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Amazing story with video. I love cats of all sizes :)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Cassie, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Keep tissues near by...heart warming video warning!!!

    In 1968 a London couple were shopping in Harrods and they found a baby lion cub for sale there. At that time, there were no laws governing sales of exotic animals and this cub was born in captivity. The young couple were appalled and Just had take him from that small cage on the store counter. The store gave them proper dietary sheets and for 250 guineas, they took him home and named him Christian.

    For a year, they raised Christian in their home, taking him on outings and to their place of buisness during the day. They also arranged daily outings at a large local graveyard where Christian would frolic and just basically act cat-like.

    After about a year, Christian had grown from 35lbs to 185lbs and it took the couple and two friends of theirs 24hr around the clock attention to care for him. They became aware that the bigger he got, the more dangerous he could become. One time Christian was trying to jump up to hug one of them by the shoulders (his way of showing affection), a paw slipped and a claw accidenty ripped her dress off. To their dismay, they knew that there was no way that they could or should keep such a large animal in such a manner.

    By a stroke of luck one day, actors Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna walked into the store they owned while shopping for a desk. They were actors in the film Born Free which was a true story about a wildlife conservationist George Adamson and his wife who had raised a lion cub (named Elsa in the movie) and then rehabilitated it into the wild. The actors told them that Adamson could probably help.

    Long story short, Adamson did help and Christian did become part of his own pride with two lionesses and cubs of his own but not without risk and problems along the way (full story here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-452820/Christian-lion-lived-London-living-room.html ).

    Then in 1974, the London couple decided that they wanted to fly to Kenya and visit Christian. They contacted Adamson and he said "Christian hasn't been here for nine months. We have no reason to think he's dead - there have been no reports of lions poached or killed. But he may never come back," During his induction into the wild, Christian would wander away from the compound for longer and longer periods of time until one day he just didn't come back. Adamson also insisted that even if Christian was there, after all this time he wouldn't remember them at all.

    The couple still insisted on going. When they arrived at the compound, Dr Adamson told them that Christian showed up just outside the compound the night before(!!) along with his lioness and their cubs. The article I linked to earlier mentions Adamson's interest in what he believes is a sort of psychic connection that lions have.

    Speaking upon the initial reunion with Christian, one of the young couple said...

    Here is the reunion video...


    During the reunion, Dr Adamson warned them that the presense of the lionesses was rather dangerous (they weren't happy at all and were growling and spitting) and suggested they return to the confines of the compound. They did and Christian followed and spent the night with them. He then returned to his lionesses and cubs in the morning and was never seen again.
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    that's an amazing story! :shock: :eek: I've got goosebumps all over! I have seen a shorter version of the video, but i've never read the whole story before. Thanks for posting! :D
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank you Cassie! It's a great story!
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Ah that was a great story. Thanks for posting it. Animals are so amazing.
  5. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    that is an amazing story and animals have such good memories and especially when it comes to people "saving" and treating them good. The video doesn't surprise me but was very touching to see how happy all of them were to be reunited!!!
  6. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    This story was so cool, I just had to share it with my husband. awww!!
  7. DogAndBigCatMomma

    DogAndBigCatMomma New Member

    I know the story of Christain well :). It is one that touches my heart deeply and makes me think of my big babies. I wish all of our big cats could be released into the wild :(.

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