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Kiera was at the Emergancy Vets

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Kiera had to be taken to the Emergancy Vets lastnight as she was showing all the signs of Bloat, so i rang the vet and they wanted to see her straight away.

    Turns out its just a throat infection and had a high temp.
    She is back there today for another checkup and more meds.

    She also has canine acne which the vet said with a good long course of antibiotics that will clear up.

    I feel for her as its just one thing after another, She has hyper extention of the hocks which nothing can be done for her, canine acne now this with her throat.

    I recently found out that her parents are actually brother and sister so you can imagen how angry i am.
    But she is my baby and i love her... Even my 11yr old dog was sniffing and cleaning Kiera when we got back from the Vet office lastnight, She still tries to mother kiera hahah..

    Here are some pics of kiera and mitzy
    Kiera is now 13 months old we have to keep her slim due to her hocks as too much weight can cause even more damage.
    Mitzy has just turned 11 yrs old




  2. jdtp0203

    jdtp0203 New Member

    AWE! I used to (still do but.....) hate animals in the house. I always grew up with outdoor dogs that were much less difficult. I got so attached so quick to the puppies though, can't help but spend a fortune in time and money on them. Their nice for the kids to have and a great security system. And so sweet to top it off!

    She looks like a sweetie....hope everything is alright! :)
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi, yeah she is doing great now, Likes to ignore you at times as she looks at people as if too say i will do what i want and i am not listening to you hahahah.

    But i wouldn't change her for the world.
    She gets very upset if the little boy that lives nextdoor ignores her as she has played with him since she was a baby.

  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Just an update on Kiera.
    Well things have taken a turn for the worst with her, She was at the vets for her check up and both the vet and the physiotherapist have noticed in a month she has declined, she now has a curve in the spine and her legs are going under her.

    I was given the option to either keep her on pain meds and anti inflammatories and try and control the pain she is in, but the way she has declined in a month looks like she will get worse quickly. or do the best thing for her and thats to have her put to sleep.

    We have till the 10th march to decide as this is when she goes back and we have decided the best thing for her is to let her go as much as that is really hurting me i love her enough not to let her suffer.

    It won't be the same without her, you just don't realise how big of a part of the family they become until you have to make this sort of decision.

    So i just thought i would share my sad news.

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Sorry to hear that Mike. Will keep ya'll in our prayers. Have you considered a lawsuit with the breeder?
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    So sorry to hear that Mike, will keep you in our prayers. Have you considered a lawsuit with the breeder?
  7. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Oh Mike that is horrible!! I am soo sorry to hear this news!!! I understand however..I promise all my fur family that when it was time I would do whatever was in the best interest of them... They are family!!
    I would be beyond myself at the breeder!!! I would take them to court or something make them pay your expenses due to their in breeding!!
    Hugs to you during this difficult time!!
  8. How is mike doing? I hope he is fine.
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi I am doing ok, I have started getting a sickly feeling as it will be 1 year on march 10th that Kiera crossed THe reainbow bridge.
  10. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    She is in a good place Mike and she knows you did all you could!!!

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