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Some Pics of some of the gang

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sara, Apr 27, 2008.

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  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    So here are some updated pics I took tonight of Jaxon and also of Hermionee, Bella and River. They're really doing well on this Raw diet! So impressed with it!




    Hermionee--so lean and quite a beefcake herself!





    River...the TRUEST of True beefcakes...
  2. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Got any before pictures?? Would love to see those......
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Looking good.

    What percentages are you feeding the raw?
  4. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    I showed my Hubby the piccies, he loves Pitties..
    He absolutely loved them..
    The muscle is unreal.. :y_the_best:
    Well done they are suburb :y_the_best:
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Sam, they're getting pretty much all raw. We had a weird illness hit Papreekah and Hennessy so those two are getting supplimented with some extra carbs in the form of cheap ramen to get some more meat on their bones so I can start getting them back into shape. It was a parasite, I don't remember the name, that was going around town and it basically had no Symptoms to speak of except what would be considered Chronic wasting. They lost a LOT of weight with it.

    Ozzy's getting 2% pretty much even with what his recommended weight would be which is about 175lbs. Bella, and Jaxon are at a little above 2% of their weight/ideal weight and Hennessy should be getting that as well but we've got to get her back in form first. Papreekah is getting what the 40lb pits are getting she's about 20lbs ideally her metabolism is through the roof with this high protein diet...she's getting some extra fat nowdays. Banshee's under 2% of her body weight and doing fine and Hermionee is right at 2% and trimming some fat. Monty is also under2% of his ideal weight, trimming fat and he's still a little chunky. Dauby is a little over 2% and shreek is a little Under 2%...teensy portions two times a day...LOL

    Percentages aren't all that important except that they give you a better idea on what to start with. The dogs tend to really show you what they need once all that subcutaneous fat gets cleared off etc... When I take Bella out for a hike or whatever I'll add fat to her meal as well as some carbs, before and after the hike...during a hike she'll probably get some treats...not sure which...maybe something like a natural dog food kibble along the way depending on how her energy is. We haven't gone on anything too wild though...still got snow on our trails.

    I've found that with the Raw, if you can get to the full prey model, if I translate it into 50lb dog food bags I'd be spending roughly $25-$30 a bag...that's considerably cheaper than many high end comercial brand dog foods and it's by far better for them than the commercial stuff. When I get to a place where I have the room, I'll probably raise my own rabbits for the dogs and have a few chickens for eggs. Might do some chicken butchering but they're just disgusting animals IMO. You can also feed Rats and Mice. I may raise some rats for the little dogs down the road too. I'm still just tryin' to get this raw feeding down pat. I've got them on two different proteins with no problem...chicken and beef. I'll add fish in here shortly and then we'll get some organ meat rolling. That's basically how to go about it. When I first started I was feeding a veggie mix which I've totally scratched out of their diet. If I feel like they need carbs I'll just add pasta or straight rice...so far...unless we have an illness it's been really easy... I like it WAY better than measuring out their food by the cup full. Oh and they drink a fraction of the ammount of water that they used too...it's AMAZING how you realize how much sodium and whatnot is in that commercial stuff when they're really not getting any to speak of...totally amazing.

    Thanks for the compliments on the pooches. Not much work so far, just changed their diet so I can't wait to see what'll happen when we get out there on the hiking trails and protection training feild. Should be interesting. Goes to show though...good genes help Immensly as does good food.

  6. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Beautiful dogs. Do you think Jaxon and Bella are a bit underweight?
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    No Worries...

    It's actually quite a common question for folks who are more used to seeing AKC type American Staffordshire Terriers and/or the UKC pit bulls as well. My dogs are currently conditioned for ADBA dog shows which is a registry that favors the dog's to be conditioned as they would be back in the day BEFORE conformation was what they paid attention too. Basically what you're looking for in that sense is a well refined boxer (you know the guys with the gloves, not the dogs) type physique...bantam weight devision...so you want them to look more like a marathon runner than what you commonly see. The breed was bred for stamina as well as strength so it's an interesting line to walk on as far as conditioning goes. They want to see dogs that are "ribby" but meaty. A good Pit Bull judge is one who can look at a dog and know the difference between conditioned, well muscled, lean and/or fat and underfed in a hurry to suck up a tummy... Or skinny because of lack of nutrients and food.

    Jaxon, because he's a pup, is growing and being lean but also lacking the muscle development of the older pits does give him a little more of a skinny appearance. But he's filling out nicely and once show season is over they'll get an ammount of fat with their diet, or carbs, so that they can develop a layer of fat where there is none at the moment. Bella we're working on getting some more muscleling but she's pretty ripped now so she's not really in any need of more fat.

    Hermionee is pretty perfect right now for any show...lean but well muscled... If you look at the dogs you may see some rib and/or spine depending on posture but you'll also see ripped out muscle...

    The difference between a racing TB and a conformation QH is pretty much what you're looking at.



    hope that makes sense... If not by all means ask more questions if you need too.
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Oh and I'll try to get some before pics later on this evening after work.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    For a working dog you do not want excess weight. Most APBT's are over wieght. People like to see them "big and buff" Not the way they are intended to be.

    Take your grey hound, pharoh and such, they are intended to be very lean dogs.
  10. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hey Sam,

    Did that answer your questions about the percentages...? I wasn't sure exactly what you were asking so I just kinda...probably overdid it...LOL
  11. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. Glad all your dogs are healthy and at the right weight. :D
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Not really. LOL

    What i was wondering, is what percentages of Raw meat to bone to organ and veggie are you feeding.

    I've tried putting Byeboer on Raw, he wants nothing to do with it. Will eat a whole chicken, but thats it. Won't eat beef, pork. or any organ. Refuses.

    Vets are wary becuase of his size, what percentages of the diet he should be getting. A holistic vet told me 50% meat 20%bone 20% organ and 10% vegg/ carb
  13. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Oh...LOL... I'm doing the whole prey model so basically it's like 85% meaty meat and the rest bone...and then probably like 2% organ meat or different protein than chicken.

    Best way to do it is start with Chicken...then add another protein. I just added some hamburger... Next I'll add some fish and make sure their systems are ready for some changes here and there... Then add some organ meat...2% or so... It SEEMS like it should be an exact science but truly it's less of an exact science than we like to make it. We're so used to doling out kibble filled to the line of this or that cup or whatnot...so it's weird to just sorta wing it... BUT if you think about it...in the wild...or even feral dogs... that's what they do...that's how they survive...they just wing it... I'm still weighing my meat but it's AMAZING how many people out there don't even do that...they just "eyeball" it... I have so many different sizes to feed...I'm not sure I'll EVER be able to do that...

    Also...if you watch some predator shows on TV...wolf would be best...just watch them eat...like get it seered into your head and note that...they all don't get equal ammounts of this or that...not even portions or percentages like you asked...sometimes they go for awhile with NO bone...sometimes they get lots of bone with a little meat and fat...rarely do they all get organ meat... That's all RAW is trying to acheive really...something more "carnal" I guess.

    If you want I can give you a link to a Raw message board that has a LOT of info on it... At first I'd just read posts and check out the archives with a search of what you want to know about specifically...then dive in with questions...like with your boy and not eating other proteins besides Chicken...that may just be his preferance so might as well go with it...OR try a fasting and feasting method with him...so he eats a ton of chicken...then...give him a few days with snacks in between...nothing worth much...and then throw him some beef... I bet he'd eat it then... Hard to say though. I love the Raw though... It's freeing to me...because you CAN just wing it.

    Anyway...Feel free to mail me with questions or keep it on the board.

  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Great pictures, you have such awesome dogs! :eek:

    I think they are perfect. Thats JMO. Jaxon could use more fat to have cover on his ribs, but it doesn't hurt a dog to have low % of body fat either. He has muscle mass and his face isn't sunk in. I think he will maybe have a good chance of taking some nice wins in that condition. Bella looks great too.

    This is what his mom looks like I try to keep up on her fat so that she is less ribby. It is ok for the last few ribs to show though when they are conditioned for a conformation event. Some spine will even show.

    His grandma is the same. She is a very healthy dog. When they don't intake as much fat they look more ribby but still keep their muscle mass. So they are not underfed, just not very much body fat.

    You will see this pup isn't skinny or underfed but you can see a little rib. I keep weight on her, most my young ones eat more then my adults because they are growing and I give them higher % of fat.

    Here is someone else's APBT. 28lbs UKC Champion. Its how you want them to look for a show.

    I'm hoping to get River's UKC CH this year.
  15. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Thanks True_Pits. Very interesting. For someone like me who is not familiar with the breed or showing at events they do look a bit thin. Not emaciated, just thin. Good information and pics. We don't see a lot of pitt bulls in our area, but I'll certainly know the next time I see a pit bull that looks like these pics, that they are not being underfed.
  16. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hey True... YOU too have awesome dogs...LOL

  17. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    My two Bullies are fatties :oops: :lol:
  18. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    wow! they look great! I wish I had such a muscular body lol
  19. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    That last Picci of the pitball is a bit too thin IMO
  20. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Well we all have different opinions in what we like but even that last pic. True posted does seem to be the norm for people who are looking at the conformation of pit bulls in the show ring based on being able to perform. That type of condition is what you see in any animal or human who's aiming at running a marathon or basically working towards the right physique for endurance.

    Seems a little thin, I agree but there's no loss or lack of muscle the only thing the dogs lack in those pics, including that last one, is fat...no fat. Whippets have much the same build as do many other sight hounds. Most people who are into whippets feel that if you can't see some hip and even some spine you've got a fat whippet.

    All in the eye of the beholder I suppose.

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