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Need Your Prayers for My Sammy - Update: Goodbye Sammy

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by mysammycat, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. mysammycat

    mysammycat New Member

    As some of your might remember, last November I made a posting asking for your prayers for my cat, Sammy. He had surgery to remove a large mass that was blocking his intestines. It was found that it was pancreatic cancer and our Vet, Dr. M told us that Sammy would have only a couple of weeks at the most to live. Sammy was doing great until last week (five months after the surgery) when I noticed a lump in his lower abdomen. We took Sammy in to see Dr. M on Saturday and a biopsy was taken and we found out on Monday that it was cancerous. Dr. M suggested that we get an ultrasound done so we would know what the extent of the growth before deciding on what to do.

    Yesterday, April 27th at 11AM, we took Sammy to the Animal Critical Care Center where Sammy had ultrasound done on his abdomen. The ultrasound basically confirmed what we all feared, that Sammy’s cancer has come back and that it has now spread through out his internal organs. The initial mass that was removed from his pancreas five months prior has now reappeared. It’s currently about 2 cm in length. The lump that I found in his lower abdomen was another cancerous tumour that has now spread into his abdominals. There was also an abundance of fluid found in his stomach as well as a mass in his liver. Altogether there were about 6 different masses found.

    Dr. N, the Vet that performed the ultrasound said that since Sammy is still very strong and that he is obviously a fighter (It took the assistant and I quite a while to hold Sammy down so his belly can be shaved and the ultrasound was performed, let me tell you he put up quite a struggle for the full 20 minutes.) as long as Sammy is still eating and that he is not vomiting he should be ok. Usually cats with this type of cancer only last for about a couple of weeks after surgery and since Sammy has survived this long (a little more 5 months), we can only hope for the best. When Sammy stops eating that is when he is telling us that his body can’t handle it anymore. He’s supposedly not in any pain right now but more like a discomfort. All of the mass that is growing inside of his has made him weaker and obviously weighing him down. Sammy usually runs up the stairs and now takes it one step at a time. He is totally exhausted once he reaches the top of the stairs and needs to lie down and rest.

    Today Sammy woke me up this morning and jumped onto my bed and slept with me. He then got up, ate a few bites of food, drank a lot of water and laid in the sunshine for about an hour soaking up the sun before jumped back onto my bed and slept.

    I’m not sure how much longer Sammy can hold out and the sad part is that we can’t do anything to help him. Because the cancer has spread through out his internal organs, finding and removing all of it and still having Sammy surviving the operation would be highly unlikely. We do not want to give up on Sammy but we also do not want him to suffer any more than he has. He has gone through so much already. The last operation back in Nov. 25th, 2003 was very hard on Sammy and we do not want to put him through that again. I guess we can only be grateful that Sammy gave us an extra five months of love and that the joy and love he brought us these 13 and half years will always be remembered forever.

    Right now I think what we are going to do is make sure Sammy is still eating and keep a close eye on him. If his condition changes then we would have to decide on what to do next. I don’t want to let go but I also don’t want to see Sammy in pain.

    I will keep you posted on Sammy’s condition.

    Thanks in advance for all your prayers and support.

  2. mysammycat

    mysammycat New Member

    Here's a picture of Sammy when he was a baby


    Here's a picture of Sammy this past Christmas, a month after his operation to remove a cancerous mass blocking his intestines.


    And here's a picture of Sammy a couple of weeks ago

  3. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i am sooooo sorry to hear bout sammy... i will keep him in my prayers.... he reminds me sooo much of my jason that i had since i was 3 that died back in nov. 02 i miss him soo much.... i can only hope 4 u the best.... and once again im soooo sorry my heart goes out to u and sammy....
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. Thank you for this update. I agree with the vet, when he stops eating or he just seems like he's miserable you'll know it's time to do the kindest thing by putting him to sleep. I just want to add that if it was my kitty and that time came, I would have my vet come to my home and have him put to sleep here and not at the vets. That way his last moment will be in the comfort of his home, surrounded by the ones he loves and who love him dearly. He's a beautiful kitty and you are both lucky to have had each other. I'm really sorry. I do understand how tough it is. :(
  5. moose

    moose New Member

    sammy is in my heart -- your post brought tears to my eyes.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm really sorry to hear about Sammy. He is a really beautiful cat and I will most definately keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. fleafly

    fleafly New Member

    Poor Sammy. I will remember him and your family in my prayers. Enjoy the time that you have left with him...
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Hugs to Sammy

  9. mazyku

    mazyku New Member

    :cry: I am so sorry to hear about Sammycat. My heart is going out to you, as you know, my husband and I just experienced the same thing with our Missy. I can not stress how important these postings were when Missy was so sick. I miss her terribly, especially when I come home from work. My other two cats don't greet us like she did. Enjoy Sammy every waking minute. I wish I knew of a vet to have done what Chessmind had said but our situation happened 1:30 in the morning. The ride to the center was horrible. It was raining and all I could think of was it was many tears falling from heaven for her. I wish I would have decided sooner to put MIssy down as she faded so quickly. Do what is best to keep her from suffering. My heart TRULY goes out to you and Sammy. You are in my thoughts. Many, many hugs.
  10. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut New Member


    My heart goes out to you and sammy... :( I don't know what else to say, but I can feel your anguish.

    I do know...the sorrow we feel when we are losing, or lose someone we love is to the same degree of joy that they have brought us.
  11. mysammycat

    mysammycat New Member

    Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

    Sammy's health has been slowly deteriorating as he's been eating less and sleeping more. He's been drinking lots of water and peeing every four hours or so. He hasn't pooped since Saturday and that has me worried. Is there any way of making him poop? I know he has been eating way less but he must have to go sometime.

    Sammy has his good and bad days... yesterday was a good day, he was eating more and had more energy. He even went outside and sat on the steps to watch the cars and the birds for a bit.

    I think we all accept the fact that Sammy will be leaving us soon but I just don't want him to leave too earlier. I have heard people saying that when it's time cats will let you know. Besides not eating and vomiting, how does one know when it is time?

    Again thank you so much for your prayers and support... it means so much that you care. Thank you!
  12. mazyku

    mazyku New Member

    :cry: Oh, I am so sorry about Sammycat. As you know, we had to put our Missy to rest a couple of weeks ago. She also had stopped eating and I really never seen her poop for over a week. I was not sure if I just did not catch her in the act or she was just not going. Anyway, you will know when it is time. Your heart tells you and so will your Sammycat. My heart goes out to you. Think of all the good times and cry alot. Many hugs.
  13. Luvmykitties

    Luvmykitties New Member

    Oh, I'm sorry to hear about all of that. :cry: I will keep Sammy in my prayers and in my thoughts.
  14. dolly

    dolly New Member

    Poor Sammy :cry: . 13 years is a good long life for a kitty, try to think of the good times you've shared. He's lucky to have you and he will be in a happy place when the time comes, playing with all the kitties others have lost.
  15. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I'll keep you and Sammy in my prayers. It's a tough thing to go through. It must be worth having these animals in our lives. We fight so hard for them and suffer with them when they suffer. Yet, in the end, I think we all agree that it was all worth it. They give us so much and ask for so little in return.

    I hope Sammy's time with you is filled with the knowledge that he is dearly loved and cared for. And from the sound of it, I'm sure he knows.
  16. mysammycat

    mysammycat New Member

    Goodbye Sammy

    Today, May 25th, 2004 at 4:49PM we said our final goodbyes to our beautiful little boy, Sammy.

    As tough as it was, we felt that it was the best decision for everybody. Sammy's condition had gotten worst these past few weeks. It all started with Sammy being constipated for over a week and not able to do his business in the litter box. On May 13th, Sammy had an enema done but still he was unable to go. This past Sunday May 23rd, 10 days after the enema, Sammy's health turned for the worst. It started out being a better than normal day for Sammy as he was full of energy and was eating and drinking lots of water. He was even being a bit playful as he was being brushed in the morning. At around 3pm that afternoon Sammy was finally able to poop. It was only a tiny little bit and we were all relieved that it finally happened. But then things did a complete turn around. Sammy's stomach started pushing, wanting to poop some more but nothing was coming out. After about an hour of trying without success Sammy finally had to relief some pressure and vomited all the food and water he drank that morning. But Sammy was still unable to poop and was trying really hard. At around 7pm that same night Sammy's condition turned into a case of severe diarrhea. It was just horrible seeing Sammy in such pain as he tried and tried and only a tiny bit of brownish wetness coming out. There was a couple of times that he was pushing so hard that he cried out in pain. He was lying on the floor crying and pushing but there was nothing we could do. It got to a point where Sammy looked like he was about to past out and that totally freaked us out. And because it was a long weekend here and Dr. Montgomery was away, we didn't know what to do. Finally at around 3am, Sammy's diarrhea finally stopped.

    On Monday we decided that Sammy had suffered enough and we didn't want him to go through what he went through the day before again. It's so hard to let go but it's even harder to see someone you love suffer like that. I called Dr. Montgomery this morning and told her we wanted to do what's best for Sammy and she agreed.

    The rain started pouring at around 4:30PM as we arrived at Dr. Montgomery's office at around 4:40PM. After we had said our final goodbyes and gave Sammy a very last hug, Dr. Montgomery made the injection and Sammy was asleep within seconds. Sammy looked so peaceful.. he was no longer in pain. It was very emotional, even Dr. Montgomery was crying. She has been taking care of Sammy for the past 6 months and said that most cats with Sammy's condition last only about a month after the operation. Sammy lasted 6 months... he was a true fighter in every sense and like Dr. Montgomery said... Sammy was a miracle kitty.

    We will be picking up Sammy's ashes later on in the week.

    Thanks to everybody for their prayers and support... it truly means a lot.
  17. mysammycat

    mysammycat New Member

    Here's a picture of Sammy from April 29th, 2004, two days after his ultrasound.


    This is one of the last pcitures taken of Sammy from Monday May 24th, 2004


  18. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    what a sad story...i just saw this post. i am so sorry to hear about your little sammy. what a sweet and beautiful kitty. very sad. my kitty otis died two months ago. the day he died, he was wobbly all day. came on suddenly, but he was almost 20 years old. he had a seizure in the middle of the night. he was sleeping by my pillow when it happened.

    i admire your bravery. i could not be in the same room. it just about killed me to even know that they were going to put him to sleep. sometimes there is a measure of relief to know that they are not suffering anymore. i am so sorry about your kitty.
  19. dolly

    dolly New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about Sammy. :( Sometimes the hardest but kindest thing we can do for our pets is to let them go. He's in a better place now with all the other kitty angels.
  20. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry about your loss. You will always remember Sammy as a tough little fighter. You did the right thing by letting him go and ending his suffering. :cry: May you have many fond memories of this beautiful furbaby.

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