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What are some of your special Kitty Moments

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    mine - with Dixie Chick - is when she decides to lay on the sofa and lean on my leg. She's my most independent kitty so I love those moments when she honors me with her touch.

    With Missy it's when she stretches up on my leg and demands I carry her around like a baby. She looks right in my eye as if to say "you need a hug mom"

    Tilly talks to me. I like that. I say her name and she responds over and over and over. It's nice to have a girl in the house who'll discuss the day's events with me.

    Zeus - 'oy Zeus. I like the way he flops over onto my hand when I go to bed. He has to sleep on my hand. Which I allow until the blood flow ceases from his weight :roll:
  2. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Those are great moments Mary here are mine:

    With Buster it is when I get up in the morning or home at night and he leaps and jumps and makes himself into a kidney bean shape wagging his nub of a tail. Saying "Good morning mom or yea your home!!!"

    With Patches it would be when she comes to lay next to me either on the couch or in bed. She curls up next to me and purs so loudly that you have to pet her so that you can either hear the TV or fall asleep so she quites down.

    Harley boy... well that would be when he settles down for a nap he will come and plop himself down up against my side on the couch. But don't try to pet him more than a few times or he nibbles at my hand.... :lol:

    They all bring me such wonderful times and always bring a smile to my face!!
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I love how I can make Moe purr just by talking to her.

    Artemis always needs to be pressed against me somehow at night, no matter how many times I try to move away, he always moves with me. Not sure if that's something I like or hate though! :lol:
  4. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Yea Tiff does that too, I'll say well hello you, and she sounds like a freight train lol..I love it when Tiff licks me right on the nose :lol: It tickles like anything but she loves to do, she does it for ages, who needs a beauty buffer when you have a tiffy tongue lol :mrgreen: :lol:
  5. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Yea Patches licks my face at night if I put lotion on..... talk about rough!!! but still cute as can be. :eek:
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Monty- It's great when he searchs for me and expresses his unconditional love by arching his back, purr nonstop and settle down by my feet. I also love his ability to curse. He is the most gentle creature but should Milo cross him, Monty will run around the house cursing (literally). :mrgreen:

    Milo- He doesn't jump on my lap too often but when he does, I just melt and I hold him like a baby. He is also our official guest greeter.

    Vene (RIP)- I loved the way she followed me around the house and jumps up to be held as I'm walking somewhere. I especially love her expressive eyes that seem to talk back at me.

    Pumpkin (RIP)- I missed taking naps with her. She used to lie on my chest and purr non-stop. I loved her abilities to gauge a person's feelings. She always knew if my husband and I were feeling sick or unhappy and she would stay by our sides and lift our spirits. I also miss how she used to jump on my back right after showers.

    Rene (with my in laws now for being "bad" to the boys after Pumpkin died)- She is obsessed with water. It's a riot when she dips her paws in water bowls, sinks, baths, and showers. She fell in the bath one day but it did not deter her from playing with bath water. I will leave out her destructive powers. They are too many to name. :D
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Double post. :shock:
  8. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    that's funny you mention that Vene Patches loves sitting on the tub ledge and licks the curtain and wall while I'm showering!!
    And Harley plays in the water dish with his paws and also puts his toys in it and makes a giant mess getting them out!!! :mrgreen:
  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe and Artemis are like this too. The entire 20+ hours I was in labour, Artemis did not leave my side. He was either lying on top of me, beside me, or following me closely as I staggered around the house. His purr was quite soothing. Hopefully he'll help out again with the next one!
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Lol HDrydr! Milo will ram the door until it opens and wait for me to finish showering. Harley is so funny! Monty used to drown his toys too. I guess they have to make sure their prey is really dead. :mrgreen: I'm so glad Monty outgrew that habit. :p

    Oh Halaroo. I hope the second labour will be much shorter, and less painful. The second one is usually easier to handle. How sweet and cute that Artemis were right by your side the whole time. Artemis, make sure you help out your meowmmy again when it's time! It's really amazing how our kitties are so intune with our emotions. Moe and Artemis are very special. Not all kitties have that strong personal bond with us.
  11. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Animals are great that way Patches and Buster hang by me when I'm either down or sick. When I had my shoulder surgery in Jan mainly Patches was everywhere I was sitting next to me. Buster was right there as well looking at me like sorry mom feel better...
    Harley hasn't got that sense yet he always wants to be close so....

    Halaroo I hope that labor goes well for you this round and I hope that Artemis is right there besides you again. There really isn't anything better than a soft purring fur family to help you through.. :eek:
  12. Bente

    Bente New Member

    My most special moment with Kyrre is when he is patient enough to lay in my lap and he looks up at me with his big green eyes as if he is in love with me. And I can never hear him purr, but if I touch his belly I can feel the purr-engine running full speed, as he burries his face in my armpit <3 :mrgreen:
  13. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Ya know Bente Harley doesn't pur when I get to pet him but I know he does pur because I'll hear him on the floor in Buster's bed at night just purring as loud as can be..... What a motor he's got on him!!! Just wish he would pur more often

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