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Kyrre has run away! :(

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Bente, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. Bente

    Bente New Member

    As I mentioned in my other post I've been out of town visiting my mother-in-law and then some friends. My roommate has been taking care of Kyrre, but yesterday she called and told me he had escaped (he has been an indoor cat for two years now). He had managed to open our door, go downstairs (we live on the 2nd floor), and get out since the front door was open.
    I just got home this morning and I've been walking around the neighbourhood and calling for him, but no sign of him :( Janne (my roommate) and three of her friends were driving and walking around looking for him yesterday. They also went door to door and asked people to keep an eye out for him.

    Our closest neighbour is an apartment building with mostly old people, and some of them told Janne they had seen him in their garden a couple of times. Janne also saw him there, but couldn't catch him. So I'm hoping he hasn't gone too far, and that he'll come home once he gets tired and cold. We'we left all dors open, so now it's freezing in here, but I don't want him to come home to a closed door and maybe walk off again...

    What do you think are the chances he'll get lost? He has been an outdoor cat before, so it's not all new to him. But then again it's two years since he has been outdoors (except for last summer when I tried to walk him on a leash), and there is alot more traffic here than where we used to live.

    This is like a rollercoaster: One minute I'm very optimistic that he'll come back, but the next I'm convinced that he is trapped in a garage, or hit by a car or something. I want to go out to look for him again, but I'm just too cold from the last time (it's raining here, and I got really wet). And not to mention too tired, I just got a couple of hours sleep last night :cry:
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    leave something he likes to sleep on outside. A blanket, cat bed, something with your smell on it.
    Talk to neighborhood kids since they tend to be ourside more they might be more apt to see him.
    Also talk to any delivery people - mail, UPS, etc.
    I hope he shows up!
  3. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Good luck Bente, this is a horrible thing to not know where they are or what's happened to them.

    I thought i almost lost my little guy the other night cuz my roommate left the patio door open and Panda went out there with Vianne and he fell off the 3rd story balcony. Luckily i eventually found him hiding in the bushes next to my building with only a broken toe nail. I panicked not knowing if i was going to find him cuz we just moved and he was an outdoor cat before also and doesn't know his way around here.

    Are you able to put up posters with his picture that he is missing? Also you can call the local shelters and alert them that he is lost in case anybody picks him up. I hope you find him soon!
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm sorry Bente! I hope he returns soon. Keep us posted!
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Oh now. Poor Kyrre. He is such a sweet kitty. He always makes me think of my kitty, Mittens, since I don't let her out anymore either.

    Kitties usually know where they live and he should hopefully come back. Once when we moved that kitty we had back then went back to our old house.

    The only way I could get him was to go at night after dark. My neighbor said she saw him at the front door of our old house. He would hide in the day. So, maybe look for him after dark. He might be more willing to come out to you.

    I sure hope you find him.
  6. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Bente so sorry to hear this news. :( I sure hope you find him or he find his way back safe and sound. For now make a ton of fliers and put them up in your neighborhood. You may have to put them on cards and then place them in a plastic zip lock bag, due to the rain. Also hand out fliers door to door in your neighborhood. Just get your warmest clothes on and a nice big rain coat and umbrella. Also make sure to give fliers to your local vets and shelters with his picture.

    This same thing happened with my Romeo. Him and Juliet were/are indoor only, because of all the coyotes here. When Kira was born there were so many people coming in and out of the house to see her, that he slipped through the door, got outside and within 30 minutes the neighbor said they say a coyote drag him away. I'm only sharing this with you to let you know I understand how you feel all too well.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Bente, I'm so sorry to hear that Kyrre ran away. It's a good sign that people have seen him in their garden a few times. Praying that Kyrre will come home safe and sound. Hang in there.
  8. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Thanks for the kind words and advice everyone.

    We have left food outside our door two times, and it's all gone. But I don't know if it's Kyrre that's been eating it, or some other cat. I also left food in our staircase, but that's still there. If it is Kyrre that has been eating the food outside I don't know whether he is afraid of the staircase, if he doesn't understand that he has to go up or that he just doesn't want to come in... I'll go downstairs and call for him one more time now, and put out his bed like Mary suggested.

    I've also made posters that I'm going to print and hang up tomorrow. I'll also walk around the neighbourhood handing out, and leaving flyers in mail boxes.

    What happened to Rome is such a heartbreaking story Chessmind. That must have been so hard... Luckily there are no wild predators where we live, but there are lots of cars. And I'm also afraid he'll get trapped in a garage or something like that :( One good thing though: Kyrre is very timid, so he is not likely to walk up to strangers that might hurt him or steal him.
  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Thinking of you and hope you find him soon.
  10. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Ohhh No Im so sorry Bente, I hope and pray [-o< he comes home :(
    Thinking of you.. ((((( hugs))))
  11. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Thanks for the support everybody :)

    I got a call from a woman today, and she told me she was looking at Kyrre as she was talking to me :shock: Offcourse I ran out immediately, but when I got there (about two minutes later) he was gone... I looked all over for about 30 minutes, but I couldn't find him :cry:

    I saw two other cats, and the black one seemed very "this is MY space" towards the other one. So the woman believed the black cat might have chased Kyrre away as well. She promised to call if she saw him again, and she seemed pretty sure it was Kyrre. She said she used to watch all the cats in her garden, and that she knew who belonged in that area. I'll go looking for him after dinner tonight, at least I know he hasn't gone too far.
  12. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    That is positive news. I sure hope you can catch him soon. It must be so frustrating to be so close to getting him but then not being able to. Come on Kyrre, go to mommy! I'll say some prayers for you.
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    That is an uplifting news. Hopefully, he'll decide to go home soon.
  14. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Good luck! At least he's still nearby.
  15. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Oh you were so close! Perhaps bring an open can of soft cat food with you? Maybe he will smell the food? Just a thought. I wish you luck and hope you find him.
  16. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I went out looking again last night, and I saw four cats, but no Kyrre. I went door to door this time as well, and many of the people I talked to believed they had seen Kyrre earlier that day, so I'm not giving up :) It's really amazing how supportive and understanding people are; every single person I talked to promised to keep an eye out for him, and to call if they saw him. And every other person had to share their lost-cat story, or tell me about the neighbour with seven cats or their own indoor cat :mrgreen: I'll go looking for him again now, and I'll bring a can of soft food. Thanks for the tip Chessmind :D
  17. Bente

    Bente New Member

    This isn't going too well: I saw a cat that looked almost exactly like Kyrre... I believe that might be he cat people have seen. Even I thought it was him at first, but he had a black nose, and his markings were a little darker than Kyrre's.

    What if Kyrre isn't around here at all? This is so nervewrecking :(
  18. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. All you can do is try your best to find him. Did you put out fliers and give some to your local vets/shelters?

    My Aunt once didn't see her cat for two months and then one day he just showed up. So, don't lose hope.
  19. vene

    vene New Member

    Don't lose hope Bente. Maybe Kyrre is having an adventure now but will decide to return home soon. Hang in there.

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