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Oh my poor Patches girl

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by HDrydr, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Well as I type this Patches is at the vet under the knife. Looks like she has an abscess by her tail next to her behind. The poor thing is cranky, mad and her butt hurts..... She started acting strange yesterday, not wanting to sit all the way down, not wanting me to touch her, and she won't raise her tail. So to the vet this afternoon 3:30 and well here I sit waiting to hear from them saying how she is doing and for me to come and get her. My poor girl. Vet said at first glance that either one of my other guys bit her on the butt or her anal glands are infected. None the less they have lance her behind.
    :cry: Poor Patches

    Update: Vet just called and she had an anal gland abscess I can pick her up in a half an hour. poor thing
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Poor Patches. I'm glad she got taken care of at the vet. Big hugs for Patches and you. Hope she'll be feeling like her usual self in no time.
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Poor girl! Hope she recovers well!
  4. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Well Patches is home but not at all happy. She was feeling great last night because they had her on some good pain killers. The wound is gross!! I have to cover all my furniture where she lays because it is left open to drain the infection out and heal from the inside out. So I have towels and sheets all over the place..... I have to give her antibiotics 1x a day and have to do a warm compress on her behind 2x a day (yea that's fun and yea she likes that...) :shock:

    She has this wonderful cone on her head for 2 weeks!! :( So that meant I had to take off the litter box lids, re-cut the bar that keeps Buster out of the litter box area so that she can fit through. And she has a hard time in the litter box because she can't smell where she wants to go so sometimes she just gives up.... Make sure that she can get her head over a food and water dish (which I am still struggling with) I take her cone off when I feed her and I water down her moist food. And she is having problems jumping up and down on the furniture because she has a hard time adjusting to the cone.

    Here's my poor cone head girl with her sore butt this am....

    The good news is that I think she does feel better today she did purr for me this morning when I pet her and she is moving her tail a bit more.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Poor poor baby. *Mega Hugs*
  6. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Poor Patches and poor you, and right before Christmas, too. I'm sure you'll be glad when this is all over. I'm glad Patches will be fine, too.

    Hugs to you also.
  7. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    thanks all of you. I will be very glad when this has healed for her and for myself. It doesn't look like it is draining anymore but it is still open and looks like it will be awhile before it closes up. So I have to keep it clean with the moist compresses :shock: she is not thrilled with that at all.
    She has a very hard time eating so I hold up the dish at an angle so that she can get to the dish easier. Naughty girl that she is she has found out that if she really contorts her body enough she can kinda get to the wound alittle..... so I guess that it is a good thing that I am not working yet so i can keep an eye on her.
    Here's to healing huh!!! And yes it is a good thing that Christmas is not at my house this year with all my furniture in covers!!
  8. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    My poor little Squeeky had the same cone issues when he had that ulcer in his eye. I only had to do it for a week and he was just about the saddest ball of fluff you ever saw! Those covered catpans are not workable at all. I got him his own disposable catpan, which seemed to help. I took his collar off when he ate offering him food once every 3 hours or so (because he was not eating as well), and put his water in a taller, thinner container so he could try to drink if he needed. And ya, when they try to jump up on furniture they miscalculate and they get whacked back down a couple of times. All-in-all - not a fun time for my little Squeakbox. One of the funniest things though - because he was uncomfortable, he made sure to share the joy and wake me up at night by bumping his plastic cone on my face and crying! I would just hold him and he would finally fall asleep with that cone wedged up on my cheek. :mrgreen:
  9. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Aww that sounds just like Patches!! I hear her coming down the hallway because now with the cone she walks really close to the wall scratching the wall all the way..... She shakes her head, tries to scratch her face, bumps into my body when she is trying to curl up to sleep. she is getting better about jumping she goes up onto her hind legs and puts her front feet on the object then jumps. I hear her fumbling around in the litter box area. I have to feed her 3/4 times a day and to make sure she is drinking I give her water through a syringe. I've elevated two small dishes up on canned food but I don't know if she is eating from them.
    gotta love it...
  10. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Well her wound is closed finally and looking good. yeah! Still has the collar on for this coming week. But I think the antibiotics began making her ill (she doesn't do really well on them anyhow) because the last few days she has been throwing up at least one of her meals. So far twice on my leather autom.... uggg gross. So I'm going to try the pepcid before her meal to see if I can settle her tummy prior to eating.
    she goes in next sat to have an ultrasound of her belly because the vet said her small intestines seemed to be thick? on palpation. Possible GI disorder which would explain all the weight loss over the year. I hope they find something that can be treated to help her. Anyone have any experience with that one?
    Poor girl I just want her to feel good, keep her food down, gain some weight and stay healthy in her golden ages (I mean she is 14).
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Yay for Patches healing so well! Sorry about her upchucking her meals. I hope the pescid will help her out and good luck on the ultrasound!
  12. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I think that the pepcid has helped a bit. I've been doing that the last few days and so far so good. I give her a 1/4 tablet in the morning before her breakfast. And since I feed her in the bathroom so that the other food mungers can't get to her. I just leave her in there for 15-20 mins after she is done eating because she usually looses her food within that time. The bathroom is tiled...... :lol: easier clean up for me.
    I am looking forward to the ultrasound on Sat, I hope that they do find something that can be treated to help her.
    I will keep you posted on her results
  13. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Well Patches had her ultrasound this morning.... Didn't realize they had to shave her belly up onto her sides as well...... :shock: She looked mighty upset when she came back into the room......On the bright side she has a very cute belly and sides.... All speckled like her fur.... lol.

    They did say that all of her intestines are very thick and her lymph nodes are inflamed. They took some fluid from the lymph node and checked it from her perspective she didn't see Cancer but is sending the sample out to verify.

    Soooo we are hoping that it is inflammatory Bowel Disease or a food allergy that has caused this. 2 weeks ago she weighed 8.2 pounds today she weighed 7.9 pounds..... :cry: She eats and is hungry but her body is not absorbing her food and her poop is bigger. poor thing. They gave me some trial soft food one is duck meal and the other is a allergen free paste Science Diet to see if she likes them. But if she does have this she will need to eat other food. And she will be on Prednisone every day like Buster.

    If it is Cancer it would be the best type for her to have she would be on prednisone every day and every other day a cancer drug. Prognosis would be 2-4 years. But would have to have a scope down into her stomach and hopefully into her intestines to remove a full thickness sample to be for sure.

    I will find out the results on Tues so keep your fingers crossed. The cancer diagnosis would be alot more expensive!!!!!!!! meds and scope.

    Here's to Patches for a quick fur regrowth and a easier diagnosis!!! I guess I should be thankful she is 14 and has always been healthy.
  14. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm sorry, HDrydr. I hope the prognosis will be hopeful. Keep us posted.
  15. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Thinking of you and Patches!
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Sending good thoughts and prayers for Patches. *Hugs*
  17. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about Patches! Hopefully the results will be good!
  18. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Well Thank you everyone you all are sooo wonderful!!!

    The results::::: She does not have lymphoma so no Cancer as far as the cytology results are concerned. The vet wants me to do a scope on her to get a chunk of her tissues..... to be 100% for sure..... very expensive... So I decided at this point to just put her on the steroids and see how she does. She just had her first one tonight. I can't wait to have the funds to start doing something or she will just waste away and pass on I mean she is only 7.9 pounds. So the steroids are the meds they were going to put her on for just the inflammatory Bowel Disease. Which is what they are concluding that she has..... Now if she does well that's wonderful means the right diagnosis. if it is Cancer she will relapse in a month or so and at that point I need to decide what to do from then.

    So all in all it is good news... whew..... but I can't help but feel bad because I thought she was just getting old and loosing weight. But really she is not getting anything out of her food and is literally starving to death!!!! :cry: I know that how could I have known... but still.... At least I know now.... I only wish I had done something sooner for her..
  19. Lovemykitties!

    Lovemykitties! New Member

    Don't feel guilty. Cats are masters at hiding pain and she only lost 0.3 lbs. before you caught it! It could have been a lot worse! :)
  20. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Well....... actually she weighed 12 pounds this time last year so she has been loosing weight for a year now...... So she lost half her body weight. but I weighed her last night and she is up to 8 pounds so it looks like the steroids are working. she is eating like a horse so I hope that she puts the weight back on well. She looks happier so that's wonderful to see.

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