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Senior Calico dragging backlegs/weak back legs

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Charlene Morris, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Charlene Morris

    Charlene Morris New Member

    Our dear Calico-Maggiecat-is approx.17 yrs.-she started dragging her backlegs/visibly weakened backlegs this afternoon; my Husband is at work and I am disabled-I don't know if the Vet would see her tonight, there is an Emergency Vet center, but until my Husband is home-is there anything I can do?? I don't want her to suffer-however, she is a most special Kitty as she was a gift to us from my youngest son (aged 17) three weeks before he was killed by a repeat drunk-driver (which was 6 days after our wedding) ...long story...Bill was getting gas in his brother's car, was wearing his seatbelt and got T-boned when the drunk (aged 21) and driving without head-lights ran a stopsign, so, Maggiecat has been my little furrygirl for 12 years ( she was about 5 when we were adopted by her) ANY help/thoughts and prayers gladly accepted-I need help
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm sorry about Maggiecat and to read about your son. Hopefully you've been able to get her to the vet by now. It's so sad to watch our fur-kids get old. Please keep us posted on her condition. :(
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    I hope you can give us an update on Maggie cat. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. Charlene Morris

    Charlene Morris New Member

    maggiecat update-a little bit betternews

    Thank you so much; the ER Vet last night (via phone) let me give her a dose of aspirin (I'm a retired Med Tech and they let me try) said it would help with a thrombosis or arthritis-when Hubby got home, we cuddled her in bed with us on a heating pad (?did I mention we love to spoil her?)

    She never did the constant crying the ER Vet said would show intense pain and need for immediate Vet visit and her back legs/pads were NOT colder to the touch-she had seen our regular Vet just 2 weeks ago (check-up on her hyperthyroid disease, and other than wt. loss her other blood work was normal and so was a urinalysis) I talked to regular Vet today and she said we'd do a watch on her-and that it could be arthritis and not to make any drastic decision now-Hubby is off work on Tuesday and Maggie will go to her (wonderful) regular Vet-they knew Bill and my other sons as we've taken all our furry critters there (including Bill's two guinea pigs, his orphaned WILD rabbit-long and wonderful story) 4 dogs and they took care of Bill's German Shorthair, Ilsa ,ok, I'm rambling-but-Maggie is eating today and resting and wants to cuddle-so-that's what we're doing I'll keep updating-and TRY to keep it short(er):) Big thanks, Char
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Thanks for the update! I hope she's comfortable and getting spoiled, as usual. We'd love to see pictures, once you are able to post them!
  6. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I am glad to hear that Maggie cat is doing better and is resting comfortably. It is very hard to see our fur babies getting old and showing it. Sounds like you are doing the best you can do for your Maggie girl.....
    I have a 14 year old Patches and she has had some issues but is doing much better now... Hard to see them struggling...
  7. Charlene Morris

    Charlene Morris New Member

    maggie cat chronicles and progressHi HDrydr

    Hi HDrydr-and thanks, our weather is cool and damp today and Maggie cat has been hiding under the bed-Hubby put a pillow under there for her along time ago, I think the weather affects her (maybe b/c of arthritis??) but with the few thunder rumbles we've had, she comes looking for me to cuddle and re-assure her. You're so right-her little face has gotten so thin and she's moving so slow, it's not easy..anxious to see her Vet on Tuesday-but, dreading it also. Char
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Prayers and thoughts coming your way. Best of luck with your kitty.
  9. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    What did the vet say?? Hope she is doing well.
  10. Charlene Morris

    Charlene Morris New Member

    Vet appt for Maggie

    Hi, well, good news for Maggie and us-Vet found no evidence of a saddle thrombosis-but-she does have arthritis and b/c she's so thin, she feels the arthritis in her spine and hips and with no 'padding", Maggie may have bumped into something and bruised/irritated her spine, thus, the leg dragging-Maggie is still being sooo picky about what she will eat she just doesn't have any fat to protect her little bones-but-Vet said she didn't seen any evidence of Maggie being in (major) pain-Dr. Ryan (Vet) said the aspirin did the best and we'll put her on a low dosage and watch her REAL CLOSE for any stomach irritation-and I'll keep sharing the heating pad with Mags-she gets the top and I get the bottom :wink:
  11. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    glad to hear that, I'm sure you are relieved.
    Have you tried mixing her food up with some baby food?? I have had to "force" feed my 14 yr old Patches many many many times..... She too is VERY picky!!!!! when she gets in that funk....I have to mix/mash her soft food up with water and syringe it into her mouth to help stimulate her to eat.... Nutra cal paste will help, stinky foods help sometimes the stinker the better. make sure she is drinking and getting something in her belly that will help with the tummy upset with the asprin.
    Good luck and hang in there
  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Clinicare is good too....it's liquid they can lick up and really good for picky noneating cats.
  13. Charlene Morris

    Charlene Morris New Member

    helping picky senior cat eat

    THANK U-never heard of Clinicare (and wish Vet had recommended it) where is it available?? Today her choice has been STINKY liver and chicken :?
  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  15. Charlene Morris

    Charlene Morris New Member

    liquid supplement for picky Maggie-cat

    Thank you, Mary-will be going to the site next; lastnight I made myself some quick tapioca pudding-guess who loved it, didn't give her much-but she lapped it all up-only problem, it was 3 in the morning :wink:

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