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Harley is being a typical 2 year old.....

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by HDrydr, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Ok so Harley is being a typical 2 year old toddler... He has been getting into the cabinets!!! Sometimes I wonder if he does it just to hear the banging of the door when it doesn't quite open..... Doesn't matter what time of the day it is but he prefers to do it when we are trying to sleep.... But now I've decided that he does it to wonder into the cabinet and see what's in there and pull things out!!! Little twerp.... :lol:
    He goes through these stages and he hasn't done it for a long time but he is back to getting into trouble..... He has learned that I kept the fish food in a cabinet with a lever lock..... Well he has figured out how to open that now.....
    I feel like I have a true toddler I have cabinets with masking tape on them, I've moved the fish food (that cabinet now has tape on it). He also decided to go through my cabinet in the bathroom....... he pulled out and spread out well.... all my feminine pads..... :shock: would have been a great one for America's funnest videos...... :mrgreen: It's funny but not funny......
  2. Charlene Morris

    Charlene Morris New Member

    toddle kitty needs the naughty chair

    :lol: Oh my, it IS funny to imagine your little fur-baby doing all that mischief-I can just see the sCATterings :oops: !!! One question-is the fish ok? What a wonderful escapade :eek:
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my Tilly likes cupboards too.
    I had one foster who would bang cupboard doors forever...I ended up having to put masking tape over them so she couldn't do that.
    bang bang bang at 3am wasn't fun
    so I can relate
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Kitties and cats = Toddlers. :mrgreen: [​IMG]
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    That is funny but I know what you mean by also not being so funny. Our kitties can be very creative.

    My Mittens knows she's not allowed on the dining room table but when she wants to make a statement, she'll jump up there just to see what I'll do. She knows how to push my buttons. Silly kitty!! :mrgreen:
  6. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Got to love him...... bless his heart he is a great cat but yes not so much at the wee hours of the morning........ :mrgreen: Twerp.....
    Yes the fish are fine... he just figured out how to get into the cabinet that held the food.... Again.. Twerp
    Yes very mischievous they are!!!! love them to pieces!!!

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