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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by shebapits, May 1, 2004.

  1. shebapits

    shebapits New Member

    i have a female expecting her new litter any day now. i have two other male dogs who live in the house with her. after she delivers do i need to keep the males away from her and her new litter? we all live together under one roof and there never has been any aggression towards the female. but since she is expecting with this all change?
  2. chickee

    chickee New Member

    She will not want other dogs around her or her puppies. Keep the males away from her area OR she will. You don't want to put undo stress on her at this time from letting your other dogs hang around the whelping box.
  3. shebapits

    shebapits New Member


    i gotcha.. we just finished her whelping box. its in the basement, we'll keep the boys away when she delivers. how long must they be seperated? when will the pups be able to be around the other dogs since we are keeping them for the first 8 weeks of their little lives..

  4. chickee

    chickee New Member

    Once their eyes are open, mom will start being less protective. But you still want to be careful and not have the older dogs around them without your supervision.

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