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tom cat spraying my house!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by halaroo, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    There is this horrible cat that keeps coming up to my front and back doors and spraying. How can I deter him? The smell is awful and I'm embarrassed to have people come to my front door. Last fall he actually sprayed into my open patio door through the screen. It's stressing my cats out (and me too!!).

    Sadly there are, as of last count, 12 - yes 12! - cats prowling the neighbourhood. I know which cat is spraying, but I don't know who owns him. Please help me stop this!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'd call a shelter and have them set traps to catch them. Or find a group that does spay/neuter release programs.
    Or get a collar, write a nice little note and put on the collar telling his owners (assuming he has one) that you don't appreciate having him spraying your house.
    There are also products on the market you can spray around your house to deter animals. Put a Scat Mat near your front door.
    He's doing what comes natural, sadly it's another issue of being the cat's owner's fault....not having him neutered and not keeping him in.
    BUt if the problem is that bad in your neighborhood you need help in getting the cats gone. That many cats, probably none vaccinated, are diseases waiting to happen. Feline leuk, distemper, etc. You'd be doing them all a favor by getting an organization to trap them. And also for your cats as those diseases can be passed along via an open window - or on your shoes when you go home.
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I would love to collar him with a note and send him home but I can't catch him. He won't come near if I'm outside. I'm going to try to call the city and see what they'll do. It's very frustrating. I used to be able to take my guys out on their leashes in the summer, but I haven't been able to this past year because of the other cats around. I'll look for the spray and the scat mat. Thanks for the suggestions.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have a couple of neighbors who let their cats out during the day and I have several birdfeeders around my house. I hate it when I go to fill my feeders and find a dead bird :x . I know it's instinct and all and if they were stray cats I probably wouldn't be so upset, but these are well fed housecats and they only kill to kill.
    I'm glad I don't have spraying toms around although my neighbor's male lab/malamute mix dog keeps peeing on my porch!!!! Car!!!! and grill!!!!
    Someday I'm going to catch him doing this and pull a bobette
  5. brinh123

    brinh123 New Member

    Try buying some orange oil from a good bakery supplier, pure orange oil discourages our two from savaging in the bin! Splash it all around where he sprays. It's all natural too.
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Thanks. I'll look into the orange oil. It will definitely make it smell better than it currently does at the very least!

    I called the city. They won't do anything since I don't know where the cat lives. I'll try to follow it home sometime, but I doubt it goes home immediately after bugging my cats.
  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Halaroo. Perhaps the only thing to do would be to buy at trap (link below) (or ask the shelter if you can borrow one of theirs) and take him to the shelter to either drop him off there, or have him neutered and bring him back and release him on your street if you think he does have an owner. You can have the vet office coller him and leave the note on him for the owner to find. Or if you drop him off at the shelter post some fliers up so the owner will know where their cat is. Although some males that are neutered still spray.

    http://growersupply.com/stcatrekit1.htm ... 5130073021
  8. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    He is not neutered. We tried to catch him on the weekend but only got him cornered under the neighbour's deck. My neighbour noticed that his neck is recently shaved around an abscess. She's a vet so we took his picture which she will bring into her clinic to see if any of the other doctors there recognize him. She works at the closest clinic to my house, so chances are pretty good that he was taken there. I'll keep you all posted.
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    if he had an abcess treated chances are he's taken care of by his owner. Hopefully you'll be able to trace his owner this way and make a plea.
    I have a neighbor's dog whom they let out to run every evening...he pees on everything around my house!!!! My BBQ grill, corners of my porch, brickwork to my front door (my husband did the brickwork so it's special).
    I'm at my wit's end too. Doesn't smell as bad as an unneutered tom but just the thought of it makes me boil.

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