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Buddy says 'Its Tough Being Me"

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by DogAndBigCatMomma, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. DogAndBigCatMomma

    DogAndBigCatMomma New Member


    Got it rough doesen't he? lol
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  3. vene

    vene New Member

    What a life, lol! Buddy is gorgeous!!!
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I agree, Buddy is gorgeous and looks like he knows how to be comfortable.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Buddy is beatiful! and look a that lounging in a hammock
  6. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    What kind of Cat is he?? I don't know that breed! My cats are lovable classic Domestic Shorthairs (free, but priceless). I am uncultured in the ways of finer cat breeding ;)
  7. DogAndBigCatMomma

    DogAndBigCatMomma New Member

    Thanks everyone. He is a huge ham lol.

    Buddy is a Caracal which is an African Desert cat. He's not actually a pet. We as a family run a Big Cat/Wildlife sanctuary and he is one of our residents. He actually was a womans pet but he got big and playful and actually bit her pretty badly. He didn't mean to cause her harm but she didn't feel safe with him anymore. Since we have had him he has lived like a wild animal and not a pet. He hasent bitten any of us but he has never gotten the chance either.
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Doesn't that just make you sick. I bet most of your rescues are from people who get these wild animals as pets. They should outlaw that
  9. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    He is handsome..and yes, it does make me sick that people think an exotic pet would be cool or trendy. They don't think about how much work they will be or about the animal's needs or natural instincts. Oh well, I am sure Buddy is better off now anyway. :)
  10. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    He looks so cool! I never heard of that breed. I love the ears! How big do they grow?

    ETA: I just googled it and WOW, what an impressive animal they are! I came across some beautiful photos of them. Their hind quarter looks so powerful too. And from what I've read, they can jump and catch a bird in flight, and even more than one at a time.

    Very impressive! Magnificent animal.

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