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Canned cat food and sick kitties

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sunset05, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Socks and Mittens have both been sick with diarrhea several days ago. I thought it was a virus but I'm now wondering if it could have been their canned cat food.

    Their favorite is Friskies canned Ocean Whitefish with Tuna and that is what they ate. They wouldn't touch it after they became sick. Now I've given them the Salmon flavor which they are eating and they seem to by getting better. I'm afraid to give them the Whitefish one again. I'd hate to be the cause of my kitties getting sick.

    Has anyone else had problems with Friskies canned cat food? I was wondering what other people feed their kitties. Can anyone suggest a different brand that might be better for them?
  2. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I feed Nutro Max cat food my 14 year old eats the soft food and the young ones eat the dry. I really like it and so do they and they have alot of different flavors.....
    Poor babies. not your fault maybe it was just a bad can.....
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Thank you HDrydr and thanks for the food suggestion. I'll check into it.

    My kitties are fine now, thank goodness. Right now I'm giving them different flavors of the Friskies which they are liking but I still want to look into other brands.

    I guess they could have had a virus. I'm just not sure.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I don't feed any fish canned foods at all. Zeus gets horribly loose stools from any fish cat food.
    Fish isn't a natural food for cats. Cats originated from dry regions where fish weren't in supply. Many cats have problems with fish
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Thanks Mary. I didn't know that. My kitties just seemed to like the fish and did okay on them. I did notice that Mitten's stools were a little loose again today. She's acting fine, though. I'll try flavors other than fish.
  6. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    You never know - maybe they changed the formula slightly and did not tell you. I had an event when they changed the dry food fomula of Aries normal cat food to "New and Improved". He vomitted for 3 days until I found another brand. "New and Improved" my foot!! I was so scared for him until I realized they changed his food! Any dramatic change in diet can trigger digestive issues.
  7. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    It is scary, Lovemykitties. It has been worrying me. I don't want to be responsible for them being ill.

    I was wrong about Mittens the other day. It was Socks who had the loose stools. She fine today.

    I haven't been giving them any canned food with fish in it. I bought some Natural Choice canned food at Petco and am starting to mix a little of than into their regular canned food to get them used to it.

    I wanted to buy Welness but it is pretty expensive. I don't know much about Natuaral Choice so I'm hoping it is okay.
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My daughter who lives out of state said her kitty threw up all of his canned food the other day. He eats Friskies, too.

    He's 14 and is getting older so right now she's not sure what's wrong. She's keeping an eye on him.

    I've looked up Friskies on line but haven't found anything about a recall.
  9. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I also have an 14 year old that has been having issues with food and throwing up. She ended up having Inflamatory Bowel Disease.... I only feed them Nutro Max but now I mix it up with perscription food low ingredients for her bowels.
    I stay away from grocery store available foods the higher end products are easier for them to digest.....
    Good luck and it very well may be a bad batch.

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