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my missy is missing

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    somehow she managed to scoot out when either Paul or I got home from work yesterday.
    At lunch she was there and I left them all snacking on deli turkey.
    Came home from work about 4:40 and Paul was already home. We took Moly for a walk, got home, cooked dinner and about 1/2 hour later I realized no Missy.
    I tore the house apart while Paul looked outside....nothing.
    I was up 1/2 the night either looking otuside or trying to sleep wrapped up in a comforter on our porch until the cold drove me inside.
    I can't stand this - again. Was 7 years ago my Sessy disappeared. Everyone loses cats in our neighborhood to wildlife.
    Pleaesa please send positive thoughts for her to come home
  2. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Oh Mary.... "Mmmmiiiiiiiiisssssyyyyyyy" come home your family misses and needs you home!!!!!

    Hang in there I am praying and wishing for a safe return home!!!
  3. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    Oh, I would be heartbroken! I feel for you Mary!! I hope she turns up safe and sound. Did you try leaving some catfood outside for her? Maybe she will find her way home if she smells dinner.

    P.S. It was chilly last night - Brrr!
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry Mary! :cry: I pray that she'll be home, safe and sound, in no time.

    I went through this myself with Kyrre, in January. What I did was I put out his bed and food, and I left the front door open. He did eat the food, but he was too frightened to show himself when I was out calling for him. And he was also too frightened to walk up the stairs when I wasn't there.

    Luckily Kyrre came back, and I pray Missy will as well. Hang in there!

    *big hugs*
  5. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    Good luck Mary, I hope Missy comes home soon ... sending postitive vibes your way, I know how it feels and how worried you must be.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh Mary, I havent benn her ein a long time, Praying you find missy.

    I also suggest leaving the door open at night to see if he will return since its too cold for you to be out.

    When Midas got out I slept outside and he came nudging me about 3 am
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    So sorry Mary! I hope to hear some good news soon.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Praying that Missy will come home soon. Hang in there Mary. *Hugs*
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I can't leave the door open - 3 of my own cats plus a foster plus a people fearful dog!! And the cost of heat prohibits letting the furnace run all night long - it's gotten cold at night.
    But obviously there is no good news but I'm hoping.
    I have a trap set up outside with my bathrobe and food, I have a crate set up with Missy's bed and her purple glove, all neighbors have been informed and many have stopped me when I've been out looking to let me know they are watching for her. Shelter/vet/police (it's their trap) all have been informed.
    My niece asked kids at the bus stop to watch for her. I've asked a crew doing some tree work nearby to watch, some guys doing work on a seasonal home to watch and the FedX guy.
    I've pretty much gotten them all - I think.
    I go outside every 2 hours at night to check the trap. DH is home the rest of the week so he's been checking diligently.
    I tried to sleep outside on the porch one night but the cold drove me in.
    I keep looking/hoping/praying. Other cats aren't eating
  10. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Hugs to you, Mary. I'm so sorry Missy is missing. I hope she will return soon.

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