the facts that she is dying and slowly, possibly painfully, is what bothers people.
    You ask for advice - you get advice yet choose to continue to let your cat die a slow death.
    I'm curious as to what flea collars have to do this with anyway? They are a ripoff to begin with.
    There are always choices.....I think one you need to make is to not get another pet if you can't financially provide for it. You wouldn't bring a child into the world if you couldn't afford to properly care for him/her? Why take on a pet.....
  19. catchika

    catchika New Member

    Because apparently unlike you, I do not believe it is fair for me to murder her when she is still in her body, still climbing up on me and purring, and occasionally batting around her catnip mouse. I did ask for advice, and I asked questions because I didn't know what to do or what her problems were exactly. Is that not the point of asking? See you have no place to diagnose my cat or tell me that I am being inhumane. Since I happen to care, I have tried as many things as I can think of, and "a flea collar" happens to be the cure for the excessive scratching, hence the bleeding. She is slowing down, she is being abnormal and I do not understand it all. But I am trying, and she does not seem to be SUFFERING. So I am not going to just kill her because you said so. Thank you to those who have given me advice and not criticism for simply loving my cat. You are the ones that have helped me.
  20. catchika

    catchika New Member

    Mary_NH please stop harassing me

    Because apparently unlike you, I do not believe it is fair for me to murder her when she is still in her body, still climbing up on me and purring, and occasionally batting around her catnip mouse. I did ask for advice, and I asked questions because I didn't know what to do or what her problems were exactly. Is that not the point of asking? See you have no place to diagnose my cat or tell me that I am being inhumane. Since I happen to care, I have tried as many things as I can think of, and "a flea collar" happens to be the cure for the excessive scratching, hence the bleeding. She is slowing down, she is being abnormal and I do not understand it all. But I am trying, and she does not seem to be SUFFERING. So I am not going to just kill her because you said so. Thank you to those who have given me advice and not criticism for simply loving my cat. You are the ones that have helped me.

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