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wound care treatment for m outh

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, May 15, 2009.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well Porsche has stuck her nose one too many times where it didn't belong and finally Nos got ticked off at her and bit her face. She constantly barks at him and charges at him thru the kennel and last night just wouldn't stop, he grabbed her cheek/lip and she pulled back....He tore shreds in her top lip and tongue all measuring up to 7 inches of rips and tears. We went into the vet and after assessing the situation decided not to suture until we do some flushing and wound care management. Theres alot of vascular damage to the inside of her lips and by suturing it wouldn't allow the dead tissue to come out. So we put her on high does of Ceflexin and i'm suposed to hydro it twice a day with warm water. She said to keep it dry as possible, but here's my question. How to keep a drooling dog with flappy lips "DRY". she drools and keeps licking constantly. Also the fly's are getting to it and i'm sure bothering her. I put some fly spray around the woundbut they still bothering her. Shes out in her kennel, she's constantly pee'n and tearing things up in the house so no more house for her. She's not crate trained and will chew thru one in seconds to get out. I've already tried tht and woke up to two pee spots and a pile of poo on my FRESH clean carpet... UGH!!!!!

    I've got some photos but its very very grotesque, so if anyone wants to see for a better understanding of the situation email me and i'll show ya.
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hey Sam... If you want to email I can give you some thoughts too...and pics of my own problem that I had with some of my dogs... Monty and Jaxon managed a fence fight in which monty dragged Jaxon OUT of his dog run and the fight was on... No one was home... I worked on Jaxon's face at home for awhile but necrotic tissue was a problem, no shreading just a nice big gash (2" maybe) so the vet he went and True picked him up and took care of him from there...etc... Monty's face was all tore up, mostly punctures, no shreds much...I think actually, when you get what happened to your porche in a fence fight you see more damage than what may have happened without that fence, strangely enough.

    So...for punctures on Monty I just flushed as much as I could...he had one puncture clean through the bottom jaw, between the bone and under the tongue! To take care of that one I had to use Furizon on guaz and sit around with him twice a day holding it on there soaking up all the ick... After awhile of that I could flush from under his jaw...luckily he couldn't lick UNDER so healing went okay... I think once you get her sutured up and whatnot you'll be able to care for it better...I think a serious good flush two to three times a day with saline and whatnot will be just fine...sometimes those dogs are just boogers!!!!!
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yes I agree Sara fence fighting can be horrible! Much worse damage in some cases.

    I feel for you Sam. You might have to look into separating some kennels for dogs like that or tying them out. I have to have separate kennels with my breed as you can imagine. Even the dog friendly ones just can't risk it. I know how it goes.

    Good luck, keep us updated.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well there is a empty kennel between her and the other dogs for that reason. She was fine until she came into heat. So they aren't next to eachother all the time. I usually have male, female, male, female and never have that issue anymore. I did before when it was just females next to eachother.

    Nos was actually outside the kennels running around like normal and ever time he got near that end of the kennel she'd go to lounging and attacking at him. He finally had enough i guess. She's not out running around since she's in heat and NOs is a half brother. We don't want any OOPSIES...

    Its prety gross. I flushed it tonight and it turned all white. It smells sooo bad omg. Maybe its just weak stomache from being prego but usually it doesn't bother me. I was gagging the whole time. yuck...

    she's on 3 capsules of 500mg of ceflexin twice a day and flushing 3 times a day with warm water.... so hopefully by Monday they'll be able to stitch it up and make it pretty so not much of a scar.

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