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Pics of Nika ~ 56K Warning

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Alasse, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. Alasse

    Alasse New Member

    Nika is a 16 week old pedigreed longcoat GSD







  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Awww how cute, She looks great, i used to breed GSDs but never got a black one, my mum did but not me :(
    Remember that black dogs do not tolerate the heat very well due to there black fur atracting the sun rays...

  3. Alasse

    Alasse New Member

    Thanx charmedagain

    Nika isnt doing to badly in the heat (been in the 30's and predicting a very hot summer here this year)

    I have plenty of containers of water around and there is plenty of shaded areas for the dogs. Nika jumps in the water containers to cool off also. So, so far so good And if the dogs appear to be doing badly (Scoob doesnt like heat at all!) I hose them down to cool them.

    Heat is something they and i have to deal with yearly, part of living in the tropics, you just have to be mindful and careful :D
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Pretty boy! Look at those ears! He's got some radar detectors there!!!

    Glad to see he's got a better conformation than most being bred these days.
    Looks alot like a Shiloh shepard, with the longer coat.

    Do you have any working plans for him or just a pet?
  5. Alasse

    Alasse New Member

    Nika (pronounced Nee - ka) is a girlie dog :D

    Yeah she's still gotta grow into the ears *L*

    I'm planning to do obedience trialling with her, and breed with her at a later date (providing she passes her testing)

    Her conformation is why i went with the breeder i did, i really do not like the show shepherds they are producing, to much hunch back for me, looks horrid. Nika is from working lines, has a straighter back and well, i may be biased, but a far better look overall.
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    She, sorry!!!

    Yes she does. It sickens me to see the "show" gsd's crippled. Last show i was at this one odog was litterally walking on his hocks. It was awful.
  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    What a cute fluffy pup :eek:

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