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3 yr old kitty loosing hair

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Hi all,

    Well, my boyfriend brought his cat to my house, 2.5 hours from his, about a week ago. She rarely left his house except for the vet. She was fine in the car and when here she hid for the first night but the next day is out and about. She now gets along with my cats too. Just yesterday we noticed an oval patch of hair missing on her right side. This morning we noticed another on the back of her neck but smaller. There isn't any scabs and the skin looks fine. Could this be stress? She doesn't seem to be stressed out anymore. She's adjusted fine I thought. She plays and sleeps as if this were her home all along.

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    it could be stress licking but that is commonly the paws or belly (although they will also lick themselves bald in other places).
    OR - it could be ringworm which usually affects the torso and/or face.
    I'd get a vet to check it out and if it isn't a skin condition then treat as behaviorial like with Bach's or Composure liquid which works really well
  3. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Sounds like stress to me. Maybe the other cats are licking her in the areas she can't get to. I would take her to the vet just to verify that it is not ringworm or some other skin affliction. best of luck and keep us informed on how your kitty is doing.
  4. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks for all your input. I got an appointment today at 5pm. I think its stress too but she's acting fine to me. I'll keep you updated...
  5. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Hope all goes well at the vet for your kitty..
  6. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    I agree with Mary... Glad you have an appointment with the vet :y_the_best:
    Let us know how you get on.
  7. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    So the vets guess was as good as ours. He decided to give me ointment and shampoo to treat for ringworm. He looked about 75 years old lol. Anyway the ointment/bathing schedule is crazy. Any suggestions on bathing her and keeping the shampoo on for 10 min besides staying in the bathroom with her?
  8. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Get armour on :lol: :wink:

    My kitties were good to bath at one stage, but NOW :shock:
    AYE CURRUMBA, look out.. :lol: Bathing would be one of the hardest, maybe get some gloves on, and have someone with you to help, or maybe even put the shampoo in a spray bottle and try spray your kitty down other them bathing completely.

  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my heart is pounding for you....I have to sometimes bathe fosters which is probably easier cause they don't me and don't react.
    Bathing cats I HATE.
    Put a towel in the bottom of your sink. If they don't feel the slippery sink surface they sometimes react better. When I bathe (and I don't do it alone) I hold the cat and someone else sprays with water. Shampoo and then rinse. I also add vinegar to a final rinse. 1 part vinegar to 4 parts warm water. It helps to get the soap off but you are using medicated shampoo so forget that step. I'm too lazy to delete that sentence :roll:
    I wrap them up quite well in a towel straight from the dryer. Nice and toasty - helps them relax.
    Now once you do this your kitty is going to know what's up the next time...can't help you there but I will send positive thoughts out for your flesh
  10. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Oh boy....... yes gloves...... yes body armor........ yes two people....... yes towel in the bottom of tub........

    My calico Patches is pretty good in the tub but I also started bathing her when she was very little so now she puts up with it but is not thrilled about it at all!! I also clip her nails prior to putting her in the water that way she doesn't rip my arms open trying to get out of the tub.

    My Harley..... when I bathed him I held his front and back feet while my friend bathed him... very glad that we did it that way he does not like to get wet.... even though he will play in the water if I'm bathing with his feet.

    Since you have to leave it on for 10 min it would be easier if you had a second set of hands.

    Did the vet even do a skin scrapping to see if it was ringworm or some other skin parasite? Whenever my pets have some kind skin thing going on my vet always does a skin scrapping. Even if there is no visual color change just hair missing.

    Well best of luck to you with the bathing and I hope that you come out of the bathroom with all of your skin, and minimal blood loss... LOL! I tell ya gloves...... LOL
  11. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    LOL Mary what a crack up, .... :lol: :lol: :lol:

    But I know just how you feel :lol:

    DOH!!!!!!!! :lol:
  12. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Bellack1 how has bath time been? Do you still have your flesh intact?? Is kitty traumatized? I bet he is hiding when you go looking and calling for him now...... :lol:
  13. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Bathtime actually went better than expected. She didn't really claw at me. We took turns holding her down and soaping her up. A good trick I learned to dunk their body is to fill the tub up a few inches and then hold the 2 front paws in one hand and the 2 back legs in the other and flip her on her side. It was easy to get her wet and rinsed this way. She hated the blow dryer too. I have to put ointment on her 2 hairless spots but she licks it off. She isn't traumatized and is acting fine thank God lol :eek: I bet the next time she hears bath water and we take her in the bathroom she'll know whats up
  14. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Ohhhhhhhhh yes for sure lol :lol:
    Glad it all went well for you.. I dare not bath mine, last time Jay grabbed hold of the sink, underneath and I could not get him off, he hung on for young and old LOL, I had to let him go so he could jump out :lol:
    Tiff is smaller, so she is easy to hold, but Jay is one strong Kitty.. :lol:
  15. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    That's how I do baths with Harley it makes a world of difference doesn't it.....if I bathe them in the winter I do the hairdryer and yea that doesn't go over very well!!

    Glad to hear that it went better than expected!! hope he doesn't hid too well come bath time again.....

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