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New Foster puppies are here!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well I'm fostering a litter of 6 wk old Schnauzer/ratterrier mixes. THey are definately going to be a handful... oh my goodness.... Poor Precious doesnt' know WHAT to think... shes about as confused as it gets.

    We've got Dew, Daphne, Scooby, Velma & Woodstock




  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    LOL they sure are cute - probably easier raising human triplets
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    you aren't kidding!!!

    I'd rather have a litter of 14 boerboel puppies.... these guys are everywhere at once!!!

    Eat, poop, play, poop, sleep, poop, drink, poop....
    I've enver in my whole life seen 5 puppies that could pooo sooo much. OMG. good thing its nice healthy ones but shesh!!!
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Oh how cute i want one.... Lucky there poop is normal doesn't bare thinking about if it was not solid lol.....

  5. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    How are the pups doing?? I bet they are really all over now!! They should be good to adopt by now right?? How's that going?
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    They're doing fine. I'm a bit miffed with the adoption center however. I've called twice to find out when they are going up for adoption. They're getting big fast and the time they were suposed to have been here has long sense past. They wre suposed to call me back and have yet to do so..... Hmm
  7. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    that's what I was thinking that they should be up for adoption by now..... wow can't believe that they have not returned your calls.... that's horrible of them to leave you hanging like that.
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    yeah, my papers say the 28th. I was reviewing them, but still they should be returning my calls by now. I'm calling again to make sure... ugh.

    They're they yappiest lil stinkers. Omg... i've lost sooo much sleep because of these guys. They bark and squeel and yap non stop. Nothing i have done will muffle it. I've spearated them, I've put them together, i put them with an adult dog... i've done about a bazillion diff things to make them shut up and they just dont!!! I've never in my life seen puppies that just barked to bark!!!

    I got a bark corrector and hung it on the side of the puppy pen. When they bark, it sets off a high frequency sound that deters them... OMG they like it... i'm sooo not even kidding!!! :shock: they bark to set it off.... I'm miffe and confused and at wits end....

    i've crated, i've put themin big kennels.. inside, outside... let them run free... i've ignored, i've tried squirting with water.... nothing stops the obsessive barking. Its awful. I wish them all the luck in the world.... but in my oppinion something is wrong. I give individual training and attention daily 24/7 and they do everything great but its just the obsessive high squeeky barking!!! I can't reward for good behavior when they're quiet.. they're never quiet!!!!
  9. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    OMG you poor thing that sounds just miserable!! I'm sure you will be over joyed to give them back..... :mrgreen: Well and being together they play off of eachother....
    Best wishes to you and hopefully some piece and Quiet will come to your household soon......
    Just remember the squeeky wheel saying keep calling even if every hour.... that's what I would do....
    Good luck
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh i did better than that... I went to the center this morning.

    I explained what was going on and the agression in one of the pups. So he's going to be evaulated. He bit the crap out of me twice these past few days. He beats up the others pretty bad and has been separated. But is very very food and toy agressive. I was cleaning up the pen and picked up and empty food bowl and he went spastic on me and bit my hand. I alpha rolled him and it took him over 2 min before he fianlly relaxed and settled down.

    Not to meantion i've temp tested him twice and he's failed miserably. He's a fear biter. Not just turn around and snap, but go after whatever it is.... I dropped a pan from about 18 inches to see his reaction in temp test.. and he went all out to get the pan and then my hand... He's going to need ALOT of help. I let them know that and hopefully they will take my advice...

    They leave Thursday morning at 8! Yay!!!
  11. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    OMG!! wow.....That's great that you went to the center!! love it....

    That's not good that he's is soo aggressive!! And fear bitting.... even worse!! those type of dogs need sooo much work and consistant work to maintain the good behavior (if you can get to that even).

    That's a long time for him to recover from the bowl and when you dropped it and he resonded that poorly wow!! Kudos to you for performing temp testing and making sure that your estab. alpha on him!! That pup is going to have a long road ahead of him!!

    Is he the runt that's grown up now and so he's acting up??

    Yea bet you can't wait for thursday!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that the pup mends his aggressive ways!!!

    Hope you hands are ok!!
  12. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hey Sam...

    If he's a fear biter I'm curious what you feel an alpha roll would do for him honestly?

    From the posts he seems like he's just all out aggressive and what I'd consider to be a cantidate for some "group therapy" in more of a pack situation where the alpha is not only you but another, older dog... Banshee was a lot like your little guy, and even at four weeks she was a terror. As she grew up she pretty much continually stayed in a bad place with her temperment but also became somewhat worse. Instead of taking her on myself though, I quickly introduced her to a safe "pack" of Hermionee and Ozzy, she was small but with the behavior issues I felt like perhaps we could see what the dogs could accomplish rather than just what I could accomplish. She lacked mother's socialization too which I figured was part, if not most of the problem. Anyway Hermionee whipped her into shape with her own alpha rolls (two of them) and after a few days of pack living Banshee was an angel not only listening and focussing better on me but also letting me take control over her etc... I think it's pretty amazing what other dogs can do for problem dogs. It's all instinct and I think sometimes we humans can't get the same results .

    It's great your working with this pup and I hope all turns out well for you both! I only mentioned my own situation with Banshee because I thought perhaps you may get an idea or two on how you might want to proceed with the little guy. It's always worth a try anyway.

    Good luck and keep us all posted!

  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I didn't alpha roll after the fear biting. It was after the second time he went after my hand for picking up toys and bowls. Wasn't until later he fear bit.

    I did introduce him to Precious. She rolled him a few times when he got way too rough with her. Of course he cried and yelped but she never hurt him, just told him whats what.

    From what i've been told they're doing great. He's at the adoption center now with a behaviorist. They'll decide what to do with him. I just fostered until they told me when to bring them back.

    I'm not a small dog person, but I do know schnauzers are known for nasty temperaments and combined with super hyper terrier, doesn't suprise me that poor breeding caused it. I've never seen a puppy so young with agreession tho. He was only 5-6 weeks when i got the litter to foster, and after a couple days is when he started being posessive and attacking other puppies. I did what i could... He did learn obediance very well. I was supirised, but when it came to toys, food, or unexpected things, he just didn't handle it and got agressive.

    I don't know their past... but it must not have been good.

    Now I've got a great dane here that was suposed to be here for manners and basic obediance, and i fear he's been dumped on me. Sweetest dog. Only a year old and stands well over me on his hind legs. I know he can put his front paws on the tops of my kennels and put his nose out the top!!! And they're 6 1/2 foot tall!!! Scary if you sk me...

    But hopefully i can find this sweet heart a wonderful home. He's been neutered, he's just very much a puppy and wants to play, but so big he gets too rough with out knowing what he's doing.
  14. Sara

    Sara New Member

    We rescued Ozzy at 9 months of age, a male and still intact and intact then (he's papered with AKC and we've got those as well) but with Danes you really do have to lay down the law even when they're just playing. They're pretty sensitive dogs so you can really over correct them easily but if you're going to place him I'd make sure he knows he's not allowed to put his paws on you...or any human etc... Ozzy learned that early on because I almost took a couple headers down the stairs because he was so unruly. It's like with horses...ya gotta make sure they're fully knowledgeable that you are boss etc... Just some thoughts since I've experienced the young great Dane before. Ozzy, when standing on his hind feet on our chain link looks over the top, his fore-arms are almost level he's so frickin tall. I've measured him at around 36" at the shoulder... But not scary big, he's just a big love...BIG love...LOL

    Good luck with your current rescue boy.


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