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PMU mare had BABY!!!!

Discussion in 'Horses - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, May 5, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Taco had her foal this mornign around 2am!!!

    beautiful baby.
    We are soooo excited. She's huge. looks like a week old filly!!! LOL...

    Well gotta go back out to finish imprinting her.
    email me for photos


  2. TSU_Girl

    TSU_Girl New Member

    Congrats on a healthy delivery! :eek:

    My boyfriend had 2 (a paint and an appy) drop at this time last year, such a wonderful thing! Now we're just fixing to pregnancy test one of his mom's mares and I'm on the edge of my seat just excited about -that-! *fingers crossed for a healthy baby on the way*

    Again, congrats and keep us updated on the new darling! :D


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