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Pekanese not on heat

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by juanco, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. juanco

    juanco New Member

    If anyone could help me please - I have a Pekanese of more than 2 years and only once saw that she was on heat. I would like her to have puppies, but don't know what to do. If anyone could help me I would appreciate it. :oops:
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Some dogs can have silent heat cycles, If she is a very clean dog you would not notice any bleeding only swelling of her vulva.
    If your worried about her only been in heat once then i would take her to the vets for a full health check, Which you would have to have done anyway before you even consider breeding her.

    I would do more research on the breed and what there heat cycles are like.
    I do not mean to offed but do you know everything involved with breeding, looking after an in whelp bitch, would you know what to look for to make sure she is well during her pregnancy and any signs that somethings is wrong.
    Do you know about whelping the litter and what to do if things go wrong. How too look after new born pups if they do not feed well or not gaining weight..

    If something can go wrong during a pregnancy trust me they will, I have dealt with my dogs having normal litters, needing emergancy cescarian, delivery of stillborns.

    Can you also cull any pups that have limbs missing or cleft palate and hair lip.

    Just some things to ask yourself before deciding on breeding.
    As its not a case of putting to dogs together and hope for the best.
    She needs to have a full health check, The male must also be health checked, They need to be upto date with shots and worming.
    A perfect match should be found for you girl to get the best from the breed.

    Like i say i did not mean to offend with the above questions


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