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New pictures of the hounds

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by goob, May 4, 2004.

  1. goob

    goob New Member

    The two of them sitting in the backyard

    Haley sniffing a flower (she grabbed it and tried to eat it right after :roll: )

    Hale's big mouth

    Goo (not sure what that face was about)

    Hale posed at the beach

    and in need of a diet

    Goo walking in the driveway

    Nice and shiny the day after a bath (nevermind that the next evening she rolled in THE smelliest dead fish EVER and had to be washed 3 times to get the stench out :roll: )

    Don't remember if I ever posted this one or not, but I think it's cute, and its only from last month, so not too old
  2. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Yes, that last one is a great pic of Goo!!
    Both dogs look great but since you first posted pics, I have always really liked Haley! Keep posting new pics of your beautiful dogs!
  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I love Haley's big mouth. What a gorgeous girl. Goo is a great lookin' doggie too.
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I love your dogs! That last picture of Goo is so sweet and the one of hale sniffing a flower...Awwwww.
  5. Meg04

    Meg04 New Member

    What great pictures. I love the one of Haley smelling the flower, how cute!!
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I love the the one where Haley is :D she looks so happy. and the last one of Goo, he looks so regal
    I thought of you when I got my best friends animal sanctuary magazine last month. There was an article about dogs with 3 limbs and they had lots of pictures dogs romping and one looked just like Haley.

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    You need to enter that last one in the contest!
  8. goob

    goob New Member

    Thanks :) They can be a couple little troublemakers, but they sure do make up for it in free entertainment :lol:
  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Too Cute!! I love that one of Haley at the beach. :eek:
  10. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Hey goob what state are you from the back drop in those pics look familure
  11. k9resq

    k9resq New Member

    What beautiful babies!! Haley is such a doll! Goo looks like the calm sweet one-or is that innocent face decieving(SP?)? Anyway they both look happy and very loved :eek:
  12. goob

    goob New Member

    Walt, I'm in central Maryland, not far from Baltimore City. Afraid we won't be seeing much more of that beach (or the field there either) though, the steel plant that owned it sold out a few weeks ago, so no more trips over there :(

    K9, Goo is pretty laid back, but can be a little savage when she wants. She's stubborn as a mule, and when you try to get her to go somewhere she doesn't want to (like in after a walk, she always wants to go down to the backyard before we head in), she plants her feet and gives a "not moving..." look :roll: . Haley on the other hand, is pretty much always a savage, knocking open the gate across my room and digging in my closet for goodies, raiding the trash, trying to pick fights with Goo, you name an annoying thing, she's probably done it :wink: .

    Here are a few more pics of them, I just can't control myself :lol:

    Travel size Goo (she actually let me tote her around in this thing :mrgreen: )


    Another of Goo's innocent faces

    When only minutes before she'd been doing this...


    Funny looking little frog bandanas

    One last one of Goo
  13. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Ah ha! lol
    Those are some funny and very cute pics!
    Goo must be your favorite????
    I could never get Shianne to sit next to a dog and be so calm like those two are...she would go nutz!
    She is too hyper for that and all she wants to do is jump on the other dog and play play play! But I guess thats because she hasn't been around many other dogs.
    Anyway, great pics!

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