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Please help - Possibly dying cat

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Diana, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Diana

    Diana New Member

    Our cat is about 10 years old. More than a year ago, she had a serious bout with kidney disease and had to be in the hospital for five days with an IV. When she came home, it took her about two weeks to get back to normal, but she did bounce back (used up yet another one of her lives!) and was fine until last month. She stopped eating and lost weight. We took her to the vet again, and we had to rush her to the hospital. After testing, turns out she had a kidney infection, not a repeat of the chronic kidney disease. But this time she had to stay in the hospital 10 days with the IV. Her test results dropped to normal and she came home, although she had picked up a respiratory disease in the hospital. She was a little off, like she was last time, but she has now been home three weeks and she's getting worse. She drinks plenty of water, but won't eat at all and she's practically skin and bones. I've tried every trick to get her to eat; sometimes she'll take a lick of tuna from my fingers, but that's it. I think it's because she can't smell. Her nose is still dry. She fights and struggles mightly every time we try to give her the anitbiotic and medicine for the respiratory illness. She absolutely hates it. She's taken pills before with not nearly as much trouble. OK, that's taken up way more of your time than I meant to take. The whole point here is that I can't see making her suffer more by taking her back to the hospital and going through all the blood draws (her veins are so thin they have to stick her several times to get what the blood they need) and being stuck in a cage with an IV for days on end (she's mostly an indoor cat, but she likes to take a tour of her domain outside once or twice a day). My husband had cats all during his childhood and well into adulthood; I was not a cat person, but this one was a stray who just moved in with us when she was barely a year old despite my efforts to keep her at bay. As is the way of the world, we are now very close (I think she thinks I'm just a strange-shaped cat) and I've never lost a cat before. She still walks around some and will even find the energy to jump on the sofa or bed maybe once or twice a day, but she rarely purrs now. Sorry, back to the question: How long can a cat go without eating? What are the stages of death? How do you know when it's near the end? What do I do? Thank you for your time. Any guidance would be appreciated.
  2. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Welcome to the board there are alot of great people here that can give lots of advice....

    Sorry to hear of your troubles with your fur baby. You can use baby nasal spray (pure saline solution no chemicals...) to help her nose clear up so that she can smell. Yes cats use their sense of smell to eat.

    Then you can try soft food and add some water and kinda mush it up into kinda a paste and see if she will eat it or try giving it to her with a syringe (you'll have to add more water).

    You need to get food and water down her quickly especially given her current situation.

    Pilling a cat is never easy and some of the meds don't taste good Vets have the pillers that they can give you so that the pill goes far enough in the back of their throat they don't give "too much" of a fight. the liquids well that's another story. Mine are horrible with liquids so I don't have much to offer there except try and do it quick before she knows it's coming.....

    Good luck to you I hope that she bounces back..... Keep us posted...
  3. Diana

    Diana New Member

    Thanks very much for your kind words. I hadn't thought about the baby saline spray; I'll try that and the soft food. She's such a great cat ... I really appreciate the help.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    the baby saline nasal spray works wonders but the effects last only a couple of hours and don't overuse it though.
    There is an excellent recipe for syring feeding ill cats (only use a plastic syringe for feeding).
    AD canned food (gotten from the vet and wet food is better for cats with kidney problems as they need the extra moisture).
    Pedilayte (plain, not flavored)
    NutraCal (can get at pet stores).
    Mix together and add just a wee bit of Karo corn syrup (for that extra bounce aka sugar buzz).
    Mix into a soupy mixture, suck up into the syringe and feed. Be careful to not get any food up her nose so it doesn't go into her lungs.
    Try to get at least 1/4 cup in her per day...more if you can
    Hope she does okay
  5. Diana

    Diana New Member

    Thank you for the suggestion! I'll try the mixture and let you know how it goes.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I will look for updates
  7. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    The other posters are correct - If they can't smell the food, they will not likely eat it.
    I went though a time when my cat was not eating for over a week. It turns out he had an infection and we started him on antibiotics. When he started to eat only a little, my vet recommended meat baby food - the really fine stuff. I guess it has a good amount of calories and is easy for them to eat if they have not been eating for awhile. Good luck and we hope to hear back. Despite the kidney infection (which you said was cleared up), 10 years really is not that old for a cat. You should still be able to enjoy years of happiness once he gets back on track.
  8. Diana

    Diana New Member

    You all were so very kind. I didn't get to try much; her kidneys failed. She declined dramatically Tuesday, and Wednesday the doctor said there was little hope. The same doctor and staff had helped her pull off miracles before, but not this time. I guess YourKat didn't have any lives left. The doctor said she might continue to live for a while if she got daily water injections under the skin, but she absolutely hated that. I can barely write the words, but, well, she's gone. I've never lost a friend before - in 49 years! - and I know it's for the best and all those nice things, and I didn't think it would have been good to force her to keep "living" when she was so sick and didn't even have the energy to go outside in the sun, let alone chase lizards, but it's still so very, well ...

    Thank you again for your support and encouragement when YourKat was sick. All of you are very special people. -diana
  9. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    I am very sorry to hear this! Words can not express the loss of a pet. They hold such a special place in our hearts. They are our steady rock in times of chaos - through moves, relationships, and hardships. You never expect when you take on a pet that you will love them so endlessly, but before you know it, you can't picture your life without them. They always seem to know when we need a nuzzle and give us unconditional love. You should not feel guilty for doing what was in the best interests of your pet. Sometimes it would be more selfish to force them to live than to aid them in passing peacefully. I am sure she was a wonderful cat. Just hold onto those great memories of her chasing lizards and laying in the sunshine. I am sure your friend is waiting for you there and you will see her again.

    “Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    -Author unknown”

    Our hearts are with you.
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    hugs to you.....it is a very difficult thing to lose a pet one has had so long
    We've all been there so you aren't alone
  11. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    :( So sorry to hear about her passing, know that you did everything that you could have done for her. She lived a great life and gave you and your family years of happiness and love. She is in a better place and healthy again waiting for you.

    I have lost many many of my fur babies and it never gets any easier.... I still love and miss them dearly. I always remember the happy times together and know that I gave them a good life.

    My thoughts are with you and your family during this time...

  12. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss :( Take comfort in knowing she lived a happy life with you. She was loved and taken care for, not all cats are that fortunate. You did the right thing *hugs*
  13. Diana

    Diana New Member

    Thank you, thank you again with all my heart. It's good to hear from people who understand. The Rainbow Bridge is beautiful and it brings me a wonderful measure of comfort, as do all of your very kind words and thoughts. She's the only cat I've ever known and she was very territorial so she never did take to having a companion cat, just waited for us to come home to adore her which she knew was her birthright ... thank you very, very much.
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. *Hugs*
  15. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I have been there too and it's so tough. I'm glad IlovemyKitties posted the Rainbow Bridge Poem for you. Hang in there. :cry:

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