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Duke Won Two Dock Dog Medals

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    We went out Friday and entered two Big Air Waves. This was Duke's first Dock Dog competition.. All of the experienced people said don't worry if he won't jump the first time but I was confident. Then the practice round. Sure enough Duke charged up to the edge and STOPPED dead. The dock dog people had me take him through the exit gate to the return ramp and toss the bumper from there and he jumped in with gusto. Then back to the main dock, but I forgot to close the gate. Mr. smartpants then proceeded down the dock on my next practice throw but then he turned left through the gate and jumped off the return ramp again. Everyone was rolling with laughter at that move. The third time was the charm only he ran up, stopped, then did a grand leap. He essentially went almost nine feet from a dead stop.
    Then the real competition for the first wave. We got two jumps. Duke jumped just 8'4" on his first but at least he did jump. The highlight of the first Wave was a Bloodhound who jumped an amazing five inches. Everyone roared and applauded. The announcer told the crowd that the shortest jump ever was two inches.
    Duke's second jump was much better going out 11' 4".
    After the end of the wave I went to check on the standings to find Duke had placed third in juniors and he won a medal. The experienced people told me Duke did excellent for his first competition.
    We stuck around a couple of hours to compete in a second Wave. This time Duke's best was 11" 2" but good enough for another third place medal.
    I found out there is a local club that practices every weekend so I think we'll join. Duke's main problem is that he tends to slow down at the end of the ramp so he does not have much momentum to his jumps. I think that with practice he could add another five feet.
    Bottom line is he really enjoyed it and so did I.
    I will have a video to post next week but for now here's a photo of us with Duke just about to bust with pride showing off his medal.

    Here's a close up of the medal.
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    That is awesome! Congrats. :eek:
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    yay! way to go~~ :eek:
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Yay congrats!!!!!! :eek:
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    That is so cool. Amazing he jumped that far with his first expierence on a dock.

    LOL Jake likes to dockflop in our pool. I wish I could get a video of that

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