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Godzilla Kitty vs. Foster Mary

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Knowing Pepper would be difficult (at best) to get into the
    carrier for her trip to the vet, I did what any self-respecting
    person would do - I put her sweeter-natured sister, Opal, into
    her carrier first.
    Next was Tilly for her dental. While Opal and
    Tilly's carriers were side by side on the table, Tilly taught Opal
    some really good adult meezer curse words. Nothing like teaching the young'uns how to display one's displeasure.
    Back to Pepper. I moved slowly in my attempts to capture her. She
    moved quickly in her attempts to evade capture. I was getting tired,
    she was just getting warmed up.
    Back and forth, forth and back we went. Me talking, her glaring. It
    wasn't going well although the early-morning cardio workout was
    beneficial. I shouldn't require any further exercising today.
    Then Pepper went to the top of the cat tree (I blocked off
    their "womb" the night before so I wouldn't have to drag them out of
    Ahhh....top of the cat tree and the only chair in sight was the
    computer chair on wheels. I contemplated my chances of surviving
    trying to get an upset kitten, while perched on a wheeled chair. And
    believe it or not I actually attempted it. Well one foot, when the
    chair moved it did occur to me that broken limbs wouldn't help me
    accomplish my goal. So I grabbed her from below. She had the clear
    advantage. The inside of my wrist, being covered with rather tender
    flesh, was at a disadvantage and the slashing caused my fingers,
    holding Pepper in a nice firm scruff, to open automatically.
    So back to the "come here little kitty" while Pepper's evasion
    tactics continued.
    Then Pepper flew back to the top of the cat tree. At this point I was
    ready to just reschedule her appointment until I had help but then
    the lightbulb went on (or I hit it with my arm). I simply picked up
    the carrier and held it up to her.
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Poor arm! But funny story... :lol:
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Haha, great story Mary :lol:
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOL. Oh Mary_NH. You really do need a full day (or maybe a week?) at a spa! Then another week (or maybe two?) on a nice, relaxing vacation. :mrgreen:
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Big hugs Mary. That was quite an ordeal. I honestly think you are a terrific foster mom and a great writer. You should compile your stories and submit them for publication. Think of the possibilities. :mrgreen: Of course I would be a very devoted fan and buy all your books. How is your wrist and how are Opal and Pepper doing?
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Pepper and Opal came through their spays fine. Tilly had a tooth pulled. I held off too long getting everyone's dentals (sorry Chessmind) and so far they've all had to lose a tooth.
    Zeus had a cracked one, Missy had an abcessed one, Tilly's was simply bad.
    I have always relied on my vet's to let me know if they need dentals when they have had their yearly exams. I always hear "they can wait". Now I'll just get them done.
    Dixie had one 3 years ago so I put her last on the list. I prepay them then make the appointment. I send a bit every week and then when there is enough I schedule the appointment. Dixie should be getting hers in April
    Opal still likes me, Pepper still sees me as the devil's spawn. My wrist is healing fine - the 3 punctures are okay LOL
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    You are a great mom! It's no fun getting the dental done. I'm sure Pepper will come around in no time. Glad to hear your wrist is healing well.
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    It was good they got their teeth taken care of.

    Speaking of which, I have a cavity! :oops: And I can't fix it myself, because it's on a top molar.
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    poor Chess...hope you have dental insurance. It's tough finding a dentist if you don't :mrgreen:
  10. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Chessmind - You can fix your own cavities (aisde from top molars)?! Wow. Impressive.
  11. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOL Mary_NH. Actually my whole staff has full medical/dental coverage, but I don't have dental insurance for myself. I have a friend who is a dentist and we do dental work on each other. We only pay the cost for materials used (i.e. lab fees for crowns and such). It works out well.

    Yes, Halaroo, I can fix most of my own teeth as long as I have a good field of view. It's really not that impressive. It's kind of like how a hair dresser can cut hair on other people as well as themselves.

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