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questions about spaying

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by mamabear_34, May 1, 2004.

  1. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    Hello again everyone. Wanted to let you know that your suggestions to help me get Buffy to stop nipping and biting are helping (I asked for your help about 3 weeks ago) Now she is going in to be spayed next week (Thursday). Is there anything special I need to be doing for her before or after the surgery?? I will be able to be home with her while she is recovering and I just want to do all I can to make her feel better faster. Thanks in advance for all your advice. I love to read all the posts here!!
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I just posted almost the same thing in the all dogs forum under Harley is finally getting spayed. I will be sure to keep checkin gboth posts.

    Good luck to you!
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    When I got Grace spayed, I was a nervous wreck. I kept thinking "What if she hates me," after it was done. When I went to pick her up, she was not feeling real chipper. But she walk out on her own. She went home peed and tried to poop and then went right to sleep. The next morning, she was almost back to her old self. I was amazed. Both your dogs will be just fine. I think the surgury now days isn't quite as invasive as it was way back when.
  4. ZenasMom

    ZenasMom New Member

    I agree with you loves-da-pits! Zena was pretty much the same way! I was so nervous because I had her spayed through the shelter because they do pit bulls and pit mixes for free....anyway, I was nervous because all I could think was what if they let her die because of her breed! It's terrible to even have to think that way, but.....
    She did fine...her scar has almost completely disappeared...it's been about 7 or 8 months I believe....good gosh time flys!!!
    Good luck mamabear_34
  5. goob

    goob New Member

    Your vets will probably give you guidelines to follow, but generally, no food or water after a certain time the night before (anesthesia can make some dogs puke, and they can choke if they do, so safer to go in on an empty stomach), and they'll tell you to limit their exercise for a time afterwards so they don't pull their stitches (they usually have both internal and external). The dogs will probably be pretty dopey if they're home the evening of the spay, and maybe part of the next day (may or may not want to eat anything, your vet should advise whether or not to offer food/water), but after that, should return to normal, and you'll probably have a hard time keeping them quiet. This is a good time to go out and buy some bones for them to gnaw on, or a kong to stuff for them, as that's a pretty safe activity. Too much activity will result in fluid buildup from irration around the stitches, or pulled stitches, which means a trip back to the vet to get them done again, so you want to avoid that. Also watch the area for signs of infection or reaction to the stitches, especially if they're the dissolvable kind, I've heard of quite a few dogs reacting to them, though we've always had the regular kind that need to be removed.

    This is just some basic stuff from my own experiences, your vet should cover all this stuff and any other questions you have, so do what he says :) .
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Limit the water intake after the spay also. They generally are very thirsty after so just tiny little sips for about the first 12 hours after. If they gulp it down they will vomit it right back up. She will be fine. If she licks at the stitched area use a e-cone or a t-shirt to cover it.
  7. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    you are all so nice to help me out!! bullylove.....best of luck with Harley!! We will have to keep eachother informed on how our girls are doing. I will keep Harley in my prayers this week!! :D
  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Thanks Mamabear: Good luck to Buffy too.

    Thanks for all the tips guys. I know I am just over reacting. I am going to be a wreck when I drop her off, I just know it.

    I will try the t-shirt, for some reason I can never get the cone on properly for her.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    THe only thing I've found that worries me is the dogs like to bite at the stitches..... They get itchy, so bring home or have handy a cone. You can rub a aloe based lotion on it to help a bit.
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    If the cone is the one you get from the vets, chuck that little piece of string they give you to use with it and use a bandana or other peice of soft material to tie it on. It kind of serves as a cushion from the plastic. Make sure the cone is not too loose.
  11. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    My vet also suggested Bynadril (sp?) for the itching to cut down on them bitting at the stiches. Ask your vet if you are going to do this though b/c I am not sure how much should be given, its been a while!

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