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A visit with Rene

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by vene, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    We went over to my in-laws last night for dinner and to my horror, my in-laws purchased Rene a bag of Iams. It's a good thing I had a bag of Wellness for her. The Iams bag's first ingredient was meat-by-products. :shock: The next ingredients weren't any better. There was plenty of corn filler. They promised me they'd buy her good food and told me not to bring any food for her a few weeks ago. It's a good thing I went with my instincts and brought her some better quality food.

    She's doing well with my in-laws exept she has gained a bit of weight. They seem to enjoy feeding her table scraps which they promised they'd cut back. Here's Rene at her new place taken back in Nov.:

  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    It's so sad that most people I speak to think Iams is really good quality food. Expensive does not equal good! I'm glad Rene is doing well over there. Your in-laws obviously love her. Do you get to visit her much?
  3. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Yea I think that is funny too. That's why you can get Iams at the grocery store...... that should be a big red flag... Oh well that is why people out there have pets with GI issues and overweight etc... I'm glad that you are looking out for her and brought some just in case....
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Halaroo, Iams really is expensive and it's readily available in grocery stores so that's why my in-laws bought it. They were feeding her Pro Plan. Rene is having the time of her life there. She's treated like royalty, lol. I get to see her every 2 weeks or less. :mrgreen: It's really sad but Milo and Monty don't seem to miss her at all.

    Thanks HDrydr. Her weight issue is starting to be a problem. I think I'm going to buy her a cat tree and a lazer pointer to see if we can get her weight down a bit. She used to dominate the cat tree when she was with me. The problem with her is that she wants to eat 24/7 and her activity level is way down.
  5. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Well Vene they tried... Good idea with the cat tree and laser pointer and she of course wants yummy food that adds the weight... :lol: hope the toys help Rene slim down. And what cat doesn't want and yearn to be treated like royalty!! :mrgreen:
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    It's nice to hear Rene is doing well with your in-laws :D My mom always says gaining weight is a sign that one is thriving :wink: I think a cat tree and a laser pointer would be a good idea though :mrgreen:
  7. Bente

    Bente New Member

    ops, double post...
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Vene. I didn't even know Rene wasn't with you anymore. How did I miss this info? Can you tell me again why she's there?
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Bente, lol about what your mom said. :mrgreen: I'm going shopping this week for her cat tree and lazer pointer.

    I had posted this in someone else's thread awhile back. Chessmind, Rene went berserk after Pumpkin died. She started attacking the boys day and night. There were patches of fur throughout the house. Then we found quarter sized chunks of fur and skin missing on Rene. So we thought it was better to separate her from the boys. Rene knows my in-laws who live close by so we ended up sending her to them. It was a very difficult decision to make but all 3 kitties are much happier now with their current situation. Pumpkin used to be the Queen and the mediator in the house but after she died, there was no buffer. Rene simply went wild.
  10. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Vene. I'm glad you were able to find her another home where you can visit her. Does she seem happier in her new home? How long has she been there? Was she happy to see you?
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Rene is much happier being the only child in her new home. She loves the 24/7 attention that she's getting now with my in-laws. She's been there for 6 months now. She loves getting attention from us whenever we visit. If she's not happy there, I'd take her back in a heart beat. I really miss her terribly but this is the best situation for all involved. Poor Monty was terrorized to the point where he would hide in the dining room all day and night. Now he feels free to enter any room he wishes without any threats from Rene. Milo too is happier without Rene around. Things just weren't quite right after Pumpkin passed on.
  12. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    That is sweet I'm glad that Rene is doing that well and very intune that you keep an eye on her and would take her back in a heartbeat what a great mewommy!!! :eek:
    Glad to hear that the other cats are doing better..... the loss of a fur family on the other cats can be very hard their pack gets messed up..... :cry:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank you HDrydr. I never thought I'd be the type to displace any of my furbabies. It has not been easy sending her away. But at least she's with family whom she knows. They are only a few minutes drive away. The main thing is that all of the furbabies are happy in their current situation. Now if she would lose a couple of pounds, she'll be all set. :mrgreen:
  14. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    I had to re-home one of my Kitties a long time ago now, his name was Jasper, he just did NOT like the kids, and they never did anything to him :( I don't know why he was like he was, it something I never ever wanted to do, and I still get sad about it, because pets are for life, and I feel guilty, but he would really go for the kids, bite and hiss and scratch and mean it , I was scared for the little one especially.
  15. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    It's never easy to give up a loved fur baby..... but glad to hear that they are doing well and a better place for them to be....
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    I understand how you feel Chezza. Rene used to be jealous of the kids as well. Luckily for us she never attacked them but she did attack me once a few years ago. The scars are not very pretty but I don't mind at all. She was just acting out. I feel guilty as well. But I'm also comforted by the fact that she's happier now in her new place.

    I haven't had a chance to look for a scratching post yet. I will go on Fri. Rene really needs one bad. :shock:
  17. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Rene is so pretty. My Socks could lose some weight, too. I also thought Iams was supposed to be good food. I don't get it since it is expensive. I've never looked at the ingredients.
  18. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank you Sunset. So is your Socks and Mittens. They are both very pretty!

    I think we had a discussion on the different types of foods here a few years ago here. Iams Co. did animal testing and their foods were of low quality so I stopped using it. Monty had really bad dander on Iams and after 2 weeks of switichn to Wellness, his fur really improved. It's become second nature for me to check out their ingredients. I also like to switch their foods every now and then so they get variety. I like foods with their first main ingredient as chicken rather than chicken meal.
  19. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I agree Vene!! I'm with you I check all of the foods that I feed my fur babies nothing but the best for them. :mrgreen:
  20. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Yea I think about him alot :(
    I still don't understand why he never liked the kids, they were never nasty or cruel to him, or tease or anything like that, I would never allow any of that, not that my kids would, they are always gentle with our animals. It was just his make up I guess..Sad..But like I said he couldn't stand the kids, and my little boy was a real concern to me..

    Its funny you know,some animals can be badly mistreated and get adopted and make the "BEST" family pets ever.. And some just don't, even though they had a good life.
    I still have pictures of him, so he is always here with me in heart :kiss_heart:

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