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*Help* My cat will not eat drink or hardly move....

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Jesten, May 5, 2004.

  1. Jesten

    Jesten New Member

    Ill start this out by saying my cat is about 4 years old wasnt fat but a big cat we also have 1 of his brothers who is the same age as well who is a big cat and getting pretty fat, my cats never are outside we dont let are cats out. but to the problem.

    Me and my family noticed my cat acting strange a week and a half ago. We took him to the vet, and they ran every test on him, and found out that his stomach was filled with clear fluids. At 1st they thought it might be a infection in his stomach or a bad heart. It was neither of the 2. They charged us about 500$ for tests and crap for one nite. And gave us some medicine to give him. He hasnt really eaten in about 2 weeks and seldomly drinks as well. He use to eat hard food but sence hes been sick we have been giving him soft food in a can, once in awhile he will lick the food maybe eat a pinchful, and he cant drink from a dish for some reason cant figure out why, he will sniff it put his mouth in it and kinda sneeze, but does not drink. I been puting him by my sink and he will kinda lick the water though. He basicly is all skin and bones now probly half the weight he use to be. When the vets gave him tests they put a needle in his throat i guess, and drained his stomach as well, he doesnt have any floids anymore it seems in him but still wont eat or drink. My dad is giving him 2 more days to get better b4 he puts him to sleep so im pretty desperate on trying to figure out whats wrong. Hes getting pretty bad now, he barley moves, but still can move and even jumps about a 2 ft dog gate.

    The main thing I dont get is why he is not eating, I can tell he wants food and water but yet doesnt eat or drink it. My cat has never been in my bathroom, but latley I catch him laying on the bathroom floor or I caught him a couple times trying to drink toliet water, even when i have water dishes everywhere for him. The only thing I can think of as why he is not eating is maybe the needle the vet put in his throat is doing something to him, i have no idea though. He also meows alot.

    Plz anything will help..
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    take him to another vet. sometimes they get things wrong and miss things. anyone have any ideas of what this might be?
  3. Jesten

    Jesten New Member

    I want to take him to another vet, but my dad is very cheap. When he got taken in the 1st time the vet didnt even tell him what there were gonna do then charged him 500$, and really didnt tell us anything. To me my cat is still very young and u cant put a price on a life, but my dad said he is not dishing out another 500$ just for a chance that vets will maybe have more of a clue what is wrong, he just wants to put him to sleep, and keeps telling me im the bad guy bc im not letting him put the cat to sleep and he could be seriously suffering. I think this is my last hope of finding out what is wrong ive posted the samething on a couple sites like this maybe ill runinto a vet that can maybe give me a clue whats going on, im sure theres been a ton of similar cases.
  4. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    another vet might not do what the original vet did. they might know the answer before they do very expensive tests. make a deal with your dad. say if he takes the cat to another vet, you will let the cat be put down if they cant do anything for it.

    seriously, i say this over and over again and i still get abused for it, but, if the parents wont take responsiblity for their kids pets, DONT GET THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. its heartbreaking to see kids explain that their parents dont want to take their pets to the vet etc. who in their right mind would let a childs pet die when they could be helped? PETS ARE NOT DISPOSABLE!

    i hope your dad changes his mind jesten, you are NOT the bad guy.
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I'm sorry about you kitty. :( Let your father know that if you see another vet they won't have to charge him more than an exam fee ($25-$45), because the new vet can call the previous vet and have all those tests results faxed over. He/she can then go over the test results and see if they can see something, that the previous vet missed.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    tell your father it'll probably cost as much to have the cat PTS as it will to run a few more tests. And since he's already forked out money to find out what is wrong...might as well see it through. If the cat were his car he'd probably find the money
  7. Sarah27

    Sarah27 New Member

    I had a cat that had a similar problem. She was a very large cat and I took her to the vet because she was losing weight and not eating and loved lying on the bathroom floor or in the bathroom sink anywhere the ground was cold. I finally got very concerned and took her in and she ended up having a very severe urinary tract infection. You might want to ask your vet if that could be a possibility. They are in so much pain that they don't eat or drink water.

    I hope that helps a little.
  8. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i agree my cat also was a large kitty and he would suddendly lose alot of weight and refused to eat and had a urinary tract infection... if u take the cat to the vet i would run it across the vet that u r concerned about that... it might not be that but its a suggestion....as far as ur dad i was in a situation like that once w/ my mom and i begged 4 her to take my cat to a diffenet vet to get a 2nd opinion and all she wanted to do was put him to sleep i got her convinced to take him to another vet and found out the problem and got it treated and was able to make payments once a month towrds the bill... but i dunno about ur town but over here u can go down to the animal contorl office or humane society and have the animal put down free of charge if its a health issue... i would check and run that across to ur dad if its free...that way maybe then he might consider getting a 2nd opinion... good luck....
  9. Jesten

    Jesten New Member

    Somehting I forgot to add, I guess he had a infectiom in his stomach vets didnt why pr what caused it. a week and a half ago they said just see if he gets better, at 1st it was looking like he was getting better, but the last 5 days hes been getting worse again and the last 3 days he wont eat a pinch of food or water anymore. Now he is laying and not moving, looks like hes about to die anytime now. Im right next him and hes brathing but it seems like hes about to pass away soon. i even put my finger right by his eye and he'll ussually close it but just ignores me.

    If any1 has any suggetions plz say something quick, and dont say get another vets opinon my dads bringing him to the vet tomorrow and is gonna see if he has a chance or put him to sleepthat if he canmake it through the nite :( : ( : ( : ( : ( : ( : (
  10. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    what on earth do you want us to say? if hes that bad then it sounds like its been left it too late. sorry.
  11. footsie

    footsie New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. While we can all wish that he gets better, perhaps your dad is right. If the cat is in pain, rushing him from vet to vet will only make his last days more stressful and painful.
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Perhaps your father doesn't realize the seriousness of the situation. I'm assuming he's seen the cat....I highly doubt anyone in their right mind would just let the cat die with no help or treatment. I know its hard to grasp, and there's nothing we can say or do to help the situation any, other than to comfort you....but perhaps putting him to sleep is your only option. Allowing him to suffer is horrible, just immagine how you would feel in his situation.
  13. mazyku

    mazyku New Member

    :cry: I am sorry about your situation. Your cat is probably running a fever and is seeking a cool spot. That is what my Missy did when her fever was 105. Klye is right, it is probably best for your kitty, if your cat has lost that much of her weight in such a short time. Blood work can be fine one week and then completely different the next. I am truly sorry for what is going on with your cat.

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