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7 week old siamese kitten puking and not eating

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by jeanbean89, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. jeanbean89

    jeanbean89 New Member

    Hello, I have a 7 week old blue point siamese kitten that has been puking for the past 3 days. He hasn't eaten in about 2 days and everything he tries to eat he pukes it back up. He has lost enough weight to where you can feel his back bones and ribs. He was drinking plenty of water until earlier today. I'm hoping to take him to the vet soon but I need to know if there is anything I can do for him at home to try and get him better. I have had problems like this before with my other kittens I have raised but I have always been able to nurture them back to health. I am going to school to be a vet but I'm not there yet. I need HELP!!! It sadens me to see him like this.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    first I'm gonna ask if you have the mother or if you purchased this kitten from a "breeder". If you bought this kitten recently I would say run him to the vet
    no kitten should be away from its mother until the age of 8 weeks and Siamese especially should stay with their mother until they are 12 weeks old, so chances are if you did get this kitten from a "breeder" then that person was not a reputable "breeder" and I'd be concerned about illnesses going around the cattery.
    So with that in mind VET the kitten. Don't try home remedies since you don't know what is wrong. And don't take chances with a kitten that young who is not eating and hasn't eaten in 3 days.
    A kitten who hasn't eaten in that amount of time should have seen the vet after 24 hours. They go downhill fast.
    Please let us know how the kitten makes out
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    oh if you have the mother of kitten I apologize for my assumption.
    I foster Siamese cats and have for 5 years. So I end up with kittens and young cats from people who breed and then don't care what happens to them. Leaves me a bit cynical.
    But please take this kitten to the vet pronto. It sounds like he needs medical care like yesterday
  4. jeanbean89

    jeanbean89 New Member

    update on Nova Blue

    I took Nova Blue to the vet today, just as I thought he has an intestinal infection. The best vet around here is hard to get in to. I took my other cat to the vet in a different town and they charged me $128 and didn't even tell me what was truely wrong with my cat. Then they told me that they thought he had Feline AIDS, which he doesn't all he has is feline acne. The best vet around here is 45 mins away and sometimes I can't get an apointment for 2-3 weeks. Luckally there was an opening today and I could get him in. This vet only charged me $50 for the visit, the meds and the shot he gave him. I have to give him yogart to get the good bacteria back in his system, Pedilight for the dehydration, and an antibiotic for the infection.
    And to respond about the other post here yes I do have the mother. He is completly weaned off of her though and has been eating hard food for the past 2 weeks. He is nearly 8 weeks old. Hopefully he will soon get better!
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'm glad it wasn't something serious. Well it's serious enough but he should pull through. I've never been able to get my cats to eat yogurt although my dog likes vanilla Activa.
    She has IBD so needs the yogurt.
    Glad you got the baby in...would love to see pictures of your meezers
  6. jeanbean89

    jeanbean89 New Member

    If I could put pics up

    If I could put pictures up I would. [/img]
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Hi jeanbean89! There's a waiting period before you can start posting images. Hang around a bit longer and keep posting: you'll be able to post them soon!
  8. jeanbean89

    jeanbean89 New Member

    thanks for the hint

    Thanks for letting me know that. I have some pics in the ASPCA web page. I have a profile there. I don't have any of the newest additions to the family but I will soon.
  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I think you might need to make 10 posts and be here for 1 week before you can post pictures. I can't find the FAQ on that, but someone said it a while back. So it looks like you're half way there! Keep posting, I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the little guy. Hope he gets better soon!
  10. jeanbean89

    jeanbean89 New Member

    he is a cutie

    If you want to see pictures of him you can go to my page on the aspca site. aspcacommunity . org I can't post websites so I had to put spaces. My profile name is Tracey. I think he is doing better. For now I need to continue my studying and taking care of Nova Blue.
  11. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Hows the kitten??? Hope he is feeling better!!! I look forward to seeing pictures....
  12. jeanbean89

    jeanbean89 New Member

    he is doing ok

    He is starting to eat a little more each day. He hasn't been taking the amoxicillin long enough to make him totally better. He always has to have someone holding him or beside him or he gives us that sad, sick meow and it makes us feel guilty and sad. He will do it until someone picks him up. He is adorable though. He started to play with the toy mice we have for them the other day so that's a good sign considering usually he lays around all day only getting up once in a while to get a drink take a couple bites of food and use the litter box. I hope he gets fully better soon. I feel so bad for the poor little thing.

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