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Hello fellow cat owners

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by momofcats, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. momofcats

    momofcats New Member

    My name is Babs and Im new. Ive been going through something horrible with my boy Kingston and wanted to share what has been helping incase any of you had the same problem. Im home all day so I spend 24/7 with my 2 cats King and Rayna. I know them inside and out. King stopped eating hard treats but still ate his soft food. At first I thought he just got bored of it. Then he stopped eating his hard food. Then I noticed at treat time he tried to eat the hard treats but would chew funny and back up. I took him to the vet. They thought it was gingivitis because of some sores on the back of his throat. I just rescued them a few months ago after losing Vinny to cancer. She said to give him antibiotics and let him just eat eat the soft food. That was good for awhile then a about 4 days ago he stopped eating everything, not even water. I took him back. The vet said he had the hardest illness to treat. Only 60% of cats make it because of them rejecting medicine and never eating. I wasnt going to give up. He was the most defiant cat when it came to taking medicine. This is what I decided to do and its working so far! Btw..tuna juice wasnt even helping. I crushed up the pill to a powder , added anchovy oil and water to dissolve it and sucked it up a syringe. Hubby held King and I shot the yummy medicine down his throat(separate from eating time). This was 3 days ago and he hasnt missed a meal. He has been thanking me for the last 2 days with kisses and head rubs. Your thoughts will help that the meds help. WHoever had him last didnt take care of him with this problem. His sister wife was acting up because she was worried and peeing around the house and now that has stopped. Thats the other thing, if you have one cat that is sick and the other one is peeing on the carpet when it usually doesnt, chances are they are nervous for their friend. Here are pics. Kingston is the blacker cat! SOrry, I cant figure out to post a pic. Ive done this before with other forums but never had to pay for it. Any other way to post a pic? Thanks[/img]
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    to post a picture you will need to upload your pictures to a web hosting site like http://www.photobucket.com which is a free service.
    when you have your pictures uploaded there you can copy the html that is for linking pictures (will have [​IMG] in the back) bring it back here and paste into your post and viola you can share!!!
    Glad your kitty is doing better
  3. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Welcome to the board and I am glad that your kitty is doing better. I have had somewhat the same experience. My 11 year old calico Patches has kidney disease so sometimes she stops eating. She stopped eating the hard treats then her hard food then really didn't want soft food either.. Had to water down soft food and syringe feed her for weeks along with water in syringe and IV subq fluids. she only eats soft food now but I think that her teeth bug her she's old. But she eats well 3 times a day, she is still only 8.5 pounds.

    look forward to seeing pictures when you can and are allowed to post pictures..... I think it is a week you have to be a member before you can post.
  4. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    I had nearly the exact same problem with my Squeekie about a month ago. he had a sour in his mouth that made it hard for him to eat. My vet decided that, rather then give pills, he could give him a one-time shot of antibiotics. That did the trick and within a few days, he was eating full meals again. He did bring up the possibility of mouth cancer, but thankfully it was not. Next time he needs antibiotics (especially if he has mouth pain), ask your vet about the shot. It s a little more money, but it is worth it to not have to deal with the pills. :y_the_best:
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Welcome to the board. It sounds like your poor kitty has been through a lot but I'm glad he is improving and hope he will keep improving.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! You are doing a great job taking care of King. Looking foward to seeing pics of your furbabies. :eek:

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