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  4. Live Spirulina

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Get rid of that cat pee smell!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Yodi, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. Yodi

    Yodi New Member

    My cat peed in my car....on the drivers seat too! On the old Auspet forum, someone had listed a way to get rid of the cat pee smell. IT WORKED!! So I thought I would pass it on. The stain was 5 days old and since it's so hot outside you can just imagine the smell! I took an 8oz bottle of hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda and a healthy squirt of dish soap and mixed it in a plastic bowl. I soaked a rag in the mixture and saturated the stain and surrounding area. Then I just let it air dry. It's been 4 days now and I can't smell the pee at all!! I have maroon cloth covered seats and it didn't bleach the color at all. THANK YOU!!! For whoever posted that 'miracle potion'!

  2. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Glad to hear that it worked I will keep that one in mind for sure....
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Glad to hear you got rid of the smell! :) I also got a good tip here when I had a foster cat that peed on my parquet floor: Dilute some vinegar in plain bottle water with gas (no idea if gas is the correct word here...). One round with the diluted vinegar and one round with soapwater, and the floor were as good as new :D
  4. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    Good to know! I have one cat that pees when he gets really scared, and he hates car rides to the vet. I had always feared he would pee in the car and I would have to live with that smell. Now I don't have to worry so much.

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