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missing/ stolen puppies..help please!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, May 19, 2009.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Hey everyone. Yesterday was absolute heartbreak. I left for a little while to visit my mom and came home to missing puppies. Loki and Cheech were both taken from their kennels. There was no way they got out. Its aparent they didn't take the big dogs for obvious reasons, but they did take crates, leashes and some of my husbands tools and equipment. About a week ago our generator and stuff came up missing off our place too. We were gone at that time and i had the dogs with me.

    If anyone hears of anyone trying to sell a female and male pup or attempting to register one. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE notify me via phone or email or call the Victoria, Tx sheriffs department.

    Loki is a smaller female, shes red with a partial mask and both back feet have white toes and she's got a small white dot on her chest. She's got a little umbilical hernia. She is on medication for an infection. She needs this medication or she will get very sick again!
    Cheech is a bigger male he's about 25lbs fawn with reddish on his back and has black tips on his hair, He's got a dark mask and lighter color eyes.

    I'm so distraught and heartbroken i dont' know what to do. I'm on bedrest and now on stuff to relive the stress to protect me and baby.

    I feel like my children have been taken from me. Why anyone would ever ever do this kind of thing I don't know. I know its the person who stole the week before. They've obviously figured out when we leave and when the dogs are put up or with me. HOw they knew were puppies were I don't know, they were hidden and away from the other dog kennels. We're out in the country so theres not a whole lot of traffic out here. I just don't know what to do or think. I'm making posters as we speak and posting this on other boards. Please feel free to cross post as well.

    Thank you everyone for any help. I took this photo last Friday. They were taken from my house yesterday (sunday) between 4 and 7 pm.

  2. luvmyangels

    luvmyangels New Member

    How heartbreaking. I hope these little ones are found safe and brought home quickly.

    On a side note, I love seeing pictures of your dogs. They're beautiful dogs.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    OMG Sam firstly you try and calm down and relax all this is not good for you and the baby..
    Why anyone would do this is beyond me, I have never really figured out why people steal in the first place if its to make money why don't they just get a job.

    I really hope you get them back. I would throw the thieves in with the big dogs then see how funny they were...

    My prayers are with you hope you get them back soon

    Mike xx
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    keep an eye on craigslist for your state
  5. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    That is just horrible I hope that you get your babies back soon and well..... Keep yourself calm or as calm as you can be to protect yourself and little one......
    I will keep my eyes open on the net

  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    well a reporter put it on the front page of the newspaper, got the information from the report... and instead of them saying reward offered for their return, they put a estimated PRICE for the puppies!!!!! now ppl wil just want to sell them!! OMG.. could things get any worse!
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    If your in Texas and have the time, i'd greatly appreciate any help posting flyers. I have a feeling after the stupid article they ran on the front page of the Victoria Advocate that someone will attempt to sell them. They put an estimated value of the pups and said NOTHING about the reward for their return home. Pissed me off sooo bad... I called and asked them what the heck they were thinking and she had the nerve to basically say "well sad stories sell.. puppies and kids..."

    I can email or snail mail the normal size flyer....
  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Typical reporter they write what they want not what they supposed to...
    I pray they are returned to you safely...

    I hate people who steal anyway but the thought of someone watching your property waiting for the right moment to strike is sick. Shame they didnt attempt it with one of the big dogs because you would have come home to find them chowing down on body parts..

    Keep your chin up and i pray for the right outcome.. As it easy as it is to say this try and calm down and relax your not doing yourself or you baby any good..

    I will keep checking back for updates...

    Mike x
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Does anyone have facebook/twitter they could add this to there page and get there friends to circulate it and see what happens hopefully get some leads
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I do...will copy it and add to my facebook
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    post on my facebook (Mary Pelchat)
    posted on dog.com
    posted in Siamese Internet Cat Club - we have quite a few Texas members. I told everyone to please check the pet sections in their local paper
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thanks so much. Ya'll ain't gonna belive this but the "BLEEP EXPLITIVE BAD WORD ENTERED HERE" came back last night!!! Apparently our traps working. I've been hiding my truck behind the house daily between the hours of 4 and 7 as some suggested ... and i forgot to put it back and about 8:30 i saw head lights turn in driveway and dogs were going NUTS... i thought Oh good hubby's home!!!! and looked out door and it was NOT his truck... then i see him pull in behind. SO i grabbed the gun, put leash on Precious and had the phone to call 911. We had the BLEEP!!!!

    Hubby wouldn't let me outside so i stayed by door listening and he played it all cool like nothing was wrong and talked to the guy.. got some good information... He said he was stopping by to see if hubby wanted to go "fishing" pfft!!! at night?? in the middle of the week??? and hubby said "oh no i can't seem to find my fishing stuff" (it was stolen the first time) and just played it cool. Never said anything about the stuff that was missing or the puppies. Just acted normal. (all the while the camera's shooting!!!!) sooo guy leaves.... and we notified the cops again and we'll see what happens.

    Glad he kept his cool (he can be vicious and dangerous i've seen him fight and what he can do.. big guy), i was soo ridgid, I called Rayna flipping out (thnk gawd she's such a mellow person...she can calm anyone down) and if i'd ahad my way, i'da shot the SOB right in the goods and then let the dogs on him. Precious wanted a piece of him thats for sure!!! But like hubby said, we got him on camera acting all wierd asking stupid questions again and know what he's intrested in and you can attract more critters with sugar than spice. I guess keep friends close and enemies closer???
  13. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I posted on Siamese Internet Cat Club and a woman from Victoria told me she is always seeing puppies being sold outside a Lowe's store.
    Perhaps if you post a flyer there, or have someone keep an eye open you might have some luck
  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    one of the boards I posted on - a poster noticed you have 2007 on the posters instead of 2009
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    grrr!!!! the pet rescue network did that poster... i'll have to see if i can get them to change it.
  16. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Sam i have created a group on my facebook hopefully my mates might know people in your area or surrounding area that might be able to help get the message out and get the little guys returned to you..

    I have changed the 2007 to 2009 the best i could and added the posters to the group...
    I am now determined to help get them back home where they belong..

    I don't blame you for wanting to shoot the SOB i would not have been able to stop myself precious would have had a good time chowing down on the B*****d

  17. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    no updates?
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    NOthing so far. Investigators are on holiday apparently.. ugh.

    We've got a good idea of who idid it, its just a matter of catching him with them.
  19. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Good luck catching the SOB!! I hope the pups are ok!!

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