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Where is everyone ?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    wow.. so quiet around here. Whats going on? how's everyone pups??
  2. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    You know I was wondering the same thing.... It is very quite here lately.. I don't know where everyone is. I unfortunately am around alot right now because of a shoulder surgery I am off work until end of December....

    I am on watching the boards alot during the day and no-one is posting much. My Buster is doing well he is gaining weight with me not being able to really exercise him. He plumps up during the winter anyways but his shot for his Addison's costs more the more he weighs..... So I've got to figure something out.

    How's your new addition??
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I been checking in from time to time here and there... Not a whole lot going on around here though...nothing too exciting at all. I got a new addition, not a dog but a bird. His name is buddy, he's a yellow crowned amazon who was a breeding bird. A friend of ours knew the breeders and they were going to put him down because they didn't think he'd be friendly ever... Old school thought process that birds have to be kept wild to breed. So the friend of ours, Shawn, took him. The advice of the breeders was to keep Buddy in a dark corner somewhere, no toys and no use to work with him as he would likely never be a tame nice bird... Buddy is between 35 and 40 or something and at the moment he's sitting on his window suction perch. We just got him a little stand perch to sit on as well and he plays with his jungle gym set as well (that came with him...pretty much everything came with him when we picked him up). Shawn just gave the bird to us because he knows we can give the bird what he needs.

    Buddy isn't talking yet but I think he will... he's such a sweet guy. I think his vision has been messed up probably because he lived most of his life in a dark corner. He doesn't like open hands but he'll let you scratch his head and eyes if he's in the mood. He's no cuddler but he likes his showers and would rather be on your hand or shoulder...I can't believe anyone would keep this boy in a dark corner with no toys!!!!

    Datvi really seems to not get the bird... He crawled on her last week and sat on her head...once he started investigating her ear tufts she was done with him...neither of them are exactly fond of one another but they get along...nobody tries to kill anyone else.

    Anyway that's all I have to report...nothing doggy exciting. In January I'm hoping to attend a skijor clinic in colorado with Bella. We shall see of course...she's been doing some canicross so hopefully it'll translate well into the skijoring.

  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Hope your shoulder heals soon!!

    I sooo understand about your shots for your boy. OMG sooo expensive!

    We're doing good here. I'm workin alot and still going to school but other than that... just checkin in and wondering where everyones at!
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    With the bird, they should NEVER be kept in a dark corner!!!! Thats awful. They need alot of mental stimulation, fresh fruits, nuts and greens along with lots of sunlight and things to do!

    Hope he settles in soon.

    I know my girl Alex was awsome. I loved her soo much. She was a Lutino pearl cockatiel and loved nothing more than cuddling and riding on my shoulder or head. I had a sucktion cup perch i put in my shower and every night she'd hang upside down in the shower and take a bath. It was sooo funny.

    She was great at pluckin eyebrows and preening my hair and eyelashes. She'd fly around the house and just be her happy birdie self! I can imagine her ever being in dark corner. Omg... thats awful
  6. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Dark corner...... OMG!!! that's soo mean!!

    They need stimulation to thrive!!!!! They are such smart birds... I am soo glad that you took him in and will give him the attention and stimulation that he needs to be happy. Dark corner...... :x the previous owner that kept him there should be held up in a dark corner...... that was horrible for the breeders to pass on that kind of advice...... Obvious they were just in for the money not the well being of the birds...

    I've trained many large birds in my days amazons, macaws, cockatoo's and they need mental stimulation, toys, good fruits and seeds and veggies..... they are social animals and need the interaction. Would love to see pictures.....I miss being around the large birds!!
  7. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Thanks, the shoulder is healing every day it is a bit better. I had surgery in Jan to remove a large bone spur and I kept going to PT and it never seemed to get better pain wise and strength just wasn't coming. So my PT said I should go and get a second opinion from his shoulder surgeon... Well I ended up having a hole worn in one of my rotator cuff muscles that got worse with my job. Ended up having rotator cuff repair 10/30/08. Wish the first surgeon would have cleaned up that tendon he would have seen a hole starting from the spur....... Oh well done now.....

    Buster gets 2.9 ml of his DOCP injection every 56 days and it costs me about $156 if I remember right.... I got to get this dog to loose some weight...... but he is big framed and a boxer/lab he weighs 86 pounds, and is on steroids lowest dose possible 5mg every morning for the Addison's so that doesn't help.. He really doesn't look that overweight he could loose 6 pounds I just don't think he's going to go under 80 for the kind of dog he is. Plus I don't over feed him he only gets 3-4 cups a day.
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I'll try to get some pictures of Buddy this weekend or maybe this week. He's really a sweety and he seems to LOVE my parakeet...LOL... They sqwak back and forth during the day. He's got quite the jungle gym too so he's really doing well. I've also been handling him pretty often and taking him about the house and whatnot. He seems to really like perching himself on the back of our couch as of late.

    Glad to hear the shoulder is healing too...
  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I check back but a lot of time there isn't much traffic. Other then that just been busy with the dogs really. Which is what I enjoy using my time for.
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member


    I know i'll be super super busy in the next coming weeks. I've got three new dogs coming, and one due to whelp! Ahhh!!!

    Not to meantion, I've got a lil suprise coming in the next 8months too :)
  11. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    :eek: Congratulations!!!!! :eek:
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    :) Thanks. Very unexpected but we're happy.
  13. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    CONGRATS from me too.

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