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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  3. Australian Blackworms - Live Fish Food

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  4. Live Spirulina

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I has a kitty

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    her name is Missy and she IS HOME SAFE AND SOUND
    when my son was coming home last night, during a horrible rain storm around 10:30pm. She ran in front of his car.
    He ran into the house "mom it's Missy" and I went running out.
    After crawling through bushes I was finally able to get her to calm down enough to stop and I grabbed her.
    My heart hasn't pounded so hard in years.
    She hasn't left my lap since.
    She is very thin so I'm going to start getting NutraCal into her - not fun
    she's okay - no injuries and she's hydrated
    little shat
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Happy, happy news!!! Big hugs for all of you. Missy, don't you ever scare your Meowmmy and family like that again!

  3. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    :eek: :y_the_best: :eek: :eek:


    I am soo glad that Missy is home again where she should be, thank god that your son didn't run her over!!!!

    I am happy to hear that she is well that is such a relief!!!
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Yippii! :eek: :eek: :eek: I'm so glad to hear the good news! :D
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Oh, that is wonderful news. I'm so happy for you and Missy.
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm very happy for you Mary! Great news!
  7. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    Well, at least she ran in front of the right car!! haha!! That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you both!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I had a crazy busy week, so I didn't even know she was missing! So sorry I missed your post, but I am so glad you found her! :eek: Poor Mary_NH that must have been such a bad few days for you!

    And Vene, your 'hug' emotionicon is great. :y_the_best:

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