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Dying cat... help please?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by naomi__, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. naomi__

    naomi__ New Member

    My 14 year-old cat has been losing weight for about a year now, and now you can feel her spine/rib cage poking out from her. She has a healthy appetite but nothing stays in her for very long. She can't clean herself anymore, and all she does is lie down on the floor. I know she's really ill, but what can I do to make her more comfortable? I have no idea how long she has left to live...

    Any sensible suggestions are welcome

  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    The only thing you can do is take her to a vet as soon as possible. She can possibly be treated and if not, and she's suffering, your only option may be to put her down humanely. Sorry you're going through this. One downfall of pet ownership is having to watch them get old. Good luck and let us know how it goes at the vet.
  3. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Sorry to hear about your fur baby!! It is never easy watching part of the family get old and when they start showing it is even harder. I would agree with Halaroo and take her to a vet to see if there is anything that can be done to help. And at 14 and with the weight loss it may be time to humanely put her down sadly.
    Best wishes and keep us informed of your cat.
  4. naomi__

    naomi__ New Member

    Hey guys, thanks for all your help but sadly my kitty passed way in her sleep last night.

    Thanks for all your help and best wishes.
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about your cat :( Hugs!
  6. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Soo sorry to hear about your fur baby!! It is never easy to loose a part of the family. Know that you did the best you could do for her and she lived a long good life with you.
    Best wishes in this difficult time.
  7. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I'm sorry to hear about your kitty.
  8. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    I am so sorry about your loss! I know it is little comfort, but you had 14 wonderful years together and your kitty went in the loving, most humane way possible. We could all be so lucky as to pass on in the comfort of our loving family, in our own bed, and in a peaceful dream.

    You both had a better life for having known each other.
  9. naomi__

    naomi__ New Member

    Thanks everyone, I feel a lot better, but it's so hard because this was my own kitty that I lost which is even harder :( When I was a child my parents lost 2 of their own cats, 1 of which was stolen due to him being a pedigree breed and the other due to kidney failure when he was 18.

    I did take my kitty (Slinky) to the vets and we found out that she had a terminal kidney disease, so it could never be cured anyway.

    I'm just glad that she passed away whilst dreaming, and that she's not in pain anymore :)
  10. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Best wishes for you in your healing, she had a good loving human to take care of her and a loving home to pass in.
    I face that as well my Patches is 11 and she has kidney disease so I know that she wont be around very long. She is my little queen of my house and the best girl cat I've ever had the privilege to enjoy owning and loving!!

    In the end they all wait for us now to cross over to be joined again in happy tail wagging, purring rumbling!!

    Take care and hope to continue seeing you here on the boards.
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I, too, lost a cat to kidney failure. He was 1 1/2 when he passed. Take care.
  12. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    I truly believe animals have a soul and we will be reunited with those we love - 4 legs or 2 - when our time comes.

    I often think of this old “Twilight Zone” episode I once saw about an old man that passed on. On his way to what he thinks is the gates to heaven, he sees his faithful old dog who passed on many years earlier. They loved each other very much and they are very excited to be reunited. When the man gets to the gates, the he is told he is welcome to enter, but his dog refuses to go in! He is then told animals are not welcome inside, but paradise awaits him if he will leave the dog. The old man refuses to leave his best friend and walks away from the gates - deciding he would rather live the rest of eternity outside of “heaven” because it would not be paradise without his best friend by his side. As he and his dog wonder away, they find another gate - the real gate to heaven. It turns out the old man had been tested by the gates of hell and he had passed because of his love and devotion for his pet. They are both welcomed inside. I wish I had seen this episode more than once because I wonder if I remember it correctly, but it was one of my favorites.
  13. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty.

    I also believe we will be reunited with our pets when we move on to our new life.

    I saw that episode of The Twilight Zone, Lovemykitties. It was a good one. I also think of the movie "What Dreams May Come" with Robin Williams. After he passes in the movie, I seem to remember that he is reunited with his dog.

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