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How is everyone doing?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Chessmind, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi everyone. Just wanted to see how all of you were doing. All is well with me. I'm doing great. My daughter Kira is now three and my son Liam is two. They are the wonderful. I really feel like my life is complete having my wife and two kiddies. Kira just started preschool twice a week from 9am-12pm. The first week she thought is was great, then this week she cried when my wife and I dropped her off. The teacher said this was normal and shortly after she was fine and had a great two days. It's still a bit tough on my wife and I to see her cry and leave her there. Liam is very unhappy about not having Kira around those few hours twice a week. Because they are only 11 months apart they have a strong bond like twins.

    For all of you stay at home Moms out there: My wife started a small side business for fun. She goes to craigslist (free online advertising site in the USA), buys items that are a good deal, cleans them up and resells them for a profit. Because she's a Mom she knows her kid items. She loves getting popular strollers for cheap and reselling them for a profit. It's actually a great business she has going on. Now if it really takes off, perhaps I can only do dentistry twice a week! Oh that would be the life. Spend my time with my wife and kids 5 whole days a week!

    Anyway. I hope you are all doing well. I know some of you have gone through some tough things lately and others have had babies! I hope to hear from some of you. I know we are all busy. Look forward to hearing from you.
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Great thread Chessmind! :D It's nice to hear that you and your family are doing so great. I like your wife's idea! Is she advertising her items online?

    All is great here in Norway as well. We moved to a bigger city in March, and we really like it here. We got a smaller, but much prettier appartment, Kyrre gets to be an outdoor cat, and he loves it! We have a huge garden and live in a quiet neighborhood, but it's only two minutes by bike to the city centre.

    I still work at the Duty-Free shop here in Trondheim, but I am thinking of going back to school: I would like to be a photographer. It's an expencive education, so I've signed up for a course first, to see if this really is something I would like to "bet" my money on. The course starts October 8th, and I'm really excited (and nervous) :mrgreen:

    I hope everyone else is doing well too :)
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm doing well. Amelia is 29 months old now and Heidi is 2 months. Thankfully Heidi is an easy-going baby (the complete opposite of her sister) so life with 2 kids has been a fairly easy transition for us. We are enjoying the beautiful fall weather and spending as much time outside as possible. Amelia just got a two-wheel bike (with training wheels) so she's loving that she gets to bike around with the big kids.

    Dh is enjoying his new job. Life has been better for us with this change - less stress, shorter hours, more pay! He's wondering why he didn't do this sooner. I love being home with my girls and don't plan on working full time again until they are in school. Luckily we're able to live quite comfortably on one income right now.

    It was great to read your life updates. Enjoy your photography course, Bente. You're such a good photographer already! I'm looking forward to reading more updates from everyone else!
  4. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Great thread! I totally understand how hard it is to send your little ones off to the big world for the first time. I think I cried for the first few weeks that our boy started school. It's hard to believe it's been so many years. He's 27 yrs old now and in the US Air Force. He's been living on his own and in service since the year 2000. We're so proud of him.

    All is well with us here in Tennessee, USA. Hubby and I are gearing up for our yearly Halloween Home Haunt and the whole neighborhood is excited to see us begin. We're really excited because our son, my two sisters, a brother in law and two nieces are all flying in from all over the country to help out so it will be a combo homehaunt/family reunion! Much of Hubby's local family will be here as well and it will be nice for them all get to meet. (after 15 years, it's beyond time! LOL)

    Booger is healthy, doing great and being silly as usual. She gives me at least 3 full belly laughs a day. She's loving all our Halloween props and bags/boxes of stuff that we have pulled out and have laying all over the house.

    Thanks again for the great thread. I look forward to reading more replies!

  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    all is fine here too
    for some reason my home computer doesn't like auspet and it gives me trouble. And whenever I open it norton comes up with stuff has been blocked always from here.
    anyway I've been busy with working and Supervisor of the Checklist stuff with the upcoming General election. Not a day I look forward to. Could turn out to easily be a 16 hour day for me but it's Christmas money.
    Pets are all fine and we'll be setting off for a hike with Molly soon.
    Catnip VA5579 is still here with an interested party who can't seem to get her finger out of her nose to commit. I'm ready to turn her down.
    But we've all been well
  6. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    All is well here in the colorado zoo..... :eek: :eek:
    Chopper is growing up nicely he weighs in at 3.4 pounds and is 12 weeks today. He and Harley are buds and run around and play..... the BF just encountered Chopper's fascination with jumping up onto things well he opened the toilet and well Chopper jumped up to sit on the lid well he fell in!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: at least it was a clean bowl.....
    Patches tolerates him and is doing well with him.
    Buster is doing well, walked him this morning and encountered a nuisance cocker spaniel that in the 3 years I've been here always chases him and barks..... well it happened again this morning and well Buster almost got him.... The cocker went after his rear!!!! The lady never has him on a leash. So after avoiding Buster biting him I took him home and went back and confronted her. Told her that I can only do so much to keep him from biting him he's 85 pounds of muscle and I had him off his front feet with him wearing a pinch collar he can't protect himself. The lady said "well next time just let him bite him he'll learn, he got bit from the little dog around the corner and he leaves him alone now." I wanted to tell her that that a bite from Buster is going to be worse and will do damage!! Dumb people!! told her you need to have him on a leash!! and that I won't be responsible if he does end up biting him one day when you don't keep him on a leash and under control. Buster will protect himself and me when a dog comes charging barking at us.....

    Other than that things are good here in Colorado enjoying these nice days before winter!!!
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Sorry to post so late. I've been crazy busy running a household. :mrgreen:

    This year is just flying by so quickly with my son Andrew in Kindergarten and Lisa going to playgroups. She just turned 3 on Sat. I'm going to put her in preschool when she turns 4.

    Our kitties are doing great. Even Rene is happy living at my in-laws.

  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Thanks for all the updates. Still looking forward to hearing from some more people. :D

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