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I'm thinking about letting Kyrre outside...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Bente, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Ever since he got home, Kyrre has been desperate to go outside again. He jumps the doorknob and tries to open the door all the time, and I can tell he is miserable. So now I'm thinking about letting him outside again. I'm also thinking about moving somewhere more cat-friendly, but we have a three monts notice where we live.

    So what do you think I should do? Sould I keep him in misery for another three to five months (I don't know how long it would take for us to find a place). Or should I let him outside here, and then cross my fingers he won't try to find his way back here once we move? I do believe he is wise enough to stay away from the mainroad. All the people who said they had seen him when he was "on the run" live in a very calm neighbourhood behind our house, so I think he'll be hanging out there. But offcourse there is no way to be sure...

    Any advice is highly appreciated :)
  2. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I really don't have answers for you, Bente, but to say I have been having the same problem for quite awhile. I know how you feel.

    Mittens wants to go out badly, too, and I keep going back and forth on whether to let her out or not. So far I've been strong and do not let her out...but I stress over it all the time.

    If the weather is decent, I take her out on a harness and leash in the backyard occasionally. She loves it but I know she would love to roam on her own.

    Maybe while you're thinking of what to do, you could take Kyrre out on a leash. Do you think he would like that?
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Bente. If we didn't have coyotes around here, I would let our cats out too. I've always had indoor outdoor cats. I had a cat for 20 years as an indoor outdoor cat. There are many risks to letting our cats out though. Cars, people, cat fights, wild animals (in some areas) and so on.

    If you want to let him out, just keep in mind that he may get hurt or possibly pass away. It's well known that indoor only cats live longer. However, some people believe that quality of life is more important than duration of life.

    I certainly understand where you are coming from. Both of our cats want to go out too, but I know where live they would get eaten by a coyote within hours.
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Also if you let him out have him mircochipped, collar i.d. updated shots and so on.
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    He is microchipped, and I called the vet today to make an appointment for his shots (offcourse they were closed, so I'll have to call on Monday). The last days Kyrre and I have been practicing walking the stairs, he has to know how to get up to the second floor before I let him out. He has been doing good, but when I left him downstairs and went up to our app. he stayed down there meowing until I called for him fifteen min later. Then he came running up, and seemed scared and confused, so he probably needs a little more practice :wink:
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I also used to let my cats outside (not the crew I have now) and you know I have not had a flea in my house since they stopped going outside, no parasites either.
    No injuries (well Missy did sprain her shoulder once) but no stitches or emergencies like that.
    My cats do get to go out on our porch but no outside for them. I can't foster having outside cats either as they would bring the nasties into the fosters.
    I used to think nothing of letting my cat outside - but now it occurs to me that I wouldn't dream of letting my dog run around loose outside unattended. Why would I do that to a cat?
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I still let Milo out. He seems to be happier this way. He likes to stay around our home and our neighbor's next door and he doesn't usually venture far or stay out for longer than 1-2 hours. If it were Vene, I would not let her out.
  8. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Awwww Poor tyke lol ..My Two have a cat flap, so they can come in and out when they please, they pop in several times for a cuddle and then they are off again outside, I am very lucky with both Tiff and Jay as they stay very close to home, our dogs protect them too, there good like that. :eek: :D
  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. So how are things going with letting him out?
  10. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    I was thinking that too chessmind, wonder how he went. Hope alls ok :D
  11. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Sorry I haven't been posting much. I still haven't let Kyrre outside, but he got his shots on Monday, so any time I feel ready I can let him out. It's just that I'm not 100% sure I want to do this. I can't seem to make up my mind :mrgreen: For now he seem content to be inside again, and even though I know he'll be happier outside I'm thinking I should wait until we move to a new place. Which will be in three-five months. That way he'll only have to get used to a new home, not a new territorry as well :)
  12. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I agree, Bente. I think that's a good idea. :y_the_best:
  13. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Good luck with the move Bente, hope it goes smoothly..
    My kitties adjusted really well, with 2 moves, I was so pleased, they are home bodies anyway, and they never ever wander far, if i have not seen them for a few hours I go out and call, even though they have a cat flap, I call them and they come running LOL :eek:
  14. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Sounds like you're making the right decision for now.

    I can never make up my mind about letting Mittens out either. I've recently let her out a couple of times without her leash but it's cold out there and she hasn't gone far and comes right back in. I don't know what I'll do when the weather gets warmer.
  15. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I think that you are making the right choice. I hope that your move goes well and take your time in getting them adjusted to the new place. You could always make the trips outside attended at first making sure that kyrre knows where home is. My female stays out on the patio but my 10 month old Harley jumps over the patio fence and trys to wonder but I live next to a busy street and so I keep his visits outside supervised. He is microchipped but a trouble maker......
  16. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I think you're making the right choice. As I look at it, I'd rather they be a little upset and stay in then face the danger of never seeing them again if they get out. I think there's too many risks and you'd never forgive yourself if anything happened. I think he just wants to go out to explore...cats are so curious. If I close a door in my house all of a sudden the cats have to go in that room! I never get to go to the bathroom alone lol. Anyway I say better safe than sorry. Even ay your new house it'll take awhile for him to learn the neighborhood and you won't know how safe it is. Anyway, sorry I blabed and I'm so biased.
  17. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Things are happening a little faster then I first asumed, so now it looks like we'll be moving within a couple of weeks :) We found an apartment we really like, and now we're just waiting for our landlord to approve the new people that's supposed to move in after we have moved out. I'll keep you updated :wink:
  18. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Bente good luck with the move!!!
  19. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Good luck Bente... Hope it all goes smoothly for you and yours..
    Keep us posted. :y_the_best:

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