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Harley and Buster got bathes yesterday......

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by HDrydr, May 27, 2008.

  1. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Well both of them needed a bath so I decided yesterday was the day...... Patches was the Queen she's not very dirty so she got out of it..... :eek:

    But the boys on the other hand....

    Buster was first he is always so funny he steps into the tub then looks all rejected like "I've been bad mommy is that why your doing this????" then you get him out of the tub to dry him off. Not like it takes much he doesn't have alot of hair..... :lol: And he is crazy dog!!!! he runs into the living room and slides up against his bed rubbing and rolling and bouncing around!!! No longer does he look all rejected now he is happy dog!!!

    Then there's Harley.......... :shock: :shock: I have not given him a bath since he was itty bitty...... He is not very itty bitty now but he needed a good cleaning....
    So I got the tub partially filled with nice luke warm water all the while he is sitting on the toilet watching what I was doing.... then I reach for him he runs off..... :eek: I take him into the bathroom closing the door behind me this time... :mrgreen: then making sure that I have a good hold of him set him into the tub.... :shock: (waiting for the freakout to begin) Harley now noticing that he is indeed getting wet through that thick fur of his starts to not be very happy!! he starts to jump out of the tub but I've got a firm hold of him I start pouring water over him he starts to scramble no luck... (He actually did very well) I was able to lather him up (one hand always on his scruff....) then rinsed him off and then squeegeed him off. Into a towel he goes ok 3 towels later man that cat has some hair!!! he's done wow does he look different wet :mrgreen: He looks good now here are a few pictures....

    BEFORE all Fluffy like

    AFTER all Porcupine like


    He he he!!! :mrgreen: He's all fluffy again :eek:
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Wow, you made it through with your hands and arms intact? I would never bathe either of mine for fear of bleeding to death in my own bathroom!
  3. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    hehe Halaroo the key is to keep the pointy ends down in the tub sometimes you have to have 2 people 1 to hold the feet down and the other to scrub.....
    Plus Harley is a pretty good boy and he is somewhat fascinated with water well..... he was anyways..... :mrgreen:
    I had a meezer Jasmine RIP she hated to get wet and I had to have help giving her a bath.
    But I have had pretty good luck with my guys and keeping them clean... Although it is something that I don't enjoy doing..... but often has to be done. I've got allergies and so I have to keep them clean and their dander/hair down. I have had many a scratches and blood drawn (I clip their nails prior to bath time)
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Lol! Great before and after pictures! :lol: :eek:

    Kyrre is real easy to bath, or shower in my case, since we don't have a tub.
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I'm with Halaroo on the baths. No need for me to go to the E.R. Good job on getting them all cleaned up, HDrydr. :mrgreen:
  6. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Thanks Chessmind he looks good now..... still runs around in the tub so I must not have traumatized him too bad...... :eek:
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Job well done! [​IMG] Like Halaroo and Chessmind, I would not dare tempt fate. [​IMG]
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    You are very brave. I would be afraid to bathe my kitties, too. Very afraid.
  9. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    :eek: :mrgreen: Sounds to me that all your fur babies have you all trained hehe :mrgreen: (joking of course...) I have always given them baths because of my allergies so I start when they are babies and continue doing it so that they never forget that they won't die if they get wet.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: It actually is good comic relief seeing them all wet they "loose" pounds when wet or at least they give the apparence of it..... good times!!!
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I've only had reason to bathe my cats a couple of time....we are supposed to bathe all fosters at incoming but depending on their temperament I must admit not many of mine get bathed.
    I'm more fearful of bathing an unknown cat that anything. The southern fosters must bathe as ringworm is more prevelant there.
    Tilly (front declawed by her previous owner) is a TERROR so never a bath shall she have. She'll bite and I've tried. As stated - who needs an ER visit.
    Missy I can, and have, bathed as she gets allergens on her coat and will have sneezing fits. So when she does I will give her a quick bath. She hates it but will tolerate it.
    Zeus - too big, too powerful, too many claws. I did bathe him when he was young as he had some intestinal dysfunction and poohed in his carrier. I don't think I could handle him now without looking like I'd stuck my arm into a shredder.
    Dixie I can bath easily and do once in awhile as she has dandruff issues.
    Molly (dog) is terrified of water (big brave GSD) she nearly goes into shock in the tub. I give her a quick bath but she nearly shakes the tub apart. She needs a bath anyone game?
  11. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    :eek: :eek: LOL that's a great description of all your fur babies Mary loved the shredder comment..

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