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18 year old cat not eating or drinking

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by shadow19, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. shadow19

    shadow19 New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I have an 18 year old american shorthair cat and I realize she's very old, but she has been very healthy and mobile up until a few days ago... She isn't drinking or eating, and seems to be puking up everything she manages to get down, and now its come to be just pure stomach acid... I was told she is probably dehydrated, so I am going to go pick up some syringes to get some water down... I don't know what else to do... please help?? Her eyes are sunken in, her tongue is almost a pale yellow color (usually very pink) and her nose is dry. She moves around still, but she has been laying around in the weirdest areas, places she would not usually even go around the house... She will let out a series of short "meow's", and I am very worried that she is in pain.... I have a feeling its the end of the road for her, but I really don't want her to go like this.. but please if there is any solution you can give me without putting her to sleep just yet, that would really help me. I am planning on taking her to the vet when it reopens in the morning.... Thanks SO much!
  2. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    :cry: sorry to hear about your ol' gal..... it is never easy seeing them ill and aging. I have a 14 year old that I have had to give fluids under the skin and by mouth. She has kidney disease only to be discovered that when she (sound familiar..... stopped eating, stopped drinking very much, vomiting, lethargic, lost more than half her body weight....) She actually also has Inflammatory Bowel Disease.....With Steroids and special diet she has gained several pounds back in the last couple of months.

    For sure go to the vet ASAP it doesn't take long for them to get past the point of you know what. Offer up moist food, baby food, nutra cal paste, water. You really need to get her to drink.... Can you hold her and gently squeeze a bit of water into her mouth by a wet wash cloth??? until you get syringes????

    Hang in there keep her warm offer up the above even if you put the soft food on your finger and swipe it into her mouth...

    Please keep us informed.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Pedialyte (plain) would be better than plain water. Nutracal for extra calories/supplements.
    Vet for sure - she could be going into kidney failure.
  4. Mr.Roo

    Mr.Roo New Member

    My cat wont eat/drink, stays under bed, HELP b4 to LATE!!:(

    ok, so my cat has been acting very strange lately. For the last few days my cat has been under my bed not coming out for food or to do his bathroom bussiness, i dont understand what is wrong!? When he comes out from under the bed he will look at his food, sniff it and then look away, does he have a cold or something?? When he sees me he will purr alot ( which is normal) but he wont move or walk or roll over like he normally would. So he comes out and then goes back under the bed, i dont get it, and i dont think he is eating or drinking or using the bathroom!!??? im really worried about my kitty. Today when i looked under the bed to see him, he purred, like usaul, and then he actulley came out from under the bed, so i walked with him into my kitchen, (which isnt far from the bedroom) , and we walked to the door and he wanted to go outside, my guess is to do is bathroom stuff, but its raining, great, just great. So i really wanted him to go out b/c maybe thats why hes sick and has been acting strange, but i put him outside under my deck where he likes to go, and when i checked later he was just sitting down in his spot, where i put him. I brought him to the litterbox and he just looked in and walked away, ( he likes outside better), but maybe his litterbox had one to many droppings for his liking? idk. So after this event he went back under the bed and i brought him his food and he actulley seemed like he wanted it! yay? He walked closer to me when i brought the food and water under, and sniffed it with his nose. I belive he ate alittle food, and then i just left him with the food and water..NOTE: this all happened within 30mins ago...after i brought the food, i went online to seek help...anyway...PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME AND MR.ROO!!! IDK what to do, i read some forms and the vet sounds alittle useless (no offense) and i really dont wanna sink thousands into my kitty but i really wanna know whats wrong and if hes gonna be ok!? PLEASE HELP. thanks everyone !!!!
  5. Mr.Roo

    Mr.Roo New Member

    ok, so my cat has been acting very strange lately. For the last few days my cat has been under my bed not coming out for food or to do his bathroom bussiness, i dont understand what is wrong!? When he comes out from under the bed he will look at his food, sniff it and then look away, does he have a cold or something?? When he sees me he will purr alot ( which is normal) but he wont move or walk or roll over like he normally would. So he comes out and then goes back under the bed, i dont get it, and i dont think he is eating or drinking or using the bathroom!!??? im really worried about my kitty. Today when i looked under the bed to see him, he purred, like usaul, and then he actulley came out from under the bed, so i walked with him into my kitchen, (which isnt far from the bedroom) , and we walked to the door and he wanted to go outside, my guess is to do is bathroom stuff, but its raining, great, just great. So i really wanted him to go out b/c maybe thats why hes sick and has been acting strange, but i put him outside under my deck where he likes to go, and when i checked later he was just sitting down in his spot, where i put him. I brought him to the litterbox and he just looked in and walked away, ( he likes outside better), but maybe his litterbox had one to many droppings for his liking? idk. So after this event he went back under the bed and i brought him his food and he actulley seemed like he wanted it! yay? He walked closer to me when i brought the food and water under, and sniffed it with his nose. I belive he ate alittle food, and then i just left him with the food and water..NOTE: this all happened within 30mins ago...after i brought the food, i went online to seek help...anyway...PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME AND MR.ROO!!! IDK what to do, i read some forms and the vet sounds alittle useless (no offense) and i really dont wanna sink thousands into my kitty but i really wanna know whats wrong and if hes gonna be ok!? PLEASE HELP. thanks everyone !!!!
  6. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    How is your kitty?? does he have any discharge coming from his nose? eyes goobery? Could be an upper respiratory infection. Have you contacted your vet? You may need to syringe feed him and give him some pedialyte. You need to get something in him to hydrate...
    good luck hope all is well
  7. Mr.Roo

    Mr.Roo New Member

    If your talking about my cat, then yes he is better. i contacted my vet just in time and the vet helped alot! He game my cat a steriod shot and 100ccs of water to get his kidneys going again. my cat is getting to be his friendly self again, and i am so happy, he also is eating and drinking...by the way everyone, the Gerbers baby food trick works, my kitty loves it. But anyway Mr.Roo is getting better and im so glad. My vet will have my cats bloodwork by monday to see if he has kidney problems but he loooks good but not sure if it is permanent or not, we belive the cat had a cold and thus he did not drink and or eat for a few days and put his kindneys at risk but now b/c he seems to be back to normals and eating and drinking, i think thatv 100ccs gave him a good boost. thanks Hdrydr and will keep an update.
  8. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Glad you got him to the vet in time..

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