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Pics of dana337's fur family:

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Chessmind, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi everyone. I made this post for dana337, as new members have to wait for 7 days to post pics. So, please leave all your replies for her here, as this will be her post. Thanks.

  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Beautiful fur family you have. They look like they keep you up all night! LOL :wink:
  3. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    That they do Chessmind. Thank you for posting them for me, I have better pictures of Harley but I have not uploaded them from my digital camera yet. I will post a new more recent picture of Harley when I can post them in a few days.
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    You're welcome. Yes, what is on Harley? I can't tell as the pics are small. Is he wearing a tutu? Have cotton balls stuck to him?
  5. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Actually, Buster had just destroyed a fuzzy toy and then walked away and then Harley went over and sat in the middle of it all making it look like he did the destruction so I had to get that photo.
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Nice to meet your family! I love calicos.
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    nice looking furkids
  8. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Thank you everyone my "furkids" keep me on my toes but are a ton of fun to have. Even though they can be very challenging at times.
  9. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Thats what makes life special.. :wink:
  10. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    You got that right Chezza I love my animals dearly they are my kids, and with having all three of them it is like having toddlers 24/7!!! LOL always into something, chewing on something, trying to eat something they shouldn't, getting into eachothers toys (that yes are all over the condo). Oh and then there is the puking at any hour of the day, the occasional accident, vet bills, the food begging.... hmmmm have I missed anything...... oh and having to share the bed with a 11yr old crabby calico that thinks it's her bed and she shares it with us!!
  11. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    They are all so cute.
  12. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Don't all of you love it when you come home from a long day at work and your fur family comes out to be with you??
    Every night I sit here to relax and I look around me to find all three of them within eyesight. Right now Patches is curled up next to me on the couch, Buster is curled up on his big fluffy bed and Harley just went over to Buster and curled up on a free edge.
    It's times like these that you realize how lucky you are to have them in our lives!! And how important they are to us.
  13. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    This Old Cat

    I'm getting on in years,
    My coat is turning gray.
    My eyes have lost their luster,
    My hearing's just okay.
    I spend my day dreaming
    Of conquests in my past,
    Lying near a sunny window
    Waiting for its warm repast.

    I remember our first visit,
    I was coming to you free,
    Hoping you would take me in
    And keep me company.
    I wasn't young or handsome,
    Two years I'd roamed the street.
    There were scars upon my face,
    I hobbled on my feet.

    I could sense your disappointment
    As I left my prison cage.
    Oh, I hoped you would accept me
    And look beyond my age.
    You took me out of pity,
    I accepted without shame.
    Then you grew to love me,
    And I admit the same.

    I have shared with you your laughter,
    You have wet my fur with tears.
    We've come to know each other
    Throughout these many years.
    Just one more hug this morning
    Before you drive away,
    And know I'll think about you
    Throughout your busy day.

    The time we've left together
    Is a treasured time at that.
    My heart is yours forever.
    I Promise - This old cat.

    :) :)
  14. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Chezza what a sweet reading!!! that was very touching.... thank you :eek:
  15. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Chezza, that was a beautiful poem. I have never heard this one. They should have this attached to all of the older cat's cages, who are waiting to be adopted. Thanks for posting it.
  16. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Me to Chessmind..I think these ones need more of a home than anything.
    I go to the shelters here and cry, touch them, pat them, talk to them, if I could take them all I wish I could. :( :( I see more older Kittys up for adoption. And it breaks my heart. :cry:

    I'm not in the position "Yet" of helping adopt out the aged, but I will get there..Its one of my goals.
  17. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I often see many older cats up for adoption and it breaks my heart!! I adopted Jasmine my siamese (R. I. P.) that way.... She was only a few days from being put to sleep because no one wanted her..... I saw a beautiful pure breed siamese with beautiful blue eyes and fell in love with her!! She was 8 when I got her and I ended up putting her down when she was 13 due to skin cancer and multi system failure mostly her kidneys... But she lead a wonderful life and was the queen while I had her!!

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