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help with furniture scratching

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by halaroo, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    So Moe has always been a furniture scratcher. Artemis is not too bad, but I think he does it because he sees Moe doing it. I had them both being really good about it for a long time, until my daughter was born. Now they are doing it all the time. I try to spend as much time with them as possible, but they were used to having my undivided attention, pre-kid. Now we have another baby on the way and I'm afraid it's going to get worse. We were planning on buying some new furniture in the summer, but I don't want it destroyed within a week.

    Here's what we've tried:
    scratching posts (many types) - Artemis is good with them, Moe loses interest quickly
    bitter apple spray - doesn't work
    double-sided tape - does work, but I'd have to invest in a tape company in order to keep every inch of furniture covered
    nail trimming - I have trouble keeping it up, plus it doesn't stop the actual scratching, just the damage

    I'm thinking of getting their claws professionally trimmed, but it's expensive (but then so is furniture). Does anyone have any other ideas? Or am I destined to live with shredded furniture?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Soft Paws are covers you can glue to their paws. They are supposed to work quite well but do need replacing now and then.
    It's easy to clip a cat's claws. Just get some nice little claw clippers and you can do it. No need to have someone do it for you. Get him used to it one claw at a time. I am lucky if I can do one of Zeus' at a time - one a day until all 28 are done and I start over.
    Here is a site that has helpful hints on destructive clawing
    http://www.uvhs.org/behavioral_docs/des ... n_cats.pdf
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Soft Paws are covers you can glue to their paws. They are supposed to work quite well but do need replacing now and then.
    It's easy to clip a cat's claws. Just get some nice little claw clippers and you can do it. No need to have someone do it for you. Get him used to it one claw at a time. I am lucky if I can do one of Zeus' at a time - one a day until all 28 are done and I start over.
    Here is a site that has helpful hints on destructive clawing
    http://www.uvhs.org/behavioral_docs/des ... n_cats.pdf
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Thanks Mary. I had thought about soft paws, but I'm not sure I want to risk infection or anything. I've read that a few people have had problems with them. I have no problem clipping Artemis' claws. I can usually do one foot and then the other one later. But he has to be in a really relaxed mood. Moe is more difficult to clip. Right now I'm just trying to find enough time in the day to give them all the attention they need, without subjecting them to nail clippings. I've gotten lazy, but I guess I'll give it a try again.
  5. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Neither of my cats are declawed and i have used Soft Paws multiple times for certain situations like taking them on a trip to visit family where i dont want them to scratch, or my little nephews visiting and just taking extra precautions. Other than that I just trim their nails as short as possible about every 2 weeks or so as needed.

    The longest the Soft Paws ever stayed on was about 6 weeks or so, but by then, the nails were getting so long they were nearly touching the foot pads and i had to get a pair of large human toenail clippers to slide over the cap and snap it off.

    It definitely takes practice to put them on properly. You don't want to put them on too loose on too short of a nail because then they will pop off easily in the first day or two. Then you have to be careful not to superglue the skin above their nail to the cap and if you get em on so good they won't come off after a month or so, then you have to worry about removing them yourself as stated above.

    Overall, i do find them useful for certain occassions and always keep some handy if i ever need them, but i defintely prefer a good 'ol short nail trim for everyday maintenance.

    Have you tried different types of scratch boards? Sisal boards and posts are great, but you know kitties can be picky about what they like. Vianne loves her sisal post, but Panda prefers the rough texture of the welcome mat at my front door, lol. Never tried the cardboard, but i know they love the boxes! Also I have 2 leather love seats and neither cat has ever so much as unsheathed one tiny claw on either of them. If yours are fabric with a nice rough texture they can dig their claws into, then it may be alot harder to redirect their scratching habits. Good luck :y_the_best:
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    We've tried many different types of scratching surfaces. Artemis is good with anything, but Moe only really likes the cardboard ones (and the dining room chairs). We actually covered part of our cat tree with the dining chair fabric, but she isn't too interested in that.

    I tried clipping Moe's claws a couple of days ago and only got two done before she was ready to bite me. I think I need to take her to a groomer and then do Artemis myself.
  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Halaroo. We have some friends who use the soft paws and swear by them. I suppose you could give those a try. Our cats seem to like the scratching posts as they love catnip. We make sure we sprinkle some fresh catnip daily onto them. Do your cats like catnip?

    Or perhaps you could learn how to properly clip their nails? I'm sure after a few battles you would be a pro! :mrgreen:
  8. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Chessmind Wrote

    LOL @ That.. :lol:
  9. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    My cats used to scratch the furniture...

    Have you tried a water bottle?? Every time my now 10 month old tries/tried to scratch my furniture I spray him, then take him to his cat post. after many many times (i still have to do this) the scratching is much better..... I guess anything to distract them works I've also used a pop can with some pennies in it and I would shake it when I saw him doing something I did not want him to do.
    My mom does the soft paws and have never had any problems with them. Also wrapping them in a towel exposing just one paw at a time works well with nail trimming... My 10 month old hates his nails being clipped he bites all the time but now he is much better with it and I dont have to use the towel anymore.... still bites and fusses but not the tantrum he used to do he sees that he is not going to "win" I am still going to trim....
    Good luck
  10. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Mine have been quiet good to my memory as kittens, they have done it on there post, never on furniture, when they stretch and wake up, they tend to dig there nails in the rug, but thats just stretching, so I let them go :wink:
    Other than that they are very good.
  11. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    halaroo did you ever solve your scratching problem? Did you end up using the soft paws or do you take them and have them done professionally? My towel trick really works. Harley really struggled with me but now I can trim his nails with minimal fuss he still gets a bite or two in but I don't give in to him and I do get it done and then give him one of his favorite treats.
  12. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    The one thing that has worked so far is when my dh leaves his guitar case on the floor in the diningroom. Moe loves to scratch it and sleep on it so she avoids the chairs completely. We just move the guitar before company comes over! Not necessarily an ideal solution, but it's working for us right now. I'm going to start trimming Moe's claws and see how it goes (or take her in to the groomer) when life settles down next week.
  13. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Halaroo I wonder... will Moe take up the guitar?? LOL!! whatever keeps him from scratching the chairs right??
  14. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Mine are enjoying a snooze this morning LOL

    I SEE you mum.. :D



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